Best April Fools Ever! New 12/23 Family Magic Tour part 2 pg 1010 post 15150!!!

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lee lee, I'm so sorry about hubby's illness, and very happy to hear the good news about the house!:cloud9:
We did have some news from our WISH co-ordinator yesterday. It seems as if Niether POP or any of the ALL STARs could get us in from the 17th-23rd they could only have us thru 22nd. Soooo we could either cut our trip a day short (YEAH RIGHT!!!) or we could go to a less kid friendly resort. There were 3 that had openings for our dates. CBR, POR and POFQ if we thought we might like to stay there. WELL YEAH!! DUH:rolleyes1 . I actually replied in a real nice voice "Anywhere is fine with us, we are just so grateful for this trip (We REALLY REALLY are, I was not being sarcastic at all!!) But any of those sound fine. The boys and DH would really rub it in my face if we end up at either of the PO ones them being from La and all." The next question was well you know we never even really asked (actually they did he just didn't remember!;) ) Would ya'll even want to stay till Sun? I find it's easier to fly out then BUT... if you would rather come home Sat we will work it out for you!" UH Yeah cut the trip as short as you can. We are only doing this for DS5 and we really have no desire to stay at DW longer than neccessary!!!!:rolleyes1 But for the sake of DS5 we will let you hogtie us down and keep us at DW!!:rotfl2:
So anyway we should be hearing tomorrow where we are staying!

That is wonderful:thumbsup2

Sounds like you are going to have a great trip!!

Keep us posted for sure:goodvibes
Thank you so much!! You are so sweet!! This trip is so much more than just a trip to us. I am going to do a TR just to try to put it into words.
I'm very thankfull for the DIS I've gleaned so much from it. about being upgraded... Well we found out earlier in the year that we would be able to build and buy a house thru Habitat for Humanity with the house note, taxes and Ins. being cheaper than what we are paying for rent right now. We've been waiting on the land to start being developed. WELL we got a call last week and they are breaking ground on our house Sep 22nd.!!!!:yay: :yay: We rode by tonight and they are building the road!!! We are so excited. We live in an apartment right now and DH had to quit his job due to his health, but he is going to school full time! But anyway the decrease in the house note will help BIGGG Time. (For those of you that don't know DH has kidney failure and is waiting on a transplant just so you don't think he is a loser quitting his job or anything!!) I'm proud of him for wanting to go to college. As sick as he is and as long as it's been, 27 years w/LUPUS and @ 7w/ kidney failure, most are not working and a lot have given up hope. His dialysis has not been cleaning and his Dr.s are amazed at what all he does. They say he is very tough and has a lot of will power. I say it just shows how STUBBORN he is:laughing: .

Wow..LeeLee....I am so sorry about your DH illness..

But, sounds like he is holiding up well and sounds like an amazing person.

I Hope the transplant come thru for him soon...:hug:

Congrats on the house!! That is great:thumbsup2
since this is where we were talking about coke vs. pepsi....I HAD to post this. Look real closely at what the driver is drinking. :lmao: :lmao:


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

hey guys! here is my mickey head!


I LOVE this!!!! AWesome. I'm so jealous. Now if only I can get up the $ to get mine done! ugh!

Thank you so much!! You are so sweet!! This trip is so much more than just a trip to us. I am going to do a TR just to try to put it into words.
I'm very thankfull for the DIS I've gleaned so much from it. about being upgraded... Well we found out earlier in the year that we would be able to build and buy a house thru Habitat for Humanity with the house note, taxes and Ins. being cheaper than what we are paying for rent right now. We've been waiting on the land to start being developed. WELL we got a call last week and they are breaking ground on our house Sep 22nd.!!!!:yay: :yay: We rode by tonight and they are building the road!!! We are so excited. We live in an apartment right now and DH had to quit his job due to his health, but he is going to school full time! But anyway the decrease in the house note will help BIGGG Time. (For those of you that don't know DH has kidney failure and is waiting on a transplant just so you don't think he is a loser quitting his job or anything!!) I'm proud of him for wanting to go to college. As sick as he is and as long as it's been, 27 years w/LUPUS and @ 7w/ kidney failure, most are not working and a lot have given up hope. His dialysis has not been cleaning and his Dr.s are amazed at what all he does. They say he is very tough and has a lot of will power. I say it just shows how STUBBORN he is:laughing: .

