Beth's Journal-Bring It!

:hug: :hug: :hug: dear Beth :hug: :hug: :hug:

I've been down the depression road. It truly is not a journey that is fun. Please feel free to PM me or call me if you want to talk.

My theory on the antidepressant is that you won't know if you need it until you try it. You can take it for a month and see if it helps and then make the decision about whether to continue or not. It doesn't make the problems go away but it puts you in a better place mentally to be able to not feel so overwhelmed so you can deal with the problems. It's hard to make changes or solve problems when you are feeling overwhelmed and beaten down.

Know that I'm always here if you need a shoulder to cry on or a friend to vent to. :hyper2:

:love: and more :hug: :hug:
Hey, Beth. Here's a :hug:. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about 'cha.

Beth -- just wanted you to know I am thinking of you. Sending :hug: :hug: and :wizard: :wizard:

Hoping you are having a good day.
Hi Guys,

I am doing a bit better. I am still sleeping more than I should, but I don't feel so exhausted or overwhelmed. The mandatory overtime is still killing me and messing with my sleep, but I can get up in th morning. I am nt going to the y to workout yet. My eating is going a bit better, not close to perfect, but I am not eating a bag of cookies either. I am walking Pez both in the AM and PM. I am starting to lose the constant anxiety that I was experiencing and have my sense of humor back. I am not promising, but I think I will be bck to the Y and the boards by Monday. I have decided to go on the antidepressant when we get back, but I am leaving my hormones alone.

I am in full disney mode. Hmm, that may be why I feel better? I have my soft itinerary done. We are trying some new restaurants, at least new for us. The new ones are Raglan Road, Kona, and Lecellier. I am really excited for RR. I'm Irish through and through, and it shoud be fun for Katie too.

I need to take off. Laundry awaits.
Thanks and take care,
Beth so great to hear from you! And I'm so happy that you sound upbeat, even if tired. Having a trip home to look forward to HAS to be a boost! Enjoy the planning!
Have a great night!
:Hug:, girlfriend. Where the heck is Raglan Road?????

Erin :shamrock:
Erin, Raglan Road is a new Irish pub in Pleasure Island. :teeth: Sounds like a great place, Beth!

You are sounding brighter and more hopeful - so happy for you!!! :hug: Feel free to PM me with questions about those "happy pills", as we call them at my house. You are a very brave woman to face all this and to get some help. ::yes:: I'm truly hoping you'll be feeling even better in the days to come.

Know that I'm sending good thoughts your way and prayers up on your behalf, friend. :hug:
Good morning Beth,

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. :goodvibes Disney magic always helps doesn't it? :wizard:

I hope that you are able to get some good, quality sleep. ::yes::

Have a great week, Beth! :sunny:
Hi All,

I am doing much better. I seem to be getting back to being productive. I am still tired, but not exhausted. I haven't been back to the y. I am walking Pez 2x a day, but that is it. In fact I walked him after workong my OT last night. 5 AM in the snow. It was pretty. I haen't even been attempting to follow a diet. I was amazed that I only gained 3 pounds. Not that I am happy with my weight, but I was expecting to be in the mid 230s. I am seriously thinking about dropping the low carb thing. We'll see. I do know that I on't be dieting in WDW.

I have a 64 hour work week head of me. In addition to that I am trying to get the house in a somewhat decent condition. I have the mainfloor clean. I even vaccumed out the furniture. I am also slowly getting things together for our trip. We leave in 2 weeks! I have been planning this trip for 2 years now. I am definately ready. Won is very impressed tht I haven't pulled out the suitcases yet.

Thanksgiving will be at my DBIL. Just Won's brothers, their girlfriends, and us. I just have to supply the pies. Costco here I come. I do a 12 on Wednesday, and 8(midnight) on Thursday, followed by 2 12s. After that I am done with work until the 15th of December. Then I work one weekend, and don't work again until New Year's .

I have most of my Christmas shopping done. I love the internet.

