"Are you crazy".....


May 2, 2004
Does anyone else get a look of "Are you crazy" when they find out you are taking a cruise. A comment I received today was "Don't you realize there is a hurricane". Duh!!! I think that everyone is well aware there is a hurricane brewing! Lord knows I hope it changes directions!! FL has experienced enough!! Do people actually think a cruise line is going to risk lives by sailing directly into a hurricane. We all know the risks of booking a cruise during hurricane season. That is why you purchase the travel insurance and keep your fingers crossed you do not have to use it. Just curious if anyone else has received any comments. Cannot wait for our upcoming cruise!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!::yes:: ::yes::
Yes, and I'm getting quite discouraged. I am still excited about our trip next week, but every time I mention going to Florida and on a cruise, I get, "Yeah, if there's anything left to see!"

Kind of puts a damper on the whole thing...
I think a lot of people think a cruise is a way to get from one place to another and sleep and eat on the way. They really don't understand that for many of us, being on the SHIP is the best part of the vacation and the ports are just extras.
Originally posted by CM_Mom
I think a lot of people think a cruise is a way to get from one place to another and sleep and eat on the way. They really don't understand that for many of us, being on the SHIP is the best part of the vacation and the ports are just extras.

Ooh, well said CM_Mom.
Yes, I've had a few people question going on a cruise at ANY time of the year because of hurricanes. They think that they just appear at any time & roar deliberately toward the ships in the ocean & there's nothing for the captain to do to get out of it's way. The most recent person told me that "people are stupid to ever go on a boat because a hurricane'll come & tip it over, so I'd never go.":rolleyes:
We sometimes get similar reactions from people, but my theory is that I am not going to please them, I am going cruising to please myself. Who cares what anyone else thinks?? (maybe, they are just jealous that they aren't going along). When anyone says, "Are you crazy?" I just smile and say "Yes, but that's what makes me unique!!" Usually, they will look at me a little surprised, but it stops the comments!

Which hurricane are we talking about NOW??? I haven't been watchin the weather channel latley and my DD in Florida hasn't mentioned anything new either so I guess I may have missed some new info. Are you talking about Lisa? Last I saw of that one it was lookin like it was stayin out in the ocean and just going north.:confused:
Thanks DMS...I guess I should have looked at the date...LOL Being this close to sailing I guess the very word "HURRICANE" got me first:eek: After posting to this I went to all my Florida news pages and hurricane info I have in my favorites and had a look too. I do realize there is still plenty of time for one to get going but it's good to know nothing is "BREWING" right now........:Pinkbounc
I know what you mean. We crossed paths with Jeanne a few weeks ago on our CCL cruise. Was on pins and needles the entire week prior worrying if we were going to get to go. Hopefully everything has calmed down for the year.

Hope you have a great cruise.
"Mom, is the hurricanes done". And I said, as far as I know, YES and that there's nothing that forming right now. And she said, Thanks God. And I asked her why she asked that, and she said cuz my friend said, Are you crazy, there's a lot of hurricanes in FL.
And I told her, dont worry, we'll have fun....



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