Are You Frickin’ Kidding Me? An Aug/Sep Surprise Trip... (12/01) Hakuna Matata

Aw. Those were some great photos!
They really did turn out well. It was my first time having Memory Maker and we'd never used photopass before and I have to say I was really happy with the moments they were able to catch.

Yeah. Didn't really think this through.

This reminds me of the time when my sister was 7 and got so emotional when she saw Pooh. The rest of us had no idea where it came from since she had not seen much of Pooh and his gang either
Interesting. Funny how some things just get them. It's so sweet.

I do this with my young cousins and nephews/niece too. It sure is fun channeling our inner villains
For sure :thumbsup2
I figured there would be plenty of rides there that PrincessK might enjoy.

And yet... you never made it!

I can’t say that PrincessK has seen much with Pooh and the gang but she certainly enjoyed the ride.

How did she like the queue? Or did you go through it too quickly?

Not two steps outside of the shop:
“Momma the princesses live at Disney World right?”
“Yep they do”
“Even Anna and Elsa?”
“You bet”
“Can I see them?”

Uh, oh.
I would've been dreading this conversation.

By then we were actually standing just outside of their meet.
I glanced at the sign.

45 minutes.

Hey! Not bad!
Not anywhere close to the eight freaking hours an acquaintance waited.

45 minutes was a long time, longer than Grumpy and I would normally wait for a ride, but honestly against the reports I’d read, 45 minutes didn’t seem that bad.


“We can but we’ll have to wait quite a long time.”
“That’s okay. I don’t mind.”

Huh. I wonder if she knew just how long it was?

The girls danced around and talked all things princess while the adults chatted about various Disney related things.

Nice way to pass the time!

The mother gave us a great tip about removing the outer grey piece from PrincessK’s band so it would fit better. How I hadn’t heard about that before I don’t know, but I was really grateful as it really did fit much more comfortably for her after that.

I've heard of it, but you're the first I know that's put it in practice.
Or at least mentioned they did.

When we finally entered the room where the sisters were, PrincessK was in total awe.

“I can’t believe they’re really real!”

Two steps.

“Look they’re really real!”

Oh. My. God.

She was as reserved and proper as one would expect the Ice Queen to be and I think PrincessK was a bit intimidated.

I've heard this over and over.

Elsa reached out and gently took PrincessK’s autograph book from her.

I absolutely love how Elsa is watching PrincessK while she does that.
That really impresses me.

Then she reached out for a hug and PrincessK dove right in.


And oh the joy!
PrincessK clung to her like she would never let go.

Stupid dust. Always getting in my eyes.

Just as Elsa had been, Anna was true to her character.
She was bubbly and energetic and talked almost non-stop.

And PrincessK loved it!


She picked up on Anna’s energy and gone was the shy version of PrincessK that I had never seen before. She was back to her old self, talking up a storm.


They discussed at some length the merits of sisters before moving on to basketball, their favourite activities, and eventually ending with an agreement that PrincessK would visit Anna in Arendelle some time.
It was a wonderful interaction.

Aw. Sounds like such an awesome meet!

Terrific pic!

She exited the building with a look of pure joy on her face as she skipped and twirled her way out.

And Mom & Dad must've been grinning from ear to ear, too.

It only took a second for PrincessK to find the next thing she wanted to do: Prince Charming’s Regal Carrousel.

Sure. I mean, it's right there.

yep, that’s right, 2 hour drive to go down some slides :rolleyes2


PrincessK thoroughly enjoyed the ride. She was pretty excited that she was allowed to ride the big horses on her own and loved that Grumpy and I could ride too.

Well of course! It's Disney!

Once the show started, as expected, she thought it was wonderful. She reached out to grab everything and smiled the whole way through.

Wow. That brings back memories when we first took our girls.
Kay did the same thing.

As I may have mentioned before, PrincessK is not fond of water on her face so when the brooms started throwing buckets of water I subtly glanced over to see how it was going.

She took a direct hit and for a split second I thought we were done.
The look on her face went from shock… to anger… to amusement?!

Then she laughed!

Ah the magic of Disney.

:laughing: Awesome!
The girls couldn't figure out how Donald wound up stuck in the wall. They asked me about it several times in the months following our trip.

We didn’t make it far before we saw the ride… you know that ride. The one with the song that gets permanently etched in your brain.

