Buffet sightings?


DIS Veteran
Sep 30, 2000
Has anyone ever seen Jimmy Buffet at Margaritaville? I was wondering if he ever stopped down to play with the band. I know he's on tour in Feb. in Fla, and was curious if he ever stops by.
I know he appeared during the grand opening of Margritaville.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
Dreamer -
the grand opening was quite a while ago. We ate there last Feb and asked our server if Jimmy ever stops by. We were told he occasionally does, but I don't think it would ever be announced ahead of time. I'm sure if it was, you wouldn't get within a mile of the place. We can dare to dream though, right? ;)

<font color=green>I gotta go where there ain't any snow....</font>

<font color=green><big>PHINZUP!!</big></font>
The grand opening was in March 1999, I believe. I remember a co-worker went during Spring Break.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
The grand opening must have been a lot of fun! We live year round in the town Jimmy spends his summer. We've seen him around a bit and he's a regular guy. We love to catch his show whenever possible. Without a doubt, we'll eat at Margaritaville next month.

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