Belongings while on rides?


Mar 15, 2002
I've read lots of posts saying, "Make sure you take this, that, and the other thing to WDW..." but I'm confused! What do you do with all these things while you're on the rides? What about cameras, film, etc.? Is there a central location to store your belongings, or a safe location at each ride?

We have gotton down to each of us wearing a bellypouch or a small backpack. these things you can wear on the ride or place on the floor by your feet. When we used a stroller it was our catchall for everything we couldn't carry. A bellypouch can fit a camera, sunglasses,wallet, bandaids, a disposable rain slicker ( the dollar ones),snack,and comb. I even got a bellypouch that carrys a small umbrella under it....Good luck just think small......
I will agree with dbail2, Fanny packs are the way to go. You can fit passes, camera, credit cards, etc in them and you don't have to worry about items falling out when you get on the rides.
Fanny packs!! My husband can even fit the camcorder in his. I have the camera in mine. Leave diaper bags, snacks, etc. in the stroller (if you need a stroller). Nothing of value left there. Carry only the bare necessities.
I just carry around it all in my backpack and put it under my feet on rides. Even on RnR, you can keep it down by placing your foot over it or putting the strap through your leg.
While on the rapids water ride(can't remember the name) at Animal Kingdom, how do you store your cameras and such? I heard they have lockers at the beginning of the ride and they also have a water proof pouch on the ride. Is this true? I heard you get real wet on this ride and I would hate to ruin a good video camera..smjj
For the 'Wet' rides, we would always pack a couple of gallon size ziplock freezer bags in our hip packs. then just load all your stuff in and zip it shut. This worked fine for our camcorder and camera.

If you find yourself bringing a backpack full of stuff with you to the parks and are pretty sure you won't need any of it (my wife would like to bring the kitchen sink with us to wash up after a Mickey Premium Bar!), just rent a locker and fill it up. They are pretty cheap and if you park hop you only pay once and keep your receipt.
The water/raft ride at Animal Kingdom has a hollow center area for just such items.It has a plastic lid that velcro's(sp?) shut so cameras,shoes etc...don't get soaked.Of course,it does nothing to help you if you are silly enough to wear white shorts with blue spotted underwear as we were witness to.Poor lady!:D :D :D
What type/brand of fanny packs are you buying that you can fit so much stuff in them? I remember buying a couple in the late 80s, but they were not satisfactory for the pack rat that I am ;) Is there a certain brand I should be on the lookout for? How are those Ameribags for hauling stuff around in the parks?

Am I the only one that uses the ole brassiere for storage? :):o :o :p :jester: :smooth:
That storage method sure wouldn't work for me :D :bounce: :D

We found larger-sized "hip packs" that could hold and organize lots of stuff. Ours weren't large enough for camcorders, but by splitting up the "one for the whole group" sort of things, no one carried too much and everyone had plenty of space.

The one I carried was the kind that could be carried over the shoulder, or around the waist (had a built in wide waist strap and a separate detachable one for the shoulder).

Check the luggage area at Target or Walmart, places like REI or other outdoor/sporting goods places. You can also check out sites on the web. The variety, as well as price range, is endless. Often you can also find the better ones for cheap in a closeout of last year's model.
I use a Fanny Pack for all the small things, wallet, change, pass, room key, etc., but for my camera I just throw it over my head and one shoulder and place it on my side so it doesn't fly around. By placing it on my side, I can hold it down by using the arm of what ever side it's on. I stay away from using a back pack. I carry one around with me everyday for school, and even when I go to work. So I never take one to the parks.

I have a small back-pack that I can also wear as a fanny pack. I found it at Wal-Mart for about $8. I can carry passes, glasses (sun and reading), my camera, guide book, credit cards and money very easily. If anybody else in the crowd wants something specific for the day, they have to carry it themselves.
I have a small back-pack that I can also wear as a fanny pack. I found it at Wal-Mart for about $8. I can carry passes, glasses (sun and reading), my camera, guide book, credit cards and money very easily. If anybody else in the crowd wants something specific for the day, they have to carry it themselves.
I should have my DH read these. HE thought I was crazy for getting the fanny pack I did. I paid $19.99 for it at Cabela's outdoor store. It is also WATERPROOF!!!!. Of course it is camaflouged in color, but hey-who cares???. I have 7 pockets total and my big one in middle can hold LOTS> my smaller ones will hold camera, sun lotion, extra film/batteries, and everything else. We purchased lots of $1 ponchose, I can get those in my big pocket, and then throw them away when done for day. I hate having to carry anything. I'm glad to know I'm not the only crazy person around. :) Actually we are the smart ones-not crazy. ; )
I found a nice one at Walmart too. Mine is just an oversized fanny-pack and could hold everything but the camcorder. I paid $6.00 for it. It has 3 seperate compartments. I think it should work out well. 24 days and counting.
We have a stroller and this year when we go, we will have 2 strollers. I understand that you can put things under in the basket, but you still need to take the valuables with you when you go on rides. For those of you like me this is what we do. We put everything valuable in one of those canvas bags (we use our DVC bag) you know the ones that LL Bean and Land's End have with the color straps. When it comes time to park the stroller and get in line, we have to rush because we have to beat the 2 people who are walking up to the line too ;) , all we do is grab the bag and put it on our shoulder and then put it on the floor on the ride. This works out great because we don't have to dig through the basket looking for a wallet, the camera, the video camera and so forth, we know that everything in that bag is of value and it just creates less hassle.

Just my .02 :D
We use a day pack, they are smaller than back packs, but perfect for all of the things you want to carry without getting to heavy.

These are very popular right now so you can find them just about anywhere.

I have never had a problem putting it under my feet on rides or getting wet.


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