Calling all DISers

Stroller Boy

'I think it was the immortal words of Socrates who
May 6, 2007
Okay, so I'm one of those career student types, not by choice, but by the fact that I've taken 15 years to finish a 4 year degree program.... Anyhoo, I'm in my last class and have to write a research paper of the argumentation/persuasion type. Pete's rant about the non-Disney owned/run hotels on property has given me the topic, now all I need is the ammo! So here's where you fine folks come in!

Can you provide your own take on the new developments (condo's, Four Seasons, potential for Disney to outsource currently owned properties....)? Have there been articles already written about this? I'm just getting going on the research end, but thought this community would be AWESOME for giving their personal feelings of which I could incorporate in the paper. Perhaps I could make up a Stroller Boy T-shirt for those comments that make it in....Will have to think about that one... Would be great to get some DIS-Unplugged shirts and put "Stroller-Squad" on the back, LOL!

Thanks everyone in advance for your time (and I'm sure, much sarcasm..Menasha.....Oscar....) on this! :cool1:
Okay, so I'm one of those career student types, not by choice, but by the fact that I've taken 15 years to finish a 4 year degree program.... Anyhoo, I'm in my last class and have to write a research paper of the argumentation/persuasion type. Pete's rant about the non-Disney owned/run hotels on property has given me the topic, now all I need is the ammo! So here's where you fine folks come in!

Can you provide your own take on the new developments (condo's, Four Seasons, potential for Disney to outsource currently owned properties....)? Have there been articles already written about this? I'm just getting going on the research end, but thought this community would be AWESOME for giving their personal feelings of which I could incorporate in the paper. Perhaps I could make up a Stroller Boy T-shirt for those comments that make it in....Will have to think about that one... Would be great to get some DIS-Unplugged shirts and put "Stroller-Squad" on the back, LOL!

Thanks everyone in advance for you time (and I'm sure, much sarcasm..Menasha.....Oscar....) on this! :cool1:

There is a chapter or two in the book Realityland talking about the building of MK and how US Steel was supposed to "own" the Contemporary Hotel. Once it was built, Disney thought better of it and bought them out.

May be some stuff there you could use?
There is a chapter or two in the book Realityland talking about the building of MK and how US Steel was supposed to "own" the Contemporary Hotel. Once it was built, Disney thought better of it and bought them out.

May be some stuff there you could use?

Thanks Minnie! Realityland ehh, hmmm, sounds about right! I'll put it on the list to check out.

I'd love to hear any opinion as to how these interlopers would ultimately drag down the "magic" that is Disney. For me, all I have to do is drive down any strip outside of the property!!! Talk about night and day difference...
Thanks Minnie! Realityland ehh, hmmm, sounds about right! I'll put it on the list to check out.

I'd love to hear any opinion as to how these interlopers would ultimately drag down the "magic" that is Disney. For me, all I have to do is drive down any strip outside of the property!!! Talk about night and day difference...

There is actually quite a lot of other info in the book about how they hired a bunch of "hotel people" to help them learn about how to run the Contemporary and all the issues they had w/ them. Most of the "hotel people" management were let go within a few years because no matter how hard they tried they just didn't "get" the "Disney Way."

I just read this part of the book is quite the interesting read.
I can't wait to buy one. Okay, maybe I should say, I can't wait to WIN one, since I'm not a Saudi oil sheik.
Wow, not a good topic I suppose judging by the response :confused3 Not even sarcasm!

Perhaps I should think about switching the focus of the paper to Disney price increases driving out patrons (stroller related, of course).

Although, I heard a rumor recently that Disney was going to remove the charge for parking? Probably just a rumor, but would be very interesting given the other increases...

Thanks anyhow folks!:thumbsup2
Wow, not a good topic I suppose judging by the response :confused3 Not even sarcasm!

Perhaps I should think about switching the focus of the paper to Disney price increases driving out patrons (stroller related, of course).

Although, I heard a rumor recently that Disney was going to remove the charge for parking? Probably just a rumor, but would be very interesting given the other increases...

