Calena's quest for healthy living - advice welcome!

good job on exercising w/ the family there.. it would be a hard thing for me to do!! you encourage me!!!
any good websites that you could give me to help me out w/ south beach?

have a nice day. enjoy the time w/ the family
What a week! My nephew was quite sick with the flu, bless his heart. (Now I am just anticipating the my kids coming down with this next week! DS,5, was always about three inches away from dear nephew!) So, he was on the sofa and looking pathetic. I developed swimmers ear, which I have NEVER had but which was quite painful. Today is the first day with no pain! I could hardly sleep at night. I would try to go for a walk and my head just throbbed. So no swimming, walking, jogging etc. Yesterday I went for a swim with the kids, but kept my head out of the water mostly... did some water jogging etc. I read about preventative drops (vinegar and alcohol) which you can use in the ear after swimming and may opt for that this week. I do NOT want it to come back. So... my exercise log has been non-existent. My mom has done most of the cooking so I have definitely deviated from the beach. The only good thing is I felt so lousy I just wanted to eat soup mostly!
So... back ON PROGRAM this week! I may Phase 1 it for a few days just to get my body shocked back into the routine! We will see. It has been a challenge to try to be on my plan with company etc. I missed exercising!
I weighed on Saturday and I was actually down one lb, so I don't know if that was just the flu/swimmers ear or whatever, but we will see. Since then I have been feeling better and eating more! :teeth: I will wait for my weigh in on Thursday to see what the real story is! My mom said she thought my scale was heavy... wouldn't that be great?
Hi Calena...I'm going to start South Beach sometime. Any tips or hints? I admire you!

Ta ta for now!
Sorry you've been feeling bad. Do you have some ear plugs? I got some last year from my doctor because my right ear canal was more swollen from the radiation...they really work great to keep the water out and I haven't had a problem since.

Have a good Monday! :)
Hi Calena~

How are you feeling today? I'm sending some prayers and :wizard: for a speedy recovery.

Take care and have a great day! :flower:
Get feeling better, Calena! I used to get swimmers ear as a kid and hated it! Congrats for getting back on program!
keep going, keep moving, keep working and keep swimming...the results are coming, and you're doing AWESOME...getting back on program is SUPER...hang in there!!! :)

Hi, Calena! From someone who knows how painful swimmer's ear can be, you really have my sympathy. You have to be careful, though. DS12's swimmer's ear progressed to an ear infection and those drying drops were extremely painful. Be very careful!

Glad to hear your scale is cooperating. Yippee!!! Good luck with sticking to your plan. I am impressed with how much you exercised even when you didn't feel well. You are definitely an inspiration :)

Take care and have a wonderful day!
Thanks for all the support. Monday I felt great so I went for a swim... Tuesday a tingle started in my ear... so back to my ear drops. I used ear plugs in my one ear yesterday and kept my head OUT of the water. Felt like a grandmother, but the package I bought said they were used by two people on the Canadian swimming team, so if they can - I can! ;) I am also cutting out dairy for a bit - which hurts - a couple of years ago I had recurring sinus infections in the winter and I finally just cut dairy from my diet and that really helped. I love dairy, so this is a sacrifice! I also think I was a bit stressed out and run down with stuff, so.... I hate being sick. Enough on that!
Good news is I weighed "officially" today and I have lost another 2 lbs for 3 lbs in July, 11 since starting South Beach and 15 since starting WISH!!!! :banana: My loss has been slow but steady and that is good, because I feel I can keep it off better. I am learning positive life style choices. I have been following LOOSELY the principles of South Beach while my parents were here, but now will be back to the beach seriously. My goal is to lose another 10 lbs by Dnephews wedding in September. I can do it! I am wearing an outfit I wore two weeks ago and it is so much looser! Can two lbs make that much difference? I'll take it anyway it comes. :rolleyes:
Miss my parents and dnephew 10 and dniece 6. It was nice to have them here. Our house is getting back to normal now without them, which means I do the cooking! My mom said she gained 5 lbs while she was here. I didn't tell her I lost 3!
Hi Calena!

Congratulations on your weight loss! :cool1: That is wonderful!!! :teeth: Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

I'm sorry to hear that your ear is still giving your problems. :( I hope those ear plugs help and that your ear heals completely soon. ::yes::

Take care and have a wonderful afternoon! :sunny:
Great work! It's tough to eat well when you're entertaining (as I discovered while my parents were visiting this week), so you should be very happy!!!

I think 2 lbs can actually make a big difference, but it's also probably your body weight shifting a bit. I've also noticed a big difference in the way my clothes fit lately, and I haven't dropped more than 3 or so lbs. Anyway, like you said, take what you can get! ;)

Have a great day!