that is awesome about the house!! I hate how high rent is anymore on places. It's rediculus that most of the time it's more expensive to rent than it is to own. That just doesn't make any sense. :confused3

I'm sorry to hear about your DH's health problems. :sad1: I hope a transplant comes through quickly for him. But good for him for going back to school. :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Hey Disneymom.

Yeah, it was not a good day. But, he sprang back to life around 7pm last night and was up all night...:scared1:

Luck you on the buckets. I put one near him when it is about to happen, and he pushed it away screaming and it goes everywhere of course...

one time he went to swat the bucket and I moved it away, and he got my cheek instead...Ouch:thumbsup2 :rotfl:

OOOHHH---I am sooo win!:confused3 in the awful puke story category! EEEWWW!:sick: :sick: :sick:

You deserve a medal for that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angel: :angel: :angel:

:sad2: :sad2: :sad2:
Gotta run--again! Hopefully I'll be back this afternoon--I have a one day reprieve to not go to my parents!:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
Thank you so much!! You are so sweet!! This trip is so much more than just a trip to us. I am going to do a TR just to try to put it into words.
I'm very thankfull for the DIS I've gleaned so much from it. about being upgraded... Well we found out earlier in the year that we would be able to build and buy a house thru Habitat for Humanity with the house note, taxes and Ins. being cheaper than what we are paying for rent right now. We've been waiting on the land to start being developed. WELL we got a call last week and they are breaking ground on our house Sep 22nd.!!!!:yay: :yay: We rode by tonight and they are building the road!!! We are so excited. We live in an apartment right now and DH had to quit his job due to his health, but he is going to school full time! But anyway the decrease in the house note will help BIGGG Time. (For those of you that don't know DH has kidney failure and is waiting on a transplant just so you don't think he is a loser quitting his job or anything!!) I'm proud of him for wanting to go to college. As sick as he is and as long as it's been, 27 years w/LUPUS and @ 7w/ kidney failure, most are not working and a lot have given up hope. His dialysis has not been cleaning and his Dr.s are amazed at what all he does. They say he is very tough and has a lot of will power. I say it just shows how STUBBORN he is:laughing: .

:hug: Oh LeeLee2U, I am so happy you'll be getting a Habitat House. Our friend's company here, the ones who are moving to Canada, built a Habitat House last summer and it was amazing!!!! :goodvibes I wish he could read this and see what a wonderful thing it is to be able to see the gratefulness on the receiving end. :thumbsup2

I am sorry to hear about your DH's illness. You are one strong woman! :hug: I hope he gets the treatment he needs soon!
I'm working backward. I still have to catch up but I wanted to comment on everything on the last(most recent) page

Thank you so much!! You are so sweet!! This trip is so much more than just a trip to us. I am going to do a TR just to try to put it into words.
I'm very thankfull for the DIS I've gleaned so much from it. about being upgraded... Well we found out earlier in the year that we would be able to build and buy a house thru Habitat for Humanity with the house note, taxes and Ins. being cheaper than what we are paying for rent right now. We've been waiting on the land to start being developed. WELL we got a call last week and they are breaking ground on our house Sep 22nd.!!!!:yay: :yay: We rode by tonight and they are building the road!!! We are so excited. We live in an apartment right now and DH had to quit his job due to his health, but he is going to school full time! But anyway the decrease in the house note will help BIGGG Time. (For those of you that don't know DH has kidney failure and is waiting on a transplant just so you don't think he is a loser quitting his job or anything!!) I'm proud of him for wanting to go to college. As sick as he is and as long as it's been, 27 years w/LUPUS and @ 7w/ kidney failure, most are not working and a lot have given up hope. His dialysis has not been cleaning and his Dr.s are amazed at what all he does. They say he is very tough and has a lot of will power. I say it just shows how STUBBORN he is:laughing: .