No! Not that one!!!

How can you take your child to Disney World for the first time and not go on this classic at least once?

Easy. Just avoid it like the plague.

So did PrincessK enjoy it?

Not so much.

Smart girl.

About halfway through the ride she turned to Grumpy and I and said “Can we go on something scary?”

Extremely smart girl!

Grumpy and I shared a look and immediately knew exactly where we would head next.

Or I should say which ride we would head to next.
Because where we actually went next was the bathroom.

Well, that can be scary too sometimes.

The last time I’d been to Disney World was before the Tangled bathroom was put in.
I have to say, as far as bathrooms go, this one is pretty nice.


Did I mention yet how hot it was?

Nope! First time!

As we were leaving the area I spotted something cool.

“Look! These are Maximus’ hoof prints!”

Kay spotted those too! Such a great little touch.

Grumpy did his “yeah cool”, which really translates to “I’m going to say this is cool because you think it is and I don’t want you to be mad at me but I really couldn’t care less”.


We made our way over to… Haunted Mansion. Because what’s scarier in Magic Kingdom then Haunted Mansion?

You literally were just on it.

“You said everything in Disney is real. There’s ghosts here.”


Whoops. Uh, oh.

PrincessK was doing her very best “evil laugh” as we approached the CM that was letting people into the mansion. He gave her a one eyebrow look which she thought was hilarious.


She “evil laughed” at both the CMs helping with the loading.
The first didn’t really hear her but the second one responded with a stern look.


As we exited our doombuggy PrincessK spotted another CM, jumped in front of her and gave her best “evil laugh”… and the CM laughed.

What did she think of that??

Given PrincessK’s scolding on Haunted Mansion it was pretty clear where we needed to head to next… and it wasn’t to use our fastpass.

Gotta be BTMRR. Has to be!
How did she like the queue? Or did you go through it too quickly?
She liked what we stopped for. It was pretty much a straight walk through but she did play with the honey wall quite a bit.

Not anywhere close to the eight freaking hours an acquaintance waited.
Just no.

I've heard this over and over.
Yeah. I've heard some people say she wasn't very nice but I found her to be quite lovely, just reserved.
She doesn't have the same, shall I say "carefree" personality that most of the princesses have and I think that's what throws people off.

And Mom & Dad must've been grinning from ear to ear, too.
It probably would have been funny if the photographer had caught a picture of us because I'm quite sure we had the most ridiculous smiles on our faces.
But it was so amazing to see her so happy.

The girls couldn't figure out how Donald wound up stuck in the wall. They asked me about it several times in the months following our trip.
Funny. PrincessK noticed that one to. She asked something about how it was going to be fixed before the next show.

You literally were just on it.

What did she think of that??
Oh she thought that was great. Basically any reaction is going to be fine with her I think.

Gotta be BTMRR. Has to be!
Maybe. You'll just have to wait and see :p
It was pretty much a straight walk through but she did play with the honey wall quite a bit.

We did too. That wall is pretty cool.

Yeah. I've heard some people say she wasn't very nice but I found her to be quite lovely, just reserved.
She doesn't have the same, shall I say "carefree" personality that most of the princesses have and I think that's what throws people off.


It probably would have been funny if the photographer had caught a picture of us because I'm quite sure we had the most ridiculous smiles on our faces.
But it was so amazing to see her so happy.


Funny. PrincessK noticed that one to. She asked something about how it was going to be fixed before the next show.

:laughing: Very astute of her.

Maybe. You'll just have to wait and see :p

What? A cliffhanger?? I would never do that on my TR!

