Axe Deodorant

My daughter is in 7th grade. The school has had to send letters home asking that items like Axe be used sparingly. According to my daughter the boys are basically drowning themselves in it every day.

Yep. Middle school boys using it as what would now no doubt be called a "life hack" to avoid showering and changing clothes, socks, underwear. When my daughter was teaching middle school she said the mix of Axe and body odors was like a toxic cloud in her room some hours and it was literally eye-watering. In her case it was bad because she had a classroom with no windows and would linger for two to three hours once it polluted the air.
Yep. Middle school boys using it as what would now no doubt be called a "life hack" to avoid showering and changing clothes, socks, underwear. When my daughter was teaching middle school she said the mix of Axe and body odors was like a toxic cloud in her room some hours and it was literally eye-watering. In her case it was bad because she had a classroom with no windows and would linger for two to three hours once it polluted the air.
Your daughter and I must have taught in the same classroom! I had no windows and horrible airflow so it got really bad a lot of times.

I would literally give a PSA every Friday: This weekend, please wash those hoodies you've been wearing every day in my classroom, even though it's been 90 degrees or warmer in here.
Old Spice was the fragrance of choice when I was a teen in the late 1960's early 1970s. Wonder if people found that offensive then like people do now with Axe?
Old Spice was the fragrance of choice when I was a teen in the late 1960's early 1970s. Wonder if people found that offensive then like people do now with Axe?
The answer is probably "yes, and back then we were the dumb kids that did not realize this"

(although it would be the 80's/early 90's for me)
The answer is probably "yes, and back then we were the dumb kids that did not realize this"

(although it would be the 80's/early 90's for me)
The difference is, Old Spice was what our dads used too.
Apparently, farmers have found that certain formulations of Axe can placate sheep, masking their hormones that make them want to butt heads.

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