Boardwalk vs. GF

Princess Ash

<font color=deeppink>Disney Princess<br><font colo
Feb 16, 2002

I've stayed at the GF, YC, and BC. We were gonna stay at the GF again, but are thinking about the Boardwalk. Which do you guys like best? Which perks are better? Thanks!
I like the BW better, mainly because of the fun you can have at night, and also that it is so close to Epcot and MGM, my two favorite parks.

Plus, since you have already stayed at the GF, you can try something new by staying at the BW!
Wow I was totally in your position a few years ago: had stayed at GF and BC, was going to go to GF again, but then were torn between that and the BWI- we ended up going to the Boardwalk and five trips back there we absolutely love it! It's in the best location- can walk to MGM and Epcot, has lots of thigns to do (lots of games and stuf), a better pool than the GF, and so much more. Personally, I find the GF a little 'prissy' for my taste, but I still think it's a good hotel, but I would definitely go to the BWI if I were you!

Have a great trip! :earsgirl:
ive never stayed at those hotels! :(

but i woudl say stay at boardwalk!

we always try a new hotel(well almost everytime)


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