I really enjoyed your report. The video of the surprise was so cute. I can't believe she didn't hound you once you explained you weren't going camping. DS6 is relentless. :-) I'm glad to hear she's doing well. Sounds like you all deal pretty well with what is a lot of difficult health concerns. I especially enjoyed the report because I just spent the weekend with my BFF's DD3 who kept saying, "Are you kiddin' me?" Super cute. Hope you all were able to deal with the heat the rest of the trip. I live near Disneyland, but I won't even go there during the summer. I'd melt in Florida. I am a super heat wimp. Can't wait to hear the rest.
I found your report today and I'm in love. We are taking our DD 6/7 on their first trip in February. So yeah, I've cried a lot reading your report. Your daughter is beautiful and so full of life! I hope she is doing well now and I can't wait to read more about this trip! Keep it coming.
Hi! I just found your TR and I love it! I read through the whole thing so far and I can't wait to read more. I love that you surprised your daughters with the trip. There is no better surprise then a trip to Disney!:goodvibes
Jumping on board! Loving your report so far! We'll be heading to WDW in September. I am praying for free dining, and I know it's never guaranteed, but now I'm extra nervous because we're booked at POFQ! If they do dining, I sincerely hope they include it in there this time around. I don't know how much of a pain in the *** it will be to switch resorts now that all of our dining reservations are set. Yikes!
Started reading from the start and just finished. What a great trip so far. Loved the look where we are video.
I have absolutely loved reading your trip report and the current-life updates as well--glad things have improved and Princess K is beginning to feel better! I have a curly blonde 4 year old that will be going to Disney for the first time in 22 days!! Your Princess reminds me so much of my own. <3 Princess K is such a happy, beautiful little girl, and I admire you and your family's strength so much. I hope you all are doing well, and I can't wait for an update!
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I started reading your TR last night and I am all caught up and can't wait to read more!
OMG. Where does the time go?!?

I can't believe it has been soooooooo long since my last update. Worse yet, I'm not sure when the next one is coming... but I promise it is.... sometime.
I will have a real life update shortly.

I really enjoyed your report. The video of the surprise was so cute. I can't believe she didn't hound you once you explained you weren't going camping. DS6 is relentless. :-) I'm glad to hear she's doing well. Sounds like you all deal pretty well with what is a lot of difficult health concerns. I especially enjoyed the report because I just spent the weekend with my BFF's DD3 who kept saying, "Are you kiddin' me?" Super cute. Hope you all were able to deal with the heat the rest of the trip. I live near Disneyland, but I won't even go there during the summer. I'd melt in Florida. I am a super heat wimp. Can't wait to hear the rest.
:welcome: Thanks for joining in.
We try very hard to deal with all the health "stuff" but some days are easier than others. Luckily right now PrincessK is doing very well.

Loving the report so far. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful!
:welcome: and thank you!

I found your report today and I'm in love. We are taking our DD 6/7 on their first trip in February. So yeah, I've cried a lot reading your report. Your daughter is beautiful and so full of life! I hope she is doing well now and I can't wait to read more about this trip! Keep it coming.
:welcome: First trips are so much fun! I'm sure your DDs will have a blast!

Hi! I just found your TR and I love it! I read through the whole thing so far and I can't wait to read more. I love that you surprised your daughters with the trip. There is no better surprise then a trip to Disney!:goodvibes

:welcome: I'm so glad you are enjoying the report. Your right, there is nothing quite like a Disney surprise!

Jumping on board! Loving your report so far! We'll be heading to WDW in September. I am praying for free dining, and I know it's never guaranteed, but now I'm extra nervous because we're booked at POFQ! If they do dining, I sincerely hope they include it in there this time around. I don't know how much of a pain in the *** it will be to switch resorts now that all of our dining reservations are set. Yikes!

:welcome: Free dining is so wonderful. I am also hoping for free dining this year, though I'm hoping they extend it into August because that's when our next trip is planned. POFQ hasn't been included the last few years but luckily switching resorts doesn't effect your dining reservations :thumbsup2

Started reading from the start and just finished. What a great trip so far. Loved the look where we are video.

If I haven't said it already :welcome:. I still love to go back and watch that video myself.

So cute! I can't wait to read more!
:welcome: Glad you are enjoying it.

I have absolutely loved reading your trip report and the current-life updates as well--glad things have improved and Princess K is beginning to feel better! I have a curly blonde 4 year old that will be going to Disney for the first time in 22 days!! Your Princess reminds me so much of my own. <3 Princess K is such a happy, beautiful little girl, and I admire you and your family's strength so much. I hope you all are doing well, and I can't wait for an update!

:welcome: Oh how exciting for you! Your dd is going to have such a great time!!!

I started reading your TR last night and I am all caught up and can't wait to read more!
:welcome:. I'll try to get some more soon(ish)

Ah, your trip report is so good! I may have teared up when PrincessK met Anna and Elsa. Thanks for sharing your trip with us!
:welcome: I'm very happy that you are enjoying the trip report.
Real Life Update: There are Not Enough Hours in the Day

So as you can all clearly see I've been M.I.A. for quite some time now.
I do drop onto Disboards once in a while to read updates on the one and only trip report I am currently (attempting) to keep up with and to check the latest free dining rumours (we may have another trip in the works :hyper:).
But other than a few minutes here and there I can't seem to find enough hours in the day to get everything done.

