Armadillo Question


Enjoys an early hour of peace. Is a smart cookie.
Jan 8, 2000
Last night youngest DS and I were watching the Animal Planet. A man was chasing an armadillo across a field with a net. Boy could that thing run! When the man caught him he reached under the net and grabbed him and was holding him up for display in front of the camera. Has anyone ever caught an armadillo at Fort Wilderness or would you be afraid it would bite or claw you? (Alright, do I get the award for the most absurd question here? :D ) TC
It probably would not be very hard to catch them, we actually had to shoo them away from our site once.

Would I want to catch one?? I don't think so and i don't recommend it, it is a wild animal and you never now what type of disease it may carry.

They are interesting to watch however...

<Font Size=2><Font Color=blue>Scott</Font><Font
Co-Moderator Camping @ Disney Board
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I have never caught one, or chased one for thast matter, but I did watch a couple at close range one year. Mom and I were at the pool for at the time the Homes. A couple of armadillos walked right under the chairs we were laying on. During this time we were talking with the lifeguard on duty. He told me not to get too close to the creatures because they are like skunks. He said that he was working at River Country one day, and had to get one out of the water. It was swimming in the lake area! He got it out of the water. A
As a result he smelled for a week! I wouldn't sugest going near them, but if you want to go right ahead :D
These creatures at FW are so used to people, they simply don't run away. Once I accidently stepped on ones tail without knowing that I had done so. They creature clawed my pant leg in obvious panic and its claws managed to tear through the material. Fortunately for me, I had on cowboy boats so he never scratched my skin. I believe in leaving well enough alone, they are there because they want to eat in the trash, and some people give them food. I strongly suggest leaving them alone, otherwise one may ruin your vacation.


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While I can't recall ever encountering an armadillo at FW, I grew up in the country just outside of Dallas, and I've always found armadillos to be scary. When they get scared, they jump really high in the air. They also have claws and teeth. I wouldn't catch an armadillo any more than I'd catch a possum.

I'm sure the ones at FW are more used to people, but their animal instincts will take over if they're frightened.

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There are lots of armadillos at FW. I saw or heard several while walking my dog at night. Nobody else with me did until about one hour before we left in the morning. My sister starting knocking on the back of the camper and we went out (about 6am). It was dark out and the armadillo scared my sister half to death. She was getting something out there and heard something behind her and shined the light. It was about 2 ft from her! So, my daughter got to see an armadillos up close on our last day! We didn't try to get near it. Just let it go about it's business and we watched it.

Been there, done that, going back!
Off-site 87, 88
All Star Music 97
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Ft Wilderness Oct 00
BWV/WLV Oct 01



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