

Aug 4, 2004
Has anyone stayed at AK all day and then go to BOMA for dinner?
Seems like a very long day.
I made my Boma ressie for the day that I plan to be at AK. Not sure if it will all work out because we want to do some waterparks and will need to take advantage of good weather for that.

Anyhow, I made my Boma ressie for 5:00 p.m. I figured that I will get to AK around 9:00 (or whenever park opening is) and it will take me until about 4:30 or so to do what I want (I will also have lunch in between). All in all, that doesn't seem to be a long day. But if you are planning on staying at AK from open to close, then yep, I'd be worn out.
Thanks. We'll do two half days at AK. I think were better off going to Boma after resting at the resort for a few hours. Rest up for all that good food, lol.
Yes, we did that. We went to AK all day and then had PS at Boma for around 6:00.

mahoneyth said:
Thanks. We'll do two half days at AK. I think were better off going to Boma after resting at the resort for a few hours. Rest up for all that good food, lol.

Wow, that's a lot of time at AK!!! Have you been before? The reason I ask is that when I went, I could barely find enough to do all day (that was before Asia really opened though).
Wow, that's a lot of time at AK!!! Have you been before? The reason I ask is that when I went, I could barely find enough to do all day (that was before Asia really opened though).

Sorry to jump in. :flower: We did not finish everything at AK. And we were there right after it opened and left right about 5:00. We didn't see the parade, get on the train and I think we missed most of the animals at the oasis. Sandra
Christine said:
Wow, that's a lot of time at AK!!! Have you been before? The reason I ask is that when I went, I could barely find enough to do all day (that was before Asia really opened though).

If you take your time walking around it is possible to stay until closing. I can spend most of my time watching the animals. So I guess it depends on how much time you want to invest in AK.
Wow, that's a lot of time at AK!!! Have you been before? The reason I ask is that when I went, I could barely find enough to do all day (that was before Asia really opened though).

Sorry to jump in. :flower: We did not finish everything at AK. And we were there right after it opened and left right about 5:00. We didn't see the parade, get on the train and I think we missed most of the animals at the oasis. Sandra
Christine said:
Wow, that's a lot of time at AK!!! Have you been before? The reason I ask is that when I went, I could barely find enough to do all day (that was before Asia really opened though).

If you take your time walking around it is possible to stay until closing. I can spend most of my time watching the animals. So I guess it depends on how much time you want to invest in AK.
I don't doubt that you can fill up a whole day. I was questioning the need for 2.5 days to do AK. I wasn't sure if the OP thought it would take them 2.5 to complete the park or if they just enjoyed it so much that they wanted to spend 2.5 days there. That's all.
(to above reply, I think the OP was saying half days, two of them)
Anyway, I'm thinking about arriving at AK for mid-late afternoon, staying til 7:30 or so, then doing Boma around 8pm. Its an evening EMH at AK, so I think that means it will be open til 8pm. I suppose I should figure out what won't be open during EMH and do that first. Anyone have any advice on the EMH at AK, or Boma 8pm timing (I'll be sure to make an AP.
Thanks, oh our trip is Sep 6-10, the AK emh, I'm guessing, is on the 6th. I know this could all change due to weather or EMH changes but its fun to plan....
We usually do AK first thing in the morning. But on our trip in late Nov this year we went about 2ish, saw a little bit, watched the holiday parade and then hustled over to Boma for our 5:30 PS. Next month we have PS for 7:20. AK closes late that day, so we should be able to get a lot done before we eat. My only issue with doing AK for an extended period of time and then eating is that you can get very hot and sweaty in AK. There isn't a lot of breeze blowing through there and the areas of shade are few and far between. So, if you are planning on seeing/doing it all, and then eating, you may want to try to break it into 2 visits. One early in the day and then a later one when you will be eating at Boma.
Goofy4Tink - how did you "hustle" to Boma, bus or car? I'm trying to decide if it makes more sense to park at AKL mid afternoon and use the bus back and forth from the lodge to the park, or if it makes more sense to park at AK then drive to AKL for dinner. Not sure how hectic the bus is compared to parking lot at closing time on an EMH night. Thanks
Maybe I can get my question answered here....sorry to hijack a thread.

We have an AR for Boma at 5:30pm. We want to be in AK from about 11am until we have to leave to get to AKL for dinner. We want to watch the parade which starts at 4pm and I was thinking if we watch it from the base of the bridge right across from the Tree of Life, will we have enough time to leave the park and catch a bus to AK? Or should we plan on seeing the parade another day?



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