Things with Won are better. Not perfect, but we are communicating and laughing again. The constant tension seems to no longer be there. We still have our moments, but then we always will.

After I get Katie to bed, I'll start woring on journals.

Take care,
Hi Beth!

I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better! :goodvibes I'm sending you some :wizard: :wizard: for your 64 hour work week. It sounds like a lot of work, but at least you'll be off until December 15th and in WDW! :Pinkbounc

Have a great evening, Beth! :goodvibes
hi beth! so glad to hear you are feeling better!you seem like you have busy work time coming up,,but then your off for awhile! :)
have a great rest of the week!
Thanks for your visit in my journal. I've been a little worried about you. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, dear princess: Beth. :hug:

Take your time, sort through your thoughts and feelings, focus on healing. Come back when you're up to it, but know that whether you're posting or not, you're close to my heart. :love:
Beth sorry I haven't been on here to see that you weren't feeling well but I'm glad to see you are feeling a bit better. Exhaustion can play a weird part with your body, that I know. But don't hesitate asking to try a low dose antidepressant if you still feel weird when you get back from WDW.

And if I don't get back on here before you leave I hope you have an awesome trip!!!!!!

Take care
Keep on :banana: :banana:

well today was a productive day. I did all the laundry. I even folded and put it all away. A firstfor me. I also went through all of Katie's summer clothes for the trip and got the toiletries together. Katie and I spent about 2 hours reading too. She was tired today. I am hoping that means she will nap tommorrow. Food was good. I didn't overdo anything today. I made a yummy casserole for dinner. Layer of fried eggplant, paghetti meatsauce, cheese, spaghetti squash, sauce, and more cheese. It ws a major hit.

Plan for tommorrow..
Get Katie off to school.
Hit lane Bryant to return a pair of jeans I ordered.
Pick up a few things for the trip at target.
Pick Katie up.
Clean my bathroom.

My schedule is 12 hour shifts on F, S, S. I am off Monday and Tuesday. 12 on Wednesday, back for 8 at midnight Thursday, 12 on Friday. 68 hours. Then I am off for vacation..

I am off to bed now.

Take care,
I don't like most of that stuff in that casserole but I do have to say that it does sound good!!!!!

Sounds like yesterday was a good day - hope today is good too!!!

Have a good weekend
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hey Beth - Sounds like your doing well, but busy as usual. I can't believe your trip is coming up so quickly. I know you guys will have such a great time and hopefully you'll share some pictures with us. Keep up the great work
Hi Beth!

How are you doing? I am getting so excited about WDW! :jumping1: I have soooooo much to do between now and when we leave Dec. 4th. Whew! It's all worth it though! :goodvibes

Hope you have a wonderful day and a Happy Thanksgiving! :goodvibes
Dear Beth, I hope you're finding time to sleep with that crazy work schedule. You'll need a vacation just to recover. Whew - don't know how you do it!

Best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday even if you do have to work part of it.
Hi All,

I am doing amazingly well. I think I may be too busy or tired to notice. :) I made it through the weekend without issue. I did 2 terminal weans, and that is always emotional, but the families were very grateful. It is just hard when the patient doesn't die right away, and the family keeps looking to me to tell them how much longer.

I went to school to help with the harvest feast. We did some crafts, etc. I am definately not teacher material. I get exhausted spending time in the classroom.

We went to Starbucks, and Katie took a spill. She is fine, but she split her lip and has a cement burn on her nose. Of course, we were supposed to go get her holiday pictures taken tomorrow. We cancelled. The pictures may be belated this year. Oh well.

Tonight Katie dances at a local mall. Santa arrives and the Juliart dancers are going to be doing 3 numbers. Katie is in the 1st number.

Won's brother is coming home from NY on Wednesday. Katie is really excited to see him. I am slowly getting things ready for our trip. My to-do list is a mile long. I am trying not to let it overwhelm me.

I will try to get to journals tonight.

Take care,

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