Big Apple, Boardwalk, and Beach - Bullies and Wrap-up (The End!) (pg 44)

Hilton Head sunset photos

Every Tuesday night over the summer, Shelter Cove, the marina next to Disney’s Hilton Head resort, holds a fireworks show. When Judy and I were there by ourselves the year before, it was canceled due to an intense thunderstorm that blew through right at dusk. And, to keep my string of bad luck going, when we drove home from our dinner at Vine we saw signs posted as we entered the complex that the fireworks were canceled again on this particular night. I think lightning was spotted in the area, although the heavens didn’t open like they had last year. Disappointed that we wouldn’t see them yet again, I just rested in our suite for a little bit. But then I noticed the gorgeous sunset happening outside our windows. I grabbed my camera and ran out to get a few pictures.



The marsh.


The pier makes a great focal point for a photograph.


I’m not sure if I like the pictures better with the sky open, or with some tree branches at the to of the photo for context and framing.


It must take them hours to hang all of this Spanish Moss. ;)






And that’s it as far as pictures from this fun day on Hilton Head. As far as how we spent our evening, well, James and Lauren went to the pier to fish. Marlene stayed in the suite and took an oatmeal bath. Judy fell asleep. The kids called me requesting some more bait so I took them some fried chicken meat to use. Those fish were well-fed! That wasn’t the best use of that good Publix fried chicken, but we didn’t have anything else. I hung out with them at the pier and a little while later Marlene came out also. I went back to the suite because I had some work to do, unfortunately. The kids came back around 11pm. James had caught another little fish and said that some other people on the pier had caught a small shark. (Yes, really! The saltmarsh is a habitat for young sharks.) I worked for a while longer, which would save me from having to do it the next morning.

Up next: Kayak tour
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Whoops, duplicate post. I screwed up my replies, so if you are missing yours, look at the bottom of the previous page. The DIS may have directed you here by mistake since I edited/moved them.
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That's a shame about the fireworks - it looks very nice outside in your pictures so I wonder why they cancelled them? :confused3

BEAUTIFUL pictures! It sounds like you had a very calm evening (other than having to work - yuck!).
Looks like you had a fun time in NY.

Yes, we've gone a couple of times. It's not too bad once you've figured out the NJ Transit to get there and the subway system. There's so much to see and do.

Judy’s favourite movie is Mrs Doubtfire :)


Gorgeous HH sunset photos. :)

Thank you!

That's a shame about the fireworks - it looks very nice outside in your pictures so I wonder why they cancelled them? :confused3

I agree -- there had to be some other reason for them to be canceled on that particular night. The weather looked to be fine. I don't think we ever heard a reason though. It stinks that we're 0 for 2 for the fireworks though!!

BEAUTIFUL pictures! It sounds like you had a very calm evening (other than having to work - yuck!).

Yes, and that's what a Hilton Head vacation is all much more calm and relaxing than WDW. A great way to wind-down on the way back home.

I love these pictures especially the tree with the spanish moss 😍 such beautiful pictures.

Spanish moss has a way of making all the trees look so beautiful, like they were purposefully decorated.

Beautiful pictures!! I think I like the photos with the tress included.

Thanks Vanessa. I see that Liesa agrees with you on including the trees for framing!

Haha, you two are so darned cute!

Aw shucks. Thanks!

Gorgeous! All of them, but yes, I agree, leave the branches for framing and perspective. Nice!

Well that's it then!

If it provided some good old fashioned, wholesome fun, it was the BEST use of the fried chicken.

Well said!
Sorry for the delay in replies and updates here everyone. Let's just say that 2019 has been a very difficult year.

But enough of that, let's get to another chapter!
Kayak tour

Wednesday, July 1st, 2015, was our second full day on Hilton Head…and the last full day of our vacation. I got up and took our van to a repair shop called “Island Tire” before 8 o’clock.

Here’s the bulging tire, which I know sounds like a description of my midsection, but this particular one was on our van.


When I got there, I found out that even though they’d ordered the tires for me yesterday, they wouldn’t have them until 9:30 or 10 that morning. I was planning to wait for the van (actually, I was originally planning to work at Starbucks while the tires were replaced but I had gotten what I needed to do completed the night before), but because of the wait for the tires, they gave me a ride back to the resort. I worked on trip notes for a while, and then the kids decided they’d like to go kayaking in the marsh. Island Tire called about 10:30 that the van was ready, so we arranged for them to come and get Judy to retrieve the van, and I’d go with the kids out on the marsh.

It was too late to book a kayak tour through the resort so we went over to an outfitter in the Shelter Cove marina. I’d intended to just rent some kayaks and go out on the marsh on our own – I felt confident from our tour on our previous visit that I could find my way out there and back without getting lost. But maybe they don’t allow that, because the next thing I knew we were part of a little tour group. Oh well, it’s good to have a guide tell us about the flora and fauna and whatnot.


Here’s our tour guide, showing how to paddle


Either that or he’s one heckuva laid-back martial-arts instructor.

Here we go. Heading out in our kayaks


Marlene and Lauren (the Disney resort is behind them)


James in the front of our kayak. The Disney resort Pier is ahead.


