Cam's New Lease on Life Journal (comments welcome!)

Tonight went so well food-wise. I am really glad I was able to resist all the delicious foods I put out and ate only the things I really wanted and only in moderation.

Here are my darlings, my son Andrew and his best friend Kristi


And here is their whole fun crew, heading off to the junior prom.

They are all here now for our very own post-prom party and they are leaving at 3 a.m. I need sleep! LOL!
Food was great yesterday and I didn't even get popcorn at the movies. Just a diet soda. Woohoo!
On to day 4 and starting strong. Surgery is tomorrow. Maybe the food thing will be a bit easier when I am stuck in bed for 2 weeks. LOL!
Hope everything went well Cam :hug:
cant see your pics at work but will check them out on home computer :)
Cam, sending warm wishes and prayers. I know how difficult knee surgery can be. Stay strong and take good care of yourself. :hug: Will be here waiting when you are up to posting.

I can't believe it's been 3 days since surgery. Time is passing in a daze, either from the pain meds or from trying to accomplish stuff during the couple of "good" hours provided by the meds.

The surgery was very different from what I expected but should turn out to be a much, much better solution. Instead of having a cell compound "spackled" on the bones with the resultant risk of the compound being sheared off with the wrong movement, I ended up with the "gold standard" of resolution, as far as prospects for success. My doctor found out last Thursday that he was able to get a cadaver bone graft with cartilage tissue in time for Monday's surgery, so when I showed up, I found out that would be implanted instead. They carved a wedge out of the femur at the weight bearing spot where the cartilage was gone. Then they cut a slightly larger wedge (like a dowel) from the cadaver bone with tissue on the end and forced it into the opening. The bone should fuse and the cartilage tissue should grow. The piece they put in is larger than what they took out so there is the pain from the drilling and the pressure/pain from that being wedged in there and then there's the really long incision over my knee cap along the "inside" -- I think the incision is about 4" long. He said the worst of the pain is from them opening up the joint to get to the operative site and then closing it up again.

I'm on dilaudid, which one nurse told me is the strongest narcotic they can prescribe. I was getting it every 3 hours by IV in the hospital and now take it orally every 4 hours. I am also on an antibiotic and aspirin. My leg is immobilized from mid-thigh to ankle. There is a dressing over the operative site, then a sleeve over that. Then a compression and ice pack that wraps around the leg with velcro; it has channels in it and two tubes coming out the bottom. Those tubes run to an electric ice chest. That compression & ice pack continually compresses and deflates and ice water runs through all the channels to keep my leg "on ice" and compression. Over the compression and ice pack is an immobilizer that looks like a removable cast. It has about 8 velcro tabs that hold it closed across the front of my leg up the whole length and then over those there are 7 velcro straps & loops that have to be kept tight.

I'm not allowed to even touch my toe to the floor (unless it's the difference between falling or putting my toe down to regain my balance, per the doctor. LOL!) so I am confined to my room. I use crutches to hop to the bathroom. And I have a wheelchair for when I want to sit up out of bed. I have an awesome bed desk so I've been able to do work since I felt up to it yesterday. I haven't spent even 5 minutes reading a book or watching any movies as I'd planned. It's funny how when you feel so bad you don't want to do anything fun.

My family has been amazing. The past 2 mornings since I've been home Howard got up and helped me get washed up and back in bed where he brought me coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Before they leave, Andrew brings me a cooler bag with lunch. Today, Jenn came home to deal with the guy from the Geek Squad who came to fix our wireless router and to interface with the cleaning lady. So far, it's been pretty smooth and I've been in too much pain to get bored yet.

I'm enjoying reading on the DIS tonight, though I can tell I am already wiped out again and need more medicine. I'll be back soon to do some relevant catching up.
WOW Cam that sounds like quite the procedure.Is it a sure thing, will this make all the pain disappear for sure?

I am glad your family is taking good care of you.

Hey sounds like you need a CRUISE!

Sending lots of prayers your way as you recover from your surgery, Cam.:hug: I'm glad to hear that your family is taking such good care of you!:hug:
WOW Cam that sounds like quite the procedure.Is it a sure thing, will this make all the pain disappear for sure?

I am glad your family is taking good care of you.

Hey sounds like you need a CRUISE!


Linda -- We are really praying this will fix my knee. It really should. It just may take a while. The process is painful, so I sure as heck hope it is worthwhile.

Sending lots of prayers your way as you recover from your surgery, Cam.:hug: I'm glad to hear that your family is taking such good care of you!:hug:

Thanks, Tracy. I can use all the prayers I can get. Yes, my family has been very patient with me. I'm not very good at being helpless. I'm sure I'm not the most pleasant person to be around right now.

I'm in a lot of pain today, so I'm feeling down. I've been avoiding taking medicine, but I think I have to take them soon and take a nap. I haven't even felt up to reading a book I've been "saving" since April 27. Oh well ....

Back soon to catch up.
Being stuck in my room has really helped me not to overeat. Howard brought me coffee this morning and I had a baggie of dry cereal that I munched on all morning in tiny bits (cap'n crunch, so not a great choice, but it wasn't much). He also packed me a nice lunch. I had a lean cuisine panini (I love these cold after they've been microwaved) and an apple. For a snack this afternoon I had a 100 calorie ritz snack mix pack.

