At the risk of getting personal.....


DIS Veteran
Feb 5, 2001
How much do you budget for your Disney trips? With the exchange rate being the way it is, I was wondering what you expect to pay for your trips (in Canadian dollars)?

This year we're going for one week. There are two of us (two adults). We're flying down from Toronto, renting a car, and staying off property. We're getting 4 day parkhopper tickets.
We're hoping to keep the price at $2200 Canadian. That probably sounds low to many of you so let me explain. We've already booked the motel at $25 (American) a night. We've rented the car for $120 Canadian. I haven't booked the flight yet as I'm waiting for a deal. We get free breakfast at the motel. We generally eat fast food during our Disney trips, except for one nice meal at one of the Disney motels. I'm doing the reward programs beenz so I'm hoping to earn enough to cover the cost of our expensive meal. Do you think we can swing it? What do you do? Thanks!
We tend to budget around 4-5 thousand dollars canadian per trip sometimes more sometimes less. We never stay off property and we don't rent a car. We are usually heading home with around 200 dollars US or so left sometimes we have nothing left so it all depends on how you take your trip we tend to go off site for a couple meals but mostly eat at the parks or resorts. Hope this helps
Darren & Lisa
We are ringing in at around 7 thousand this trip, but there are 5 of us. I found flying out of Buffalo , as opposed to Toronto alot cheaper. Also we love those character meals and souvineers. A rental car is a must for us, and we are spending 3 nights at the AKl which is something we would never do. We just felt like slurging a little this trip.

I don't know if you are leaving yourself much money. 2200-120(car)=2080-300(room)=1780-675(hoppers)= 1105-4oo( good deal on flight)=705 left. Converted in American=around 450. Divided by 7 days= 65/day.
Doesn't seem to leave you with a whole lot to play with, but hey you are at Disney world

95- offsite
97- Nikki bird
98- Holiday Inn M.E.
99- Days suites
00-ASM and HIFS
00- DL and MOWC
01- Animal kingdom lodge and HIFS
We spent just under $5K this past December for 5 of us. That takes into account that the air tickets were redeemed with aeroplan points. We got a greate rate on accomodations of $199US per week, a friend belongs to a timeshare. We cooked most of our meals as the condo had a barbecue area. Half of our budget went to park entrance tickets to WDW, SeaWorld, and Kennedy Space Center. Our flight was out of Miami so we also had a car rental, and one night in Miami. Hope this helps.
CJK - Who did you rent your car from and is that in CDN $ for the week or US $. Also, what time of year are going at?




For our Oct '99 trip, we did it as cheap as possible. (CDN$)
We used aeroplan but our friends got the cheapest rate of $605/each (we saved $1210)
off site @ comfort inn maingate $29/night with free cont brkfst * 11 nights came to $530 CDN
Car rental
Dollar Compact Neon
$475 (we split in with our friends)
5 day hoppers about $750
Universal 3 day passes with Halloween horror night add-on $365
Busch gardens about $116
Kennedy Space Center $57
parking and gas approx $115
Food @ 60US/day for two of us $1000 (we had some leftover money from this as we ate mostly counter service)

I think it came to around $3300 without having to pay for flights and splitting the car rental.

Oct 2000 was a little different :)
flights $1315
accommodation:spent 1 week at friends timeshare $400 CDN for 4 of us
then 4 nights at quality inn maingate for $42US/night ($260)( BAD CHOICE!) then 1 night at Wilderness Lodge $320 then 2 nights at ASMusic $365
Car rental was same $475 split in half
7 day park hoppers $890
3 day at par Universal passes $210
hubby did a special tour at KSC $70
Keys to the Kingdom Tour $115
parking and gas $150
food approx $60 US/day $1300
Disney Quest $64
plus the spending money ha ha! :)

We're going back next January and doing the 4 day cruise! ACK keeps getting more expensive everytime we go :)

