Aw, my Frose went back to being Rose - 2019 Food and Wine Adventure! RL Update 4/22!

After eating we lounged a bit longer before heading back to the pool for another dip. This time the pool was really crowded, so we didn’t last long and soon found ourselves back in our happy oasis!
This sounds amazing! I kind of wish we had done this when we were there in August. The pool was so crowded then. Yacht Club has become our favorite, so I feel like one day we can give it a try as I am sure we will stay there again.

Definitely recommend. We really enjoyed this experience! We eat at Tiffins every year, so it worked out well with our schedule. Plus getting the front row seats at FotLK and the small group safari with the inside information was pretty awesome.
hmmmm. I am tempted....
Happy New Year!

Thanks for the review on the Lion King Tier 1 package, sorry about Tiffins not being as good and having to squish on a bench during the show!

The Cabana rental sounds so lovely and relaxing, I wish Andi would like that but she has a pool phobia and she would be bored to tears, haha! That drink is huge and perfect for a Cabana day!
This sounds amazing! I kind of wish we had done this when we were there in August. The pool was so crowded then. Yacht Club has become our favorite, so I feel like one day we can give it a try as I am sure we will stay there again.

It was SO awesome. I definitely recommend it. Having that huge space just for your group when the pool is super crowded is amazing. Plus getting a chance to actually relax while on a Disney vacation is pretty nice too!

hmmmm. I am tempted....

Haha, well if you do book it, I hope you have as great an experience as we did!
Happy New Year!

Thanks, you too!

Thanks for the review on the Lion King Tier 1 package, sorry about Tiffins not being as good and having to squish on a bench during the show!

You're welcome! Yeah, it was a bummer about Tiffins and a annoying having to squish, but overall the package was really great, and for a decent price by Disney standards!

The Cabana rental sounds so lovely and relaxing, I wish Andi would like that but she has a pool phobia and she would be bored to tears, haha! That drink is huge and perfect for a Cabana day!

It was so great, I actually just got off the phone with my mom and she was raving once again about how much she loved the cabana! :rotfl2:

Yeah a pool phobia would make the cabana tricky, that's too bad. Maybe you could book a half day and have her hang out for as long as she wants? There is an entrance off the main path by the lake, so you could potentially avoid the pool altogether if you have one of the cabanas in the back.[/QUOTE]
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Day 5, Part 2: MNSSHP! Part 1

We had a quick turn around after the cabana, and around 3:00 I started trying to call for a Minnie-van. The app ended up timing out twice, and we wasted a lot of time waiting, so we opted to just head down to the bus. I kept trying for a Minnie van, and of course as we arrived at the bus stop I got one. Ugh, decision time. The board showed the bus would arrive in 2 minutes, and the Minnie van was 10 minutes away, so of course we chose the Minnie van!

This actually ended up being the right choice. The ETA for the bus keep growing and in the end the Minnie van ended up showing up at the same time as the bus, but without having to stop at the BC or wait for people to load, we would arrive earlier.

We got to the MK around 3:45, and quickly made our way through security only to find masses of people waiting at the party entrance. Since we have park hoppers we made our way over to the regular entrance. It was hard getting through the crowds, it was all the way back to the construction walls, so we had to squeeze through, but we eventually made it! Fortunately there was no one in line at the regular entrance!

Since it took us so long to get there, we missed our first FP+ time and were well into the second one, so we made our way back to 7DMT to use it. We got there to find the FP+ line crazy long, circling around the outside, ugh.

Fortunately it moved super fast, and we found out later that the ride had gone down around 3:25 and had just opened when we got in line, which explained the long FP+ queue.

It was a fun ride as always!

After our ride we headed over to Philharmagic to pick up our party bands and our treat bags. By that point it was almost time for our dinner reservation, so we made our way over to Liberty Tree Tavern.

We’ve never ate there before, and it’s a place my mom really wanted to try, so we were excited to try.

It was a decent dinner, not my favorite meal in the park, but still good.

Salad and mom’s costume this year!

Salad and my costume this year!

Main course (sooooo much food!)

Dessert, so good, but we were so full at this point we couldn’t come close to finishing it!

After dinner we only had about 10 minutes left in our last FP+ window, and fortunately we were super close! We made our way over to HM to use our last FP+ of the day.


Once off, I checked MDE and saw there was no wait at Pirates, so we made our way there. It was basically walk-on!

Again contemplative….must have been a lot on our minds!

Our next stop was back to Main Street to get PP pictures. We got to see the CMs herding people out here which was amusing to see. Even while waiting in the PP lines, multiple CMs came through the line to verify we all had wrist bands.