Your DH sounds like a strong, strong man. I'm sure you feel blessed to have him. And congrats on the house! Good luck with EVERYTHING!

since this is where we were talking about coke vs. pepsi....I HAD to post this. Look real closely at what the driver is drinking. :lmao: :lmao:

they can get fired for that ya know. And he probably did!

Silly goose---he was being a T Rex!!!!
:jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1:


about the interview thing....I don't know if y'all posted any questions yet because I still have 4 1/2 pages to read...

but I had a BEHAVIORAL interview process for the job I have now. It was the most difficult thing I've ever been through. I've had one before, but this one was every stinkin' behavioral question in the books....and I interviewed with 3 separate people...on the same day...each had at least 6 of the behavioral questions to ask me. And I prayed SO hard that I would somehow find the answers. And...I nailed it! I knew when I walked out that I got the job. Hate to be overconfident but somehow I just felt it! And I plan on staying here for a looooooong time (not in this position...just with this company)
Since I've never learned to multi-quote (PLEASE somebody HELP ME on this!!!)
I just want to say THANKS:love: for all the kind words and support. We are blessed to have a strong family, friends, and church support. Also our Motto is this is our life lets make each day the best. And DS5's is God made me special and Loves me very Much!!!
Yes we are VERY excited about the house. After @7 years of some serious medical expenses Our dream was just to be able to afford to rent something decent. We are on subsidized rent right now and our House note is still going to be WAAAYYYYY less. If I told you how much you wouldn't believe it!! We have already put in almost 200 hours of service toward our house and we havn't even started building it yet!!
That is one reason this trip means so much to us. There was really NO way we could afford to go on our own. We can barely go visit some of our family. Not just expenses but all the medical stuff to take care of.
To each one of you that has ever given to any WISH foundation, Time, money etc...
THANK YOU!!!!:love:

DD Sorry:guilty: for taking up so much on your thread, BUT you did say to run amock :idea: and since I don't have a thread of my own. I hi-jacked yours.:laughing:
Cheri - I had no idea that the pepsi drivers could get fired for drinking coke on the job :eek: I guess I can see why though. It's still funny to look @ the picture though. I'm sure he knew what he was doing so if he got fired it's his own fault. Maybe he already had gotten a job with Coke and that was his way of giving his "2 week notice" :rotfl:

:eek: :eek: on the 3 behavioral interviews in one day!! That's insane!! That's awesome that you nailed it. I don't blame you for wanting to stay with that company for a long time after goign through that. I don't think I'd ever want to endure something like that again.
Since I've never learned to multi-quote (PLEASE somebody HELP ME on this!!!)
I just want to say THANKS:love: for all the kind words and support. We are blessed to have a strong family, friends, and church support. Also our Motto is this is our life lets make each day the best. And DS5's is God made me special and Loves me very Much!!!
Yes we are VERY excited about the house. After @7 years of some serious medical expenses Our dream was just to be able to afford to rent something decent. We are on subsidized rent right now and our House note is still going to be WAAAYYYYY less. If I told you how much you wouldn't believe it!! We have already put in almost 200 hours of service toward our house and we havn't even started building it yet!!
That is one reason this trip means so much to us. There was really NO way we could afford to go on our own. We can barely go visit some of our family. Not just expenses but all the medical stuff to take care of.
To each one of you that has ever given to any WISH foundation, Time, money etc...
THANK YOU!!!!:love:

DD Sorry:guilty: for taking up so much on your thread, BUT you did say to run amock :idea: and since I don't have a thread of my own. I hi-jacked yours.:laughing:

to multi quote - go to the bottom right of each thread...there will be a button that says "quote" to that button is the "multi-quote" button (I think it has a picture of a piece of paper?). Go through and click each one you want to reply back to...when you click the multi quote button it will turn red each time. once you're done picking all the posts you want to reply back to scroll down to the bottom of the thread and click "reply". it will then take you to the reply page where all the quotes you selected will already be there.

hope that's not confusing.
:lmao: :lmao: that sounds like what I do when I'm at work. It makes life so much easier. Thank goodness for the multi windows for internet explorer. :laughing:

and LOOK!! YOU'RE @ 700 POSTS NOW!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: I'm still trying to get DIS Veteran.

I somehow missed this before. And I didn't even realize I made 700!

:woohoo: :banana: :woohoo: :banana:
I somehow missed this before. And I didn't even realize I made 700!

:woohoo: :banana: :woohoo: :banana:

:rotfl: well, I celebrated for you. I figured you missed it...I know you would've been celebrating at least a little if you had seen it already...hence why I pointed it out. :thumbsup2
I Would Love to go to The Pocono 500!!!!

& thank you!!!

I Love Rock City!!!....Been to Helen a bunch of times...Hmmm I may Need to post our Honeymoon Trip!!!!....& I am doing a Mini-Trip report on Gatlinburg pretty soon!!!

OK but don't let it Happen more than 6 or 7 More times!!!!! :lmao:


I love Helen. I've only been once but loved it. Can't wait for the Gatlinburg mini report. We are thinking of going in December. Maybe you can give us some tips.
Wow! That's so cool that you ended up with a week before your wedding of time off! :thumbsup2 it's amazing what employers will do for you if you're just up front with them from the get go. Now if everyone would realize this, some of the world would be a better place. :laughing:

It worked out really well for me, luckily!

I miised the one about The Bull or Elephant...I am Not that Smart to figure it out ...can you PM me!!!!
& yes I was Correct...About Fat Bas****d

I about Fell In the Floor Laughing At this!!!!

Not Too Long .....Just Right....Great Story!!!!! :thumbsup2


glad I could make you laugh and glad you liked my story. i will PM you now...

I love cheese, too!!!


I still have some veggies and dip in fridge..might have some in a bit....:cool1:

sounds delish!


I am not sure If I can remember them:rotfl2:

1. What are your objectives in life? How are you making sure you stay on the right path to accomplishging your goals?

2. Name a situation in a past job where you went above and beyond to make a customer's experience more pleasant than it had to be.

3. Have you ever had a bad experience with a co-worker? how did you handle it?

4. Name a situation where you had to find a way around something to get what you wanted accomplished.....THIS WAS MY STUMPER

That is all I can think of...

Oh those are easy as pie!

1. Getting to DisneyWorld and making my trip the best it can be; to accomplish this I'm DISing as much as possible :rotfl2:

2. when I was a grocery cashier, someone was in my line with a Mickey shirt on, and I started talking to them about DisneyWorld...we gabbed and gabbed, and my line got longer and longer. But we didn't care...I made this customer's day! :thumbsup2 Who cares if everyone else was angry? :lmao:

3. Never. I'm too "Mickey-like" to have a bad experience!

4. When I wanted DH to ride IASW last year, he didn't want to listen to those dolls sing, but I hit him over the head and me and my sister dragged him onto the ride. Even unconscious he ended up with the song in his head for the rest of the day! :rotfl:

um....ok, #2 and #4 are not completely true :rolleyes1 and come to think of it #3 is not completely true either, but I've never gotten in an argument with a coworker.

I did work at a grocery store way back when (1st job ever). does anyone remember Delchamps?

Awesome story.....that must have been strange, like you said,comimg back to a new job a week after your honeymoon.......but glad it turned out well:goodvibes :goodvibes

yeah...I'm SO glad it worked out

here we go. a disney appropriate cat

:rotfl2: LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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