"Are these underwear yours?" DIS Viking Italian Sojourn 2018 TR *COMPLETE* 10/14 New TR Link!

We've been fortunate enough to visit France, Austria, Switzerland & Germany in addition to the countries on this cruise and I'd agree that the churches in Italy seem to be the most ornate. Not that some of the others aren't, just Italy seems to be more so.

Oh, and of course you can always contact @DisneyKevin to arrange seeing those other countries. ;)

Lol I'm sincerely hoping our Viva Italia was only the first of many ABDs and not a "1 & done" type deal, and I will definitely need Kevin to help me out when the time comes for our next one!!
The ceramics shop looks interesting and always fun to try different spreads and bruchettas and stuff

I still can't believe that we both found a pay of stray underwear in our laundry! At least for me the worst part was then thinking "um, what do we do with them?!?!?!" - I think I wound up bringing it back to the laundry room and sort of position them partly hanging out of the dryer we had been using hoping the owner would return for them ... not sure if that is proper etiquette but, well, I panicked a bit! :rotfl2:
The ceramics shop looks interesting and always fun to try different spreads and bruchettas and stuff

I still can't believe that we both found a pay of stray underwear in our laundry! At least for me the worst part was then thinking "um, what do we do with them?!?!?!" - I think I wound up bringing it back to the laundry room and sort of position them partly hanging out of the dryer we had been using hoping the owner would return for them ... not sure if that is proper etiquette but, well, I panicked a bit! :rotfl2:

The ceramics and the view were the best parts of this excursion for me. Tasting the different spreads was interesting too, and just enough to hold us over until we could get back to the ship for lunch.

SO RANDOM that we both had a stray pair of underwear make it into our laundry!!! I can't even tell you how hard I was laughing when I found them, especially after you telling us the night before that the same thing had happened to you. I don't know what Dustin even did with them! Probably something similar. :rotfl:
The ceramic demonstration sounds pretty cool! I like the one you purchased!

When all else fails- get some gelato right? ;)

LOL so funny about the rogue underwear! :rotfl:

Sounds like a nice, laid back evening!
Is it just me - I think my daughter could do a better ceramic mask than that! The other ceramics you show were all very nice, so it might be just stylistic, but they just seem very sloppy.

Ugh, Lazytown...we hated that show.
That ceramic face is definitely scary! :eek:
The fountain piece you picked up is really cute, though, and you guys had a smart idea, making it into a magnet.

Man, you and desserts were not getting along this trip. Which is kind of a bummer because I feel like there are more good tasting desserts out there than bad. But somehow those bad ones found their way to your plate. :rotfl:

Whoa man! Finding a stranger's underwear mixed in with your laundry is not a surprise you want!!! :rotfl2: On the positive side, they've probably been through the wash twice. On the downside, there was somebody roaming around the ship without any more clean undies. :laughing:
Is it just me - I think my daughter could do a better ceramic mask than that! The other ceramics you show were all very nice, so it might be just stylistic, but they just seem very sloppy.

Ugh, Lazytown...we hated that show.

gotta admit that was one of my first thoughts with the mask - though I assume part of it was how quickly they did it for the demonstration and, like you said, the style of it

And for the record, we were not necessarily fans of Lazytown - but it was so bizzarre it became like a "thing" among my wife and her friends so the fact the actor from the touring show was our cruise director it was just the most unexpected thing
gotta admit that was one of my first thoughts with the mask - though I assume part of it was how quickly they did it for the demonstration and, like you said, the style of it

And for the record, we were not necessarily fans of Lazytown - but it was so bizzarre it became like a "thing" among my wife and her friends so the fact the actor from the touring show was our cruise director it was just the most unexpected thing

Hey - nothing against you for liking it or whatever - just the mention of the show I hadn't heard about in probably 5 years made me shudder. Such a weird creepy show.
Ah, Crotone. What an unusual port. I think we also heard that very few other ships (if any?) visit Crotone. My theory is Viking originating as a river cruise company wanted a port for every day of the cruise as opposed to sea days. And there was no way to get from Sicily to Bari without finding some stop along the way.