PrincessK is healthy again and that's been fabulous, but it also means she's back to being very busy. Three nights a week I am out at swimming, gymnastics, and basketball lessons. Once a month on two of those nights I also have CF Chapter and Walk Committee meetings. So those nights are insane.

On top of those things I also have the walk that I am still working on organizing. It is Sunday May 29th and there is still so much to do.

This is what the mirror in my kitchen currently looks like:


I am so looking forward to the day that the "Done" list is longer than the "To-Do" list... which should happen right around May 28th :rolleyes2

On top of all this craziness, PrincessK has suddenly become famous and everyone wants her involved with their "event".

A week ago our family spoke at the Respiratory Therapy Student Federation conference about the patient experience with cystic fibrosis.


Then this past Friday, PrincessK and I were on the local addition of "Rogers daytime" talking about cystic fibrosis and the walk.

In two weeks we will be speaking at the CARSTAR regional meeting as they are the the title sponsor of the walk.

If that's not enough, PrincessK was asked to be the spokes model for another national fundraising campaign:

(click above to see the bigger image and hear the radio ad that goes along with it).

This is a national campaign so if you live in Canada and stop into a Party City in April or May you will see PrincessK's smiling face.

As you can see it's been a whirlwind few months for us and it's not likely to get better soon.
I promise to do my very best to get an actual trip report update in as soon as possible... I'm just not sure how soon that will be.

Thanks for hanging in there my amazing readers!

Life can get busy, that is very understandable.

Looking forward to reading more of your TR when you add more!
So as you can all clearly see I've been M.I.A. for quite some time now.

I can see clearly now you've been MIA.

the latest free dining rumours (we may have another trip in the works :hyper:).

Any news on that? I'm contemplating a trip too.

PrincessK is healthy again and that's been fabulous,


but it also means she's back to being very busy.

I'll take busy over sick any day of the week.

Three nights a week I am out at swimming, gymnastics, and basketball lessons. Once a month on two of those nights I also have CF Chapter and Walk Committee meetings. So those nights are insane.

Yep. You're officially busy.
Here's your membership card for busy parents.

This is what the mirror in my kitchen currently looks like:


I think you need to get that card laminated.

On top of all this craziness, PrincessK has suddenly become famous and everyone wants her involved with their "event".


(click above to see the bigger image and hear the radio ad that goes along with it).

She sounds cute as a button, too! :goodvibes

This is a national campaign so if you live in Canada and stop into a Party City in April or May you will see PrincessK's smiling face.

Darn. I don't think we have a Party City in Winnipeg.

Thanks for hanging in there my amazing readers!

That sounds crazy busy. Don't worry about updating. We'll be here ready whenever you do.
Great news regarding PrincessK. And much success with everything you have going on right now.
Life can get busy, that is very understandable.

Looking forward to reading more of your TR when you add more!

Thanks for understanding. It really is crazy.
I desperately want to get back to writing the TR because it's so much fun to relive the trip but I just cannot find the time.

Any news on that? I'm contemplating a trip too.
Just rumours so far. I'm hearing possibly April 25th for the deal to drop for Visa Holders and 28th for the general public but no one seems to have any idea on what dates may or may not be included.
Our dates are in August so we will likely need some kind of Canadian deal like last year to get them.

I'll take busy over sick any day of the week.

Yep. You're officially busy.
Here's your membership card for busy parents.
Hmmm. I think I had one of these when BGirl was playing ball last year. We drove her to another city 3x per week for practice and tournaments every other weekend.
Guess I should have held onto it.

I think you need to get that card laminated.
Probably a good idea. Don't think it's going to change much in the next couple of years.

Darn. I don't think we have a Party City in Winnipeg.
Nope you don't. I looked it up.

That sounds crazy busy. Don't worry about updating. We'll be here ready whenever you do.
Great news regarding PrincessK. And much success with everything you have going on right now.
Thanks. I am happy to be busy with things that are hopefully making a difference, but busy is still busy and I do wish I could get back to this report.


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