Bus on demand?

I just got back last night and all week long they were on the regular 20 min routes. Allthough there were some resorts that seemed to take longer than others.
I sure hope they are on their regular schedules when we're there next month. Didn't sound like the Bus on Demand was very successful!
We got back last week and NEVER saw bus on demand.....the regular bus schedule seemed to work pretty good....one time though, going to Magic Kingdom around 5pm, the bus was 45 minutes late....that really upset a lot of people and I complained to the All Star Movies Resort...all they said was...we are working on that....
Ok, Disney is still Testing Magic On Demand but things
have been Scaled back abit due to Computer problems
and Logistics problems too.

Here is a quick report on the Various park hubs, I plan
to post more info later when I get more time.

All Parks: From Start up till 11:OO am
Disney Buses are Dispatch from there Zones using a Manual Paper system, the buses are not on any kind of a Schedule but are Dispatch every 20 mins or if demand
is High additional units are sent to where they are needed.

Magic Kingdom/TTC Hub (after 11 am)
Buses at this hub is a test area for the Computer system
and the Palm Computers are used at this Hub but is
Limited at this time, Buses are Dispatch every 20 mins or when Needed (by Computer), Ft Wilderness Buses are on the Old Count Sheet Schedule system as the new system does not work too good for the Fort Buses at the Moment.

Disney Animal Kingdom Hub (After 11 am)
Buses are Dispatch using the Manual Paper system all
day-long, Buses here are not using the old system, also
this Hub is starting to test the Palm Computers Dispatch
system. (will update this one when I have more Info)

Epcot Hub (after 11am)
At 11am the Buses at this park go on the old Count Sheet Schedule system so there have been little or no
major problems at this Hub.

Disney/MGM Hub (after 11am)
Same as Epcot - At 11am the Buses at this park go on the old Count Sheet Schedule system so there have been little or no major problems at this Hub.

Downtown Disney Hub (after 11am)
Same as Epcot/MGM - At 11am the Buses at this park go on the old Count Sheet Schedule system so there have been little or no major problems at this Hub.

Disney plans to change each hub to the Computer system a little at a time, when they use the computer system back on March 25, they bit off more than they could chew, so they are fixing various problems that have been occurring during the day. The top priority is to get the Morning System working again with the computers this is called Phase One. there are other Phase's including having the Greeters back at the Resorts you could see them as early as this Coming week.

just begun ........they admitted that it had to many flaws then........hope it is better now........we do admit that once in a while we were the only ones on a bus......so I can understand the thought of trying to save money and gas on two people busses..........


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