When I arranged the private group tour to the winery, it was incredibly difficult to find a guide. No one pops up searching Google or Tripadvisor. The winery (who was wonderful) was trying to help find someone. I finally found a guide and driver. He wasn't from Crotone (can't remember where) and he got the large van and driver from a different company. I was worried the whole thing was going to fall apart on the pier, but he showed up and everything turned out great. During our tour, the guide was taking selfies with the group. I'm pretty sure he was trying to jump start his tour business.

No taxi's at the port. Private guides almost impossible to find. I've never before encountered that lack of tourism infrastructure.
The ceramic demonstration sounds pretty cool! I like the one you purchased!

When all else fails- get some gelato right? ;)

LOL so funny about the rogue underwear! :rotfl:

Sounds like a nice, laid back evening!

They had some really nice items inside the ceramics store, I just wish I wouldn't have had to worry about getting them home so I could have gotten something better. But I think I made a good choice too, so thanks!

ABSOLUTELY! That's the quote to live by when in Italy!

It was hilarious!! I sure hope none of our pairs got left behind when we were doing our laundry and ended up in someone else's pile!! lol

Yes, it was great to have some time to relax! We always stay so busy on vacation so it was nice to just hang out a bit for a change.

Is it just me - I think my daughter could do a better ceramic mask than that! The other ceramics you show were all very nice, so it might be just stylistic, but they just seem very sloppy.

Ugh, Lazytown...we hated that show.

The demonstration one or the finished product? The demo one he finished in just a few minutes, so I'd imagine when he is really making them they take longer. lol Of course that could be the style too. I'm not super familiar with Italian pirate masks! Haha

I didn't know what it was at first when he mentioned it during the show, but as soon as Phil & Judi began describing it I knew just what show they were talking about. SO CREEPY! I'm glad we missed out on that one completely as I was too old for it but nowhere close to having kids yet either. lol

That ceramic face is definitely scary! :eek:
The fountain piece you picked up is really cute, though, and you guys had a smart idea, making it into a magnet.

Man, you and desserts were not getting along this trip. Which is kind of a bummer because I feel like there are more good tasting desserts out there than bad. But somehow those bad ones found their way to your plate. :rotfl:

Whoa man! Finding a stranger's underwear mixed in with your laundry is not a surprise you want!!! :rotfl2: On the positive side, they've probably been through the wash twice. On the downside, there was somebody roaming around the ship without any more clean undies. :laughing:

It was funny because the guy doing the demo didn't speak any English so he would speak in Italian and our Viking guide would translate, but as soon as he put the big tongue on we all started laughing! No explanation needed. It was cool to watch him make it but yep, it was creepy looking. I was glad to find the little fountain and DH had the great idea to add magnets, and it turned out perfect.

We really were not!! And dessert is my favorite food group. :rotfl2: Every time I chose one they sounded delicious on the menu, but they just didn't taste good at all. I probably could have asked for something else but oh well, there was always the option of gelato.

I just really hope the underwear that ended up in our pile and Phil & Judi's pile weren't from the same person, because that would be REALLY unfortunate!!! :rotfl:

Ah, Crotone. What an unusual port. I think we also heard that very few other ships (if any?) visit Crotone. My theory is Viking originating as a river cruise company wanted a port for every day of the cruise as opposed to sea days. And there was no way to get from Sicily to Bari without finding some stop along the way.

When I arranged the private group tour to the winery, it was incredibly difficult to find a guide. No one pops up searching Google or Tripadvisor. The winery (who was wonderful) was trying to help find someone. I finally found a guide and driver. He wasn't from Crotone (can't remember where) and he got the large van and driver from a different company. I was worried the whole thing was going to fall apart on the pier, but he showed up and everything turned out great. During our tour, the guide was taking selfies with the group. I'm pretty sure he was trying to jump start his tour business.

No taxi's at the port. Private guides almost impossible to find. I've never before encountered that lack of tourism infrastructure.

Not being familiar with cruises at all since this was my first one, I could even tell something was up with Crotone. It just didn't have the same feel as the other port cities. So when Kevin was talking to us up in the lounge a few nights later and said this was a brand new port, it made complete sense. Your theory rings true too.