Cass AKA Timon

[This message was edited by Timon on 04-14-01 at 06:53 PM.]
This is the first time I've actually added it up. We are going for 14 days in July (my 12 year old daughter and myself). We are using my husbands aeroplan miles - so our flight is free. Our hotel is $30 US through priceline which is only $420, but by the time you ad the priceline fee, taxes, exchange rate, etc. my AMX bill was $803.43 for hotel.I will also have to pay $4.44 resort fee per night. That actually ends up around $93.24 canadian. So anyway hotel will cost $900 canadian. Car rental through priceline as well, my visa bill was $441.17 (dont think I'll have any additional charges for that) compact car through Budget.
Flight - free
Hotel - $900.
Car - $441.
WDW 7 day hopper plus $439x2 - $878.
Universal/IoA 3 day pass $97.50 x2 - $195.
SeaWorld/Busch Gardens
14 consecutive days $127x2 - $254.
parking $7.US/day - $147.
meals and snacks $40 - $560.
Total $3375.

Holy Cow! That is a lot of money
We are fortunately not big eaters and $25 or so U.S.per day should be enough for meals and snacks.
Hi! We're going this coming October. We booked the car with Avis. Do you have the entertainment book? I got a discount through them. HTH!

Thanks everyone for your input! We don't buy souvineers or anything since we've been to Disney a lot. Sounds like you guys all know how to plan your trips and have fun! Thanks again!
it was our kids first time at WDW and my husband was very seriously ill a few months before (he's better now). We decided to go for it and blow alot of money to make it special. We flew ($1200) for 5 people. Stayed at Poly, with unlimited passes, and had a rental car. Plus we spent 2 days at Cocoa Beach first. We had a great deal with Fall Fantasy which included character breakfasts each day and the stay at a deluxe resort. We took $3000 (US cash) which was orginally $4000 cdn. We used cash for the stay at the atlantic, meals, souveniors, etc. All in all it cost us at least $8,000 cdn. Plus we had to have someone "house-sit" and pay extra for staff to take care of our businesses. So it probably cost $10000. but it was worth it!

We are probably going to spend $6000 CDN for two weeks...

$2600CDN for 2 adults on the Disney Magic for 7 days
$1600CDN for 7 nights at the AllStar with 2-5 day park hoppers
$553CDN for 1 Air Canada flight (Hfx-Montreal-Orlando)(DH flight is on points)

Ground transportation from Airport to WDW ? around $80CDN
Food for 7 days at WDW and other stuff $1050 CDN

Now that I've put it down in front of me, it is a bit frightening!!

Well sice we are from the west coast our airfare alone for 2 adults and 3 kids is $3500.00 Canadian. Then we are doing the 3 day land (at the Beach Club) 4 day sea package which runs about $4000.00 US and then an extra 5 days at the AKL which runs about another $1900 US (that includes LOS passes for both sets of days at WDW). We then budget about $300.00 US a day for meals souvenirs etc. We generally end up coming home with cash left over but would rather plan onmore than we need that have to worry about money while on holidays. I don't even want to think about what that comes out to in Canadian funds!!!
Well, our situation is a little different. We are members at the Boardwalk Villas-DVC Yes we have an initial payment, but for the next 40+ we can stay in a deluxe hotel. This year we have a one bedroom at the Boardwalk for 8 nights. I have 4 annual passes from last years trip, free through Pointclick(unfortunately, the company is no more) Flights out of Buffalo for 4 is $1020(CDN). We use one of the limo services egHappy LImo, return transfers with coupon is $70US + tip. Also doing reward programs, I have enough gift certificates for 2 meals at the Rainforest Cafe, I meal at Planet Hollywood, 1 big treat at Ghiradellis($25US gc ). Also, before some of the other companies died, I have almost $200 in Disney Dollars. We usually bring around $1200 US for meals, souvenirs, and extra activities. Being in the Niagara Falls area, we do a few weddings a year for Americans, if they give me a choice, I take payment in US$,(DJ company) This year we have $800 US from these parties, the rest we save for. We're doing about four big meals, the rest is counter service. Breakfasts, we eat in the room, the 1 bedroom has a full kitchen. I know other people don't bring as much spending money, but we would rather have a good time, then bring some home, then run short by the end of the 9th day. We go once a year, so we do try to be careful. As for total cost I'm not sure!


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