Thanks anyhow folks!:thumbsup2

I think that might be a better route to go. I did a paper on aroma therapy and Disney. They used smells to increase food purchases. So that fresh popcorn or cookie smell is being pumped through the street grates to make you hungry. LOL. Nice hungh!! Smell is a very strong buying factor.:rotfl2:
I think that might be a better route to go. I did a paper on aroma therapy and Disney. They used smells to increase food purchases. So that fresh popcorn or cookie smell is being pumped through the street grates to make you hungry. LOL. Nice hungh!! Smell is a very strong buying factor.:rotfl2:

Boy do I know that! Smell had me searching the park for a turkey leg on a trip way back when... :)
Do you know that the stat I got was they increased sales by half a million dollars by pumping smells into the resort. That number is huge.
There is a chapter or two in the book Realityland talking about the building of MK and how US Steel was supposed to "own" the Contemporary Hotel. Once it was built, Disney thought better of it and bought them out.
Interesting you should mention the book as I was just given it for my birthday! :) I may have more to share on this topic & formulate some opinions after reading the book~!
You could probably wrap a nice tidy argument with a bow about why they are increasing stroller prices.... ;)
well a time share is a time share... but for the new homes being built, they are in fact being de annexed, so while they will be with in the resort, they won't have voting rights of any kind... and I suspect from the wording they will be fractional ownership, which is not like a time share at all. it is a good or a bad thing for building these homes... neither, it is the nature of the beast. When I win the lottery, you are all welcome to come stay with me. Again a good guess is that it will be a lot of foreign investment and the ultra wealthy that already have several vacation homes in these.

When it comes to the Four Seasons (and yes according to trade mark you have to spell out "four") this is going to attract a level of customer that WDW cannot currently attract, because the GF while nice, is not the Four Seasons. The Four Seasons is as far above the GF as the GF is above motel 6. The typical Four Seasons guest spends $600 a night on a room, uses room service no less than once a day (be it for coffee and donuts, or drinks, or a desert type thing) and has a large expense account to put it all on. They go on vacation for several weeks at a time, well the wife and kids do while Dad jets back and forth to meetings etc. while they (wife and kids) have a good time. It really is just different.
The Four Seasons Dad doesn't want to wait in line and it willing to pay a Hefty sum so he can do the dad thing and still get in 18 holes and a massage. All told with tickets and dining... you are looking at folks dropping $1500 a day for their vacation to WDW while staying at Four Seasons. you can see they are gearing up to cater to this kind of customer, as this kind of customer is not impacted by recession, and wants exclusive always on fast pass, and the Nintendo DS map device, etc. Is that good or bad... well there already do somethign like that at universal, other parks are experimenting with it... Cedar Point has a service where you can get direct front of line access all day, for $200 per person min 4 people, etc. It is a way to grow the bottom line.

If I could afford it would I do it, sure maybe, sometimes. There are already situations where the ultra rich are getting exclusive access, just no one knows about it 'cuase they keep it on the downlow, like with the Sultan of Bruni's kids when they are in WDW... they take a floor or two and get front of line access, just that it looks like a tour group and no one notices.

Now the stroller rental thing... that is just plain silly. cause you can rent a car cheaper, this blows their advertising of a family of 4 for $1600 or whatever out of the water... I mean that advertising campaign has the souvenir business hurting 'cause that's what a family will budget then have nothing left over for the GI joe with kung fu grip... the values are always packed, but then again, the mods and deluxe are always packed too. In order to please the share holders WDW has to expand at the bottom and at the top of the economic ladder... but after a little home work, adding $200 for a stroller, $160 for park hopper, meals, etc. That $1600 vacation is now more like $2500 throw gas and.or air fare and you are at $3500 for a family of 4 from ohio.

But that is the price to play at the happiest place on earth.

so what are we trying to persuade people to do? boycott strollers, and bring your own? Stop at walmart on the way in and get a disposable? to lower the price to a reasonable increase. I understand the argument about stroller parking getting out of hand... but is the alternative to not bring kids? Heck my first trip was when I was 7 or 8 somewhere in there, and that is about right to be able to walk it all yourself, and remember the trip. I know I had been to stuff like cedar point and kings island, and Sea World of ohio (what a flop) before that, but the memories are not as clear. The parents bringing toddlers... I just see it as a lot of work with a diaper bag, for something that the kid is not going to remember... but Disney has done such a great marketing job on making it a family right of passage and your kid will grow up to "put the lotion on its skin" if ya don't take them to WDW.

So is it more realistic to reset expectation? Is this WDW's way of saying, wait till your kid can throw a tantrum in the Emporium for the Ears with the name and the nerf hoola hoop now improved with retsin toys that have to go home in a gunny sack? is this the first salvo at changing the type of family that comes to WDW?