Next up: MNSSHP! Part 2
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Day 5, Part 3: MNSSHP!! Part 2

After we got our pictures, then made our way over to Tomorrowland Terrace to see if we could check-in for the dessert party, but it had changed from the last time we did it, and check in wasn’t until much later.

Since we were in that area, we decided to ride Space since it had recently turned over to the party overlay. It was about a 30 minute wait, but it went fast.

HAAAA….what am I doing?!?!

Towards the end of the ride they ended up turning the lights on, which on one hand was cool to be able to see the track, on the other was a bit of a bummer since it’s so much fun in the pitch black. Oh well!

Our next stop was Buzz! There was a bit of a wait, about 15 minutes. I once again won! MWHAHAHAHA! (sorry mom)

After Buzz we swung by Tomorrowland Terrace once again to see if we could check in, and found a line had formed and was really long already!

We hopped in the end and waited. A few minutes later a CM came through the line to tell people who were doing the plaza viewing they were in the wrong line. Almost everyone in the line was, so we went from being last in line to being second! Score!

Soon it was our turn to check-in, and we were brought to a great table right up against the railing. We enjoyed some of the treats while we waited for the show.

Finally it was showtime!

So the show was stunning, the fireworks spectacular, but the music was just not good. I miss the old music! I’ll keep the new fireworks, just give me some better songs.

After the show we hung out and waited about 5-10 minutes for the crowds to disperse before we headed back to Main Street for some PP pictures!

After our photoshoot, we made our way over to Adventureland, where we decided to start going through the treat lines.

The treat stops in Adventureland were AMAZING. Each gave multiple handfuls of candy out! Our bags were practically filled after only 3-4 stops!

We finally made our way back to Splash and found it was walk-on, score!

Ooph, the dreaded blocked splash pic!

Next up: MNSSHP, Part 3!
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The cabana looked like it was well worth it. What a nice way to enjoy the pool.

Thanks for the fireworks video! I agree that the old music was better.
She looks so cute!

Your mom looks way too happy to have a flaming pumpkin in her hand! Ha!
Day 2:

Sorry I am as slow getting caught up on this report as a checkin at YC!


Sounds like you had a great time in Galaxy's Edge and Toy Story Land, even if things weren't quite perfect.

You got to be pilots! Nice!

GRRR on inflated wait times at Slinky. I suspect they do that sometimes at Toy Story, or at least did while we were on our last class trip. The kids never got to ride because they were spooked by an hour-long wait time.

You got some really fun Photopass pictures in SWGE!

Food Booths:

:welcome: to the YC! Sorry check-in was a hassle. As others have said, the BC and YC seem to have a lot of Magic Band problems. I know if you have too many active Magic Bands in your account, it can cause issues.

Soarin, Food Booths, a dip in SAB and a nap sound like a great way to spend a late morning/early afternoon at Disney. I had the coffee rubbed tenderloin a couple of years ago and was underwhelmed. Must really be hit-or-miss.


I have never been. Food looks great. Your mom got lamb? So out of character for her!


I love that you are doing so many night events. I haven't looked at any of the After Hours events. What is included for snacks at the MK event?

Love all your rides on Splash. Too funny on the ride photo for Pirates, how nice of the family in the front row to lean over so you and your mom can be seen clearly.

I can't believe that 25 people would cut you in line! I don't know what is wrong with people!

The cabana looked like it was well worth it. What a nice way to enjoy the pool.

It was so amazing. I daydream about it, I wish I could have been there today instead of here where it's rainy and cold!

Thanks for the fireworks video! I agree that the old music was better.

You're welcome! Yeah, the music was pretty underwhelming. The fireworks at least were spectacular!
Day 2:

Sorry I am as slow getting caught up on this report as a checkin at YC!

Haha, no worries, I get it, I'm a few weeks behind on all the TRs I'm reading. There are just so many good ones right now!

Sounds like you had a great time in Galaxy's Edge and Toy Story Land, even if things weren't quite perfect.

It was a really fun morning. It was awesome being able to walk right onto to MF:SR, I was worried with my mom's foot we would be stuck way behind everyone, but the CMs did a great job keeping the pace slow enough that not too many people had to pass us!

You got to be pilots! Nice!

This was the best luck! It's funny, when the CM handed us the card, I immediately told my mom I didn't want to be pilot, I didn't want anyone to blame a bad ride on me! My mom on the other hand was pumped and couldn't wait to crash! HAAA!

GRRR on inflated wait times at Slinky. I suspect they do that sometimes at Toy Story, or at least did while we were on our last class trip. The kids never got to ride because they were spooked by an hour-long wait time.

I spent a solid 30 minutes earlier today trying to figure out what the acronym GRRR was. :rotfl2:Being a Government contractor, and being here on the Dis, has me trained a little too well!

