Aug. 2001 event vs. AK event


DIS Veteran
Feb 22, 2000
Inquiring minds want to know. I went last August and I'm going in April. A lot of people are upset about the price of the AK event. I compared it to what we got last August and don't see much difference. Okay, August was a "multi-day"event but what did we get then that we are not getting now.

In August we got breakfast. April we are getting dinner (a step up in my book).

August we got into the auction. Same here.

August we got to stand in line for pins. Major step up here. Prepaid - just go pick them up.

Multi-day versus one evening? So you arrive on Thursday and leave on Monday. Set up shop at the trading center at Pin Central. Voila! August all over again!

So, what am I missing? Will the price for Sept. be higher? Maybe, maybe not. If Disney decides to turn it into a Pin Disneyana then absolutely.

I am not saying that the prices of the pins aren't outrageous. But no one is forcing us to buy them. Too, just because you go to the event, doesn't mean you have to buy the pins!

My 2 cents.

If you think abou this logically the price of the AK event equals the price of 10 pins @ $12.50. I know that many of us have pins in our collections that we bought at that price.

If I had the opportunity to go, I would go just to go, pins have become a secondary part for me. I don't base my having a good time as to whether I can buy pins or not.
I think the complaint is the cost of the event...$125. If I remember correctly, the August event cost $50, but only if you were going to the breakfast. That $50 included admission to the auction, a pin and lanyard, and first dibs on some of the pins. For me , asking $125 to do basically the same thing is way over the top. I am starting to feel a bit exploited....JMHO

And for many of us August did not cost us any money to get in the door because we did not arrive in time for Thursday's breakfast. I feel strongly that Disney is charging guests just for the privilage/opportunity to buy pins.

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