In the 70's the fact that our family would goto WDW was outrageous. When I would start school in the fall and I would say I went to WDW for summer vacation, I had a teacher call me a lier in front of the class... who then called my parents to tell them what I lier I am, and she didn't apologize when they told her yeah, he went to WDW for a week this summer... it just wasn't common for a family to vacation at WDW, it was exclusive. But now it is pretty much everyone, that can go, and does go. I'm not saying that is bad, but I remember when Coral Reef had waiters that wore white gloves.

ok so there is my rant... what was the question?
and another thing... the Disney stores... wow, how did that outsourcing go? does anyone else remember then the Disney Stores were full of the cool stuff, the art and the figurines? along with t shirts and plush. Well the plush is one of those rights of passage, and where did the classic mickey t go. If you wanna sell that stuff take a page out of the insurance industries book and market to baby boomers and retirees, I'd say 3 out of 5 families grandma and grandpa are writing the check for this stuff, gotta tug on them to open the pocket book and who doesn't wanna see annette and bobby in those tight mickey t shirts?

Any way, Disney has learned a little about what it is to outsource the brand, and/or a key competency of the business to someone else, who doesn't get it. I went though this for years in Information Technologies stuff. The accountants think you can outsource anything no different than outsourcing the changing of light bulbs and cutting the grass. The front line folks, and core business competencies, once outsourced is now going to the lowest bidder, who in turn has to make a profit for their share holders. Before ya know it you have guys parking cars at the Beach Club who are forced by law to introduce themselves to their neighbors. Walt from the get go, got it, that you have to keep these things in house, that you have to take it to heart, that you establish traditions... Do you think Art the Greeter can be outsourced?

So Disney is bringing the stores back in house, lesson learned... so now what. Ya have a few hundred stores that have all the inventory from a company that didn't get it. Yeah Billy got is Cars figure and Sally got her princess dress, but that is um, tedious to the Fanboy crazies like me that clamor for a decent Mickey watch that doesn't fall apart in 20 min. 3 freakin years I have been hunting for a decent new style of Mickey watch. I have the original, that you have to wind the post every day for it to run (in my safety deposit box, I have up to date ones form the 80's, the 90's and now I have one for this decade... but my goodness it really took three years of looking to find a decent mickey watch. It really should not be that hard. Just keep an eye out at the mall, in the mornings when the mall walkers are making the rounds, of how many grandpa's are wearing a mickey watch, you'll be surprised.

I still have no clue what the question was.
Something else they have outsourced is their third shift workers in the parks.
Wow, not a good topic I suppose judging by the response :confused3 Not even sarcasm!

Perhaps I should think about switching the focus of the paper to Disney price increases driving out patrons (stroller related, of course).

Although, I heard a rumor recently that Disney was going to remove the charge for parking? Probably just a rumor, but would be very interesting given the other increases...

Thanks anyhow folks!:thumbsup2

This could be a good topic, but Disney isnt forcing anyone out. They are actually increasing attendence. There attendence has only missed increasing one year in the last 20 years i believe i heard. That was after 9/11. They may be pushing out some younger families, but they are attracting more europeans, and adults who are willing to pay. So that may not be the best topic.
Something that may be a good topic that there is a ton of info on on the internet about is what Disney Parks have done to rides that is objectionable. I don't mean to get into a Keep Moving Forward versus Purist Argument here, but you get my point. There are a bevvy of materials out there that discuss some missteps by Imagineering due to Synergy, branding, "Keeping with the times" etc. You could persuade the audience really either way.
Thanks Minnie! Realityland ehh, hmmm, sounds about right! I'll put it on the list to check out.

I'd love to hear any opinion as to how these interlopers would ultimately drag down the "magic" that is Disney. For me, all I have to do is drive down any strip outside of the property!!! Talk about night and day difference...

Interlopers? lol Didn't Disney invite the Four Seasons in? Good luck on your paper.

I just got Realityland from Amazon, but haven't received it yet. Is it a good book?
Interlopers? lol Didn't Disney invite the Four Seasons in? Good luck on your paper.

I just got Realityland from Amazon, but haven't received it yet. Is it a good book?

Thanks Diane, yea, I meant interlopers from "our" perspective, not the company's. I've got the basis for a paper, but don't think that the professor would think that "Pete's Rant" is a credible source.... Of course, we all KNOW Pete's rant IS a credible source, but unless the prof is on the disboards I'd be in trouble!

Some other good ideas here, going to filter through them tonight. Haven't even had a chance to read Oscar's notes yet! Can't wait!
Is this for an English class (composition?) or a Comm (rhetoric?) class?
As a professor of Persuasion , I would suggest refocusing your paper. But first...what is the name of the course? That will make a huge difference....a course on Consumer Behavior vs. Persuasion vs. Organizational Behavior, and so on...your topic will be affected (I teach all of the above courses, as well as many others. My Ph.D. is in Behavioral Science, so I look at things like consumer behavior, org, behavior, voting behavior and communication behavior.)

Happy to help if I can.


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