And yes about the inflated wait times, so annoying, but at least with Slinky, you can see a good portion of the queue so it's a bit easier to see when they are inflating it!

You got some really fun Photopass pictures in SWGE!

Thanks! They had some really cool ones there!

Food Booths:
:welcome: to the YC! Sorry check-in was a hassle. As others have said, the BC and YC seem to have a lot of Magic Band problems. I know if you have too many active Magic Bands in your account, it can cause issues.

Thank you! Felt so good to be back home! It's odd, we never had any issues prior to this year. Even odder the manager came over while we were still checking in to check if it would be a problem. May we just look like people who have a lot of magic bands? :confused3

Soarin, Food Booths, a dip in SAB and a nap sound like a great way to spend a late morning/early afternoon at Disney. I had the coffee rubbed tenderloin a couple of years ago and was underwhelmed. Must really be hit-or-miss.

Yeah, that's pretty much perfect! Just thinking about it makes me wish it were F&W time again! The coffee rubbed tenderloin did get a lot of mixed reviews, I was hesitant to try it, but I'm glad I did, I must have gotten lucky with my dish!

I have never been. Food looks great. Your mom got lamb? So out of character for her!

It is so good, I definitely recommend. I know, so crazy my mom got lamb! :rolleyes1

I love that you are doing so many night events. I haven't looked at any of the After Hours events. What is included for snacks at the MK event?

We love DAH at the MK. It really truly is low (low low low low low) crowds. It's amazing. I don't think this is an exhaustive list, but for snacks they have: Mickey bars, Mickey ice cream sandwiches, popcorn, frozen banana things, some sort of Popsicle, and then drinks like coke, water, and some other things. The nicest thing is you can grab some stuff to go at the end of the night, so we always leave the park with new bottles of water or coke and full popcorn buckets!

Love all your rides on Splash. Too funny on the ride photo for Pirates, how nice of the family in the front row to lean over so you and your mom can be seen clearly.

Haha, I didn't even notice that in the Pirates picture!

I can't believe that 25 people would cut you in line! I don't know what is wrong with people!


Seriously! I can't imagine being that inconsiderate to the guests behind you, it's one of the craziest things we've seen there!
Day 5, Part 4: MNSSHP, Part 3!

After splash we stopped at the treat trail in that area. The parade had just started, so after getting our goodies, we made our way down the boardwalk over towards the HM.

When we arrived we saw there was only one family in line for the lantern shot, so of course had to hop in line!

Next up we made our way over to the ghost carriage shot, where there was a bit of a line, but nothing more than a 5 minute wait. This evening was turning out significantly better than last years party!

Woah...just noticed the ghost has changed from previous years....this guy is actually kinda scary!

We then made our way over towards Fantasyland. On the way over, we noticed that there was hardly any line for the tangled lantern photo, so of course stopped for that one as well!

Once we wrapped up with those pictures, we decided to do some more ToTing. We ended up grabbing a second bag since our first was already full!

We stopped at all the ToT stations and in no time had almost filled up our second bag as well! Not too shabby! Last year we didn’t even fill up half a bag, so getting two full bags of candy was a welcome surprise!

We finished up our ToTing in Tomorrowland. At that point it was getting towards the end of the party, so we decided to stop at PP photographers along Main Street on the way out.

We also stopped by for the headless horseman shot in the front.

After finishing up with the pictures, we made our way to the buses. We got lucky and soon after we got there a bus arrived and we made it on!

So overall party review:
After last year we weren’t sure what to expect this year. Last year the party was so miserably crowded we had no interest in going back again. But we learned that we had gone on the last CM night, which could have increased the crowds. I also believe it was the last night for various discounts. So this year with our trip falling a week later, we decided to try again.

Of course we find out a day or so before our party that similar to the parties the week before ours, ours had sold out! :oops:

Well, turns out it wasn't that bad. The party was still crowded, but not nearly as bad as last year. That being said, we felt like we still didn’t get a whole lot done. We didn’t really get in a lot of rides as we have in past years, we didn’t meet any of the characters, and we missed the parade. Even with not getting as much done, we still had a great night, and left with two overflowing bags of candy, so can’t complain about that! But for the price of the tickets, we’ve hit the point where it’s not worth going for us anymore for how little we got done. If the crowds were to go back to what they were even just 3-4 years ago, we would definitely come back, but for now we’ll be skipping the party.

Next up: Epcot – Final Illuminations Day
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Thanks for your honest review of MNSSHP . Our family went several years in a row several years ago and we loved it . I haven’t gone in the fall the last few trips but plan for Sept this year . Wavering about going to the party this year after the over crowded reports in recent years . I went to two DAH last trip ( MK and DHS) and loved it so if one of those is offered leaning towards that instead .

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