BTW- no, I haven't gotten a new swimsuit yet, and I think I better hurry before they disappear from the stores! You're sounds really cute- I might be bold and go for a tankini. I'll keep you updated...
Sounds like you had a good visit. Good for you to post a loss too!

15 lbs! WAHOO! You've been consistant and that helps so much.

Too bad about your ears. Do whatever you can to stay healthy. Ear plugs, who cares if it keep you in the H2O! :)

Just wanted to stop by and say HI :wave: after my hiatus!

Happy Friday! :sunny:
I'm still catching up from being gone and it seems you have been doing AWESOME!!!

HUGE Kudos on losing weight while having company! That's terrific and NOT easy.

Hope you are feeling better!
Great work! Congrats on losing 15!!!!

You're doing an awesome job! Be proud!

Hope you have a great weekend.
Congrats on the 15 lbs :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I'm sorry to hear about your ear. I hope ear plugs will do the trick. Just keep swimming :)

Yesterday I was driving with DS, 5, and we passed two joggers. He said: "Look, just like you Mommy." It is amazing how our perception of self is different from how others see us! I am glad he sees me as an active role model.
I'm starting "improve your stroke" swimming classes today (Wed and Fri) and that should be good. I love to swim, but feel my technique could use some touch ups.
I am having a hard time getting back on track food wise. Not totally off, but I have been eating stuff I know is not good for me. It is like I went in celebration mode after 15 lbs off and rewarded myself with food. Why do I do this? I have also not been exercising as I should because I have not been feeling 100 percent, but that is really a lousy excuse. :guilty: I have actually been feeling good the last three or four days and did go jogging twice. When I checked the scale today I am up one lb (we will pretend that is water weight), so I need to get focused again before I am back up 5, 10, 15 lbs!
SO - Back to the beach seriously - Phase II. Which means - quit the ice cream, sugary drinks and sandwiches! I can do this!
Go Calena! :cheer2:

You CAN do this!!! :Pinkbounc Just think... you are almost 1/2 way to your weight loss goal! That is wonderful!!! :Pinkbounc Just keep on keeping on and you WILL do it! :cheer2: Go Calena Go! Woohoo! :Pinkbounc

Have a healthy and happy day today! :flower:
You CAN do it, you CAN do it, you CAN do it!!!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

I guess I'm in cheering mode today - so to speak :)

Keep up the work, getting back on track is hard but great once you do it. And funny about your ds. It is amazing what they pick up.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
The class sounds like a great way to motivate you to feel active again. I signed up for a swimming class last year, but then had to cancel for health reasons. I'll have to see if they are offering it again- I also love swimming laps, and wonder how correct I am with my strokes.

Remember what a relief Phase 2 was from Phase 1, and I doubt it will feel as restrictive. I know...passing up icecream in summer is a hard thing. I've been treating myself to one of the sugarfree, carb-smart bars each night w/ a t. of peanut butter and it satisfies my cravings (and is super tasty!)

Anyway, hope you have a good day. Keep taking care of that ear!
The swimming class was great. Challenging, specific and I am excited about improving my form. I feel my muscles today, so I know I was using my muscles differently (properly) and that is good. There are only two of us in the class, so it is like having a personal trainer which is great. The other "girl" (my age :) ) was working on endurance stuff on Wed and I just wanted stroke improvement, but that worked great. Tommorrow we are both doing stroke improvement.
My 1 lb is gone again, and TOM is here, so what does that tell you? I should really start marking that down, because I do get extra food cravings and if I just know it is "that" then maybe it is easier to fight it! The urge for sugar and salt must be fought!
DS, 8 and DD, 10, are at camp this week. I MISS THEM. I don't think they miss "us" much though! ;) I received a call from camp that DS 8 had a blister and needed new shoes so I drove to camp (30 minutes) to drop off an old pair of runners and lots of socks for him. DD (when she knew they were calling us for the shoes) also asked for extra shoes, pants and a particular sweatshirt. So, DS, 5, and I arrive at camp. First, I can't even find my kids in the dining hall and then they both do their best to not aknowledge us. I was a kid too... but hey! I did feel bad for DS,5. He has missed them so much. DS, 8, gave him a hug when we were leaving and he did talk to us - a bit - but DD was much too cool. As DS5 said "She didn't even smile Mommy." Needless to say - DD will hear that comment when she comes home on Saturday. I remember loving camp as a kid, but it is your own world, and having Mom show up is not the funnest thing!
I'm working on sticking with Phase II... want to see more weight come off!


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