I'm glad everything worked out for y'all doing the winery tour despite the difficulty in finding a guide. Everyone I talked to who did it with y'all seemed to really enjoy themselves. So at least you seemed able to make the best out of an otherwise lame port.
Day 7: Wednesday March 28th

This morning we were in the city of Bari!! We’d gotten a message the night before from Chris inviting us to share breakfast with her and Chuck, so we got up around 7:15 to get dressed, then met them at the buffet. We had a great time with them, talking about all of the different things we had been experiencing on the cruise so far. And I showed them the picture I had found of the Italian singer that our food tour guide said looked like Chuck. It was a fun breakfast!

Then we had to go down to theater to meet up for our excursion for the day to the Castellana Caves and the village of Polignano a Mare. This was another day we were in the same group as a bunch of DISers and some podcasters! So although it was a 45 minute bus ride, it was an entertaining one. We also had a guide with a very very thick accent, so it was hard to understand a lot of what she was saying on the bus ride, although she did follow up almost everything she said with, “And that is the correct name for it.” It was a bit odd, but it made us laugh. She also later kept trying to say “rocky beach” when pointing it out to us through the windows, but it sounded like rocky “something else that kind of sounds like beach but the DIS censors won’t let me type.”

When we arrived, we had a short walk over to the entrance of the grottos, and we found a hidden Mickey!

While the guide bought our tickets, she showed us where the restrooms were and warned us we would be charged for them, which was kind of a pain. We were halfway through the trip and somehow I had managed to avoid paid public restrooms the entire time so far!

There was only one woman to man the turnstiles at both restrooms, so of course she came over to the women’s side and we each had to pay. Most of the guys just hopped the turnstile to go in and out.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Another Italian kitty

When you enter the building, there is a separate line you enter for an English tour, so we entered there and met our tour guide. Thankfully it wasn’t the lady from Viking. He was awesome! Much easier to understand, and pretty funny too.

First, we had to go down a huge staircase down into the caves.

Once down in the first room, we had a lot of opportunity to take a lot of photos because we were told we couldn’t take anymore once we left that first cave. The reasons for this were mostly because they want to be able to sell their photos of the inner caves, and also because it would hold up the tour too much because everyone would want to take millions of photos! As we later continued on with the tour, that made perfect sense. DH would have taken hundreds of photos there easily had he been able to! As it was, he took a LOT of the first room since it was the only place he could.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

In these next photos, you can kind of see that they had something hanging from the opening, and it was for a theater performance that was being done down there during that time called Hell in the Cave.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Something else being used for the show

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

There was a rock the guide pointed out that is slick and shiny from people touching it, so he warned us not to touch any of the cave walls or rock formations we passed.

Our guide is the one in the center with the hard hat. For some reason, he was the only one that got one, which made me a little nervous! Lol

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Then, we headed into the caves, and they were INCREDIBLE!! Although I loved Pompeii and Taormina, I think the caves were my most favorite excursion. After the disappointment at the fortress the day before, this definitely made up for it!
The caves were first formed 90 million years ago during the Cretaceous period and were filled with rushing water that formed the stalactites and stalagmites that exist there now. They were discovered in 1938 and excavated. There are formations that are shaped like everything from a camel to a ballerina leg to the Virgin Mary. It was so incredible to see some of them and how they resembled what they were named for! The tour lasted about an hour. There are more photos of some of the formations on their website: http://www.grottedicastellana.it/en/the-caves/media-gallery/

Eventually we ended up back in the first grotto again, where the sun was coming in at the perfect angle and it looked absolutely beautiful!

After the caves, we made our way back to the bus. We found another funny photo to send to DS, a vending machine of just Pringles cans.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Then we were ready to load up on the bus for our second stop on this excursion, Polignano a Mare!

UP NEXT: Polignano a Mare
Those caves look awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed your excursion so much after the day before.
I bet those caves were amazing to see. I can't believe they've been around that long!

Ahh, paid bathrooms. Such a pain