I am looking forward to maintaining these good habits of eating normal amounts of foods even when I am not stuck in my room anymore. As a matter of fact, I still have a reese's dark chocolate peanut butter cup that Howard got for me Saturday night. I ate one and saved the other and haven't "needed" it yet. :woohoo:

I am sad to be missing a special olympics meeting tonight but Howard will fill me in on everything, even if I can't work on the event this year. I am going to try not to eat out of being sad about that.
Cam, first of all, I am sending some prayers out to you for a speedy recovery! I am new to your journal and its funny, I have been looking for a new Wish friend since a few people who I used to share with aren't around anymore. So when you posted on my journal, it was like "there's my new Wish friend"!

I need to read more of your journal, but page one alone gave me a lot of inspiration from your story and motivation to get my own self healthy.

I really look forward to getting to know you better. I did see your wedding pictures awhile back, Traceycooper told me about them and they were so lovely.

Hope you have a restful night.
Cam - You are doing awesome!!! I would be gobbling any chocolate in sight, because I "deserved" it for being in pain adn stuck. You are amazing! :goodvibes
Glad you are on the mend, Cam, & praying it will be well worth all the pain!

Enjoy your down time! You work hard & I know it's hard to just sit, but maybe it will turn out to be a bit of a break for you. And, you're doing AWESOME on not eating out of stress!

Hang in there!
Cam, first of all, I am sending some prayers out to you for a speedy recovery! I am new to your journal and its funny, I have been looking for a new Wish friend since a few people who I used to share with aren't around anymore. So when you posted on my journal, it was like "there's my new Wish friend"!

Amy -- I feel like I "know" you, especially since I lurk on these journals so much to draw inspiration from others. I am so glad you are here. Thank you!! I am really looking forward to sharing this journey. :hug:

Cam - You are doing awesome!!! I would be gobbling any chocolate in sight, because I "deserved" it for being in pain adn stuck. You are amazing! :goodvibes

Thank you, Carrie! I had really been working on not using food to "self-medicate" for pain or stress, especially after reading "Overcoming Overeating". Now, I feel like I should look on this "down time" as a jump start on breaking old habits. Not being mobile limits my choices. Whenever I ask Howard, Jenn or Andrew to bring me something, I give a lot of thought to how I will feel sitting in bed or the wheelchair afterwards. Will that food be "fuel"? Or just some fluff I put in my stomach that I regret. So, even if it is cheating, I am going to take advantage of this opportunity to build new, GOOD habits.

You are doing a wonderful job, Cam!!!:thumbsup2 How are you feeling, my friend?:hug: Sending more prayers your way!:goodvibes

Thank you for the prayers, Tracy. Painful today do to the outing to the doctor (I'll update on that below), but I am optimistic that this will all be worthwhile and I am well on my way to being upright and mobile and pain-free. :banana:

Glad you are on the mend, Cam, & praying it will be well worth all the pain!

Enjoy your down time! You work hard & I know it's hard to just sit, but maybe it will turn out to be a bit of a break for you. And, you're doing AWESOME on not eating out of stress!

Hang in there!

Thank you, Julie. You are the queen of being entitled to eat out of stress and not caving to it. Thank you for being such an inspiration. :hug:

Update on my recovery (feel free to skip! ;) )

Went to the doctor and got my stitches out this morning. The entire length of the incision is banded with what I think is called suture tape. The doctor said to not pull that off, let it continue to reinforce the closed incision, and the tape will fall off over time. He said he doesn't want to take any chances on small gaping openings in the incision and this will also help ward off infection.

He hadn’t expected me to do the leg raises that he suggested and was very pleased to find that I had done them and consequently, have pretty good quad strength in that leg. Since I did, I can now move on to trying to bend my knee. He suggested sitting on the edge of the bed and allowing gravity to pull it down bit by bit and if I can’t stand the pain to stop the range at that point and not push it. I will see him again in a week. In the interim, I will work on building up the bending range. I’m allowed to put my foot down for balance but no real weight bearing and no “pushing off” with it. I have to use the immobilizer and crutches whenever I am out of bed. But I am allowed to take a shower now that the stitches are out. YAY!!!

I am due back at the office Monday. I have been working from home since the day after I came home from the hospital, but it's not the same as being in the office. We picked up a huge package of mail and pleadings from my secretary on the way home, so that will keep me busy this afternoon before and after 2 teleconferences, assuming I am up to it.

Getting back up the stairs when we got home was rough and Howard had to lift me off the floor at the top of the steps because of the pain. All I could say after "thanks, honey." was "How embarassing." So, now my knee is swollen huge just from doing that much.

My poor dog, Cali, heard me whimpering after Howard left and I was doing my exercises. She came running up, all concerned. Now she is lying by the bed, keeping me company and checking on me every little while. What a sweet companion she is.

BBL! I have to also check the dunkin donuts website. We stopped there for Howard to get me breakfast/lunch and he ordered a turkey & cheese flatbread instead of eggwhite with turkey sausage and no cheese. I have to figure out how many calories it was. It was a very nice treat but I'll have to be careful the rest of the day. Since it's the only thing I've eaten today, I am sure it is not in excess of my breakfast and lunch allowances.
Cam - :grouphug:It is not cheating to try to make the nbest of a very hard situation. That's awesome! I worry that you have only eaten 1 thing all day. I know you're not burnign a lot, but be careful not to starve yourself or bring your metabolism down too much with too few calories. You are such an inspiration! Must look into Overcoming Overeating.
Cam it really sounds like you are doing great with your recovery and that is good news! And not surprising given your strength and determination. That is so sweet about your dog, I have a friend who just had major back surgery and her dog has been the same way. They are truly our best friends!

You amaze me with being able to work from home through this, I'd be popping the pills and passing out in front of the tube cause I am a baby!

We don't have Dunkin Donuts but the new Subway breakfast sandwiches have me intrigued. I may have to try one!


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