James and tour guide ahead.


James looking back.


Sorry, this is the start of a smudge on the lens, which never got cleaned off.

Great Blue Heron


I attempted to capture video of some oysters spitting. You can only see minor spitting but it was great fun to watch in person.

The girls


The group


The girls, Marlene’s feet dangling.


As you can see, this tour is really an extreme sport and should only be undertaken by the most avid, athletic, outdoor enthusiasts.


Me, selfie


James trying to catch up to the girls.


We’re past! I must have given the camera to Lauren.


Unfortunately, towards the end of the tour, Marlene lost her sunglasses in the water when a large bug got in her hair. We paddled back into the marina and went back to suite for lunch and had some leftover chicken. Marlene wasn't having a good day...she was sunburnt from the day before, lost her sunglasses, and wanted to be alone.

But regarding the tour, like the one that Judy and I did on our last visit to Hilton Head (booked through the resort), it was a nice little nature tour of the marsh. I recommend it highly, and I’d say that either one (booked through the resort or booked at the marina) are about the same. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the pricing to compare them from that standpoint.

After lunch, James went to buy a bobber and some bait. Meanwhile, I went to get some shots from the entrance to the resort.


The bridge to the resort.


The beach shuttle stop.


I love the benches at the shuttle stop.


Live Oak Lodge building.


When I came back to the room we all went to the beach, except Marlene, who took a nap. Judy and I drove, while Lauren and James biked over. When we all got there, we found out that James had forgotten his hat and hadn't sunscreened, so I drove him back. Eventually we got back to the beach, went in the water and caught some more sand dollars. I saw more people "rescuing" horseshoe crabs, picking them up from tidepools and delivering them to the ocean. Millions of years these creatures have lived on this planet, they don’t need your help to find the water. They just want to be left alone!

James in the surf.


We packed up and went to the Beach House pool a little after 4pm. James and I played ping pong. He improved quite a bit over the last couple of days.

My eyes were killing me...probably a combination of sunscreen, saltwater, sand, sweat, and very rapidly – my own tears! Here’s a picture that Lauren took of me, absolutely wiped out. Caution -- this is what a DisneyWorld vacation can do to a person:


She posted that picture on Instagram on my birthday a couple of years ago and I absolutely cracked up because I had never seen it before!

Marlene showed up at the Beach House and we all hung out for a while before heading back to the suite.

Up next: Bullies and Wrap-Up
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Still following! You're soooooo close! Sounds like a mostly relaxing day. Kayaking looks so fun but the fear of tipping has kept me from doing it. Plus, getting in and out might not be pretty. Too bad about the sunglasses but I guess she's probably over it by now :-) I'll keep watching for updates!
Sorry for the delay in replies and updates here everyone. Let's just say that 2019 has been a very difficult year.

But enough of that, let's get to another chapter!
Crossing my fingers that things are getting easier for you :goodvibes
Kayaking, and HH in general, look like a nice way to relax after a Disney holiday. I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve had to trek back to the hotel because one of my kids forgot to put on sunscreen. I carry a tube of it with me now just in case..
Still enjoying reading your trip report and looking forward to more. :)
What a fun kayak trip! My husband has become a big kayaker in the last year and would love this tour! (He would probably pine for his own boat, but sometimes there are sacrifices.)

It's too bad that Marlene had such a rough day! Hopefully the nap helped.

Disney wipes everyone out! We spent both days this weekend at the Iowa State Fair and I was COMPLETELY wiped out! I have no idea how I make it though a week (or more!) of Disney days - I know I'm tired there but don't remember being that tired after a day or two! It must be Disney magic (or adrenaline? :laughing: ).
Still following! You're soooooo close!

Just one more chapter I think!

Sounds like a mostly relaxing day. Kayaking looks so fun but the fear of tipping has kept me from doing it. Plus, getting in and out might not be pretty. Too bad about the sunglasses but I guess she's probably over it by now :-) I'll keep watching for updates!

It is fun! I think it'd be pretty difficult to tip one of those over actually. They're not like a canoe, which are very easy to tip.

Crossing my fingers that things are getting easier for you :goodvibes

Thank you!

Kayaking, and HH in general, look like a nice way to relax after a Disney holiday. I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve had to trek back to the hotel because one of my kids forgot to put on sunscreen. I carry a tube of it with me now just in case..
Still enjoying reading your trip report and looking forward to more. :)

The HH resort is a hidden little gem in the DVC inventory. Shhh! :ssst:

So irritating to have to go back for something like that, but these kids burn!

Thanks for sticking with me!

What a fun kayak trip! My husband has become a big kayaker in the last year and would love this tour! (He would probably pine for his own boat, but sometimes there are sacrifices.)

He would probably also pine to get away from the rest of the group (you always have to wait for the stragglers), but that's the price you pay for being in a tour group.

It's too bad that Marlene had such a rough day! Hopefully the nap helped.

It did. Even big kids need their rest! :laughing:

Disney wipes everyone out! We spent both days this weekend at the Iowa State Fair and I was COMPLETELY wiped out! I have no idea how I make it though a week (or more!) of Disney days - I know I'm tired there but don't remember being that tired after a day or two! It must be Disney magic (or adrenaline? :laughing: ).

Oh yeah, I follow Andrew Zimmern on Instagram and I think he was at the Iowa State Fair also.

Yes, I agree, I think it's adrenaline! I as a hurtin' pup eyes were killing me for a few hours.
What a fun way to relax and spend some family time! Love it! Kayaking is so relaxing and that is certainly a very beautiful place to do it!
Nice sunset photos! Sorry about the lack of fireworks. That's a bummer.

Well, there's your problem.

Sorry, this is the start of a smudge on the lens, which never got cleaned off.


As you can see, this tour is really an extreme sport and should only be undertaken by the most avid, athletic, outdoor enthusiasts.

Yes. Working hard there.

Unfortunately, towards the end of the tour, Marlene lost her sunglasses in the water when a large bug got in her hair.

D'oh! That's not good.

When we all got there, we found out that James had forgotten his hat and hadn't sunscreened, so I drove him back.

This seems to be a common theme for the family.

I saw more people "rescuing" horseshoe crabs, picking them up from tidepools and delivering them to the ocean. Millions of years these creatures have lived on this planet, they don’t need your help to find the water. They just want to be left alone!

:rotfl2: Plus, they smell!

Caution -- this is what a DisneyWorld vacation can do to a person:

I know that feeling.
Kayaking looks like a great way to see the marsh. I'm sorry Marlene had a rough day. Overall the day sounding pretty relaxing especially after a few days in the parks.
What a fun way to relax and spend some family time! Love it! Kayaking is so relaxing and that is certainly a very beautiful place to do it!

Yes, it is! And it this particular spot it's good to do with a guide because it's quite an ecosystem -- a lot of our ocean-dwelling friends get their start here.

Nice sunset photos! Sorry about the lack of fireworks. That's a bummer.

I am Oh-fer-two.

Well, there's your problem.

Where were you when I needed you?!

Well, I took that camera to Hawaii and those pictures look good, so somewhere along the line it did get cleaned off!

D'oh! That's not good.

You've heard of Bad Day at Black Rock...this was Bad Day at Hilton Head.

This seems to be a common theme for the family.

This was nothing compared to when we'd drop our kids off at band practice and it seemed we always had to go back for something they forgot.

:rotfl2: Plus, they smell!


I know that feeling.

I'm sure you do!

Kayaking looks like a great way to see the marsh. I'm sorry Marlene had a rough day. Overall the day sounding pretty relaxing especially after a few days in the parks.

Yeah, we enjoyed it. It's a great place to unwind after the parks.
Bullies and Wrap-Up

One last post and I will wrap up this (very old) trip report!

James apparently found the camera at some point during the afternoon, and here’s photographic evidence.


We ordered a family platter from Bullies BBQ. Judy went to pick it up since my eyes were still hurting. The kids loved everything from Bullies except the macaroni salad, which was a letdown. But they said that it was the best BBQ they'd ever had.



Slaw and sauces




Other meats


Meat and macaroni


James went out to the pier and I followed him there a little later, taking some pictures of the resort along the way.

Here are some more pictures of the Butterfly Garden they were working on the last time we were here.



And a couple more pictures of the pool.



The pier.


Fun activities were starting up at the campfire.



And I couldn’t resist taking another picture of the marsh.


Out at the pier there was a bird waiting for scraps, perhaps bait or somebody’s catch, but he was patiently keeping an eye on everything.


James enjoying the quiet and the challenge of fishing.


Judy and the girls came out to see how James was doing.


Judy helped James with a snag. She has much more fishing experience than I do. Her family used to go on fishing vacations in Canada every summer.


A while later, I took a few pictures of the pool at night. It’s such an enjoyable spot, day or night.




And the Pier at night.


James was still fishing! He loved it.


Here’s a shot towards some of the resort buildings, looking from the pier. We had a pretty full moon that night.


And a picture taken from the pier, looking toward the Mercantile/Pool area.


Someone caught a ray.


Walking across this little Boardwalk area, near our building.


Our suite was on the top floor up there.


And looking back across the Boardwalk again.


The Live Oak Lodge building, taken from our building.


The next day we made the long drive home to Pennsylvania. The kids returned the bikes to Community Hall while I loaded the van and we got started around 9:20am.

We decided to take route 13 through Delmarva for something different, hoping it'd be less hectic than I-95. I guess the traffic was less hectic, but we had a huge downpour of rain as I drove us across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. It was really something, being that high up and out in the open like that. Crossing that bridge in good weather can be a little unnerving, but this experience was quite memorable! We got home around 10:30 and were unpacked and heading to bed a little after 11.

And that was it...another great trip, in the books!

Thank you all for following along, especially considering how long this took for the story to be told!

Now...tomorrow, Judy and I will be starting our next DisneyWorld trip, and our first-time going for Food and Wine. I'm not sure if I'll do a trip report, but I'll try to keep notes and take lots of pictures.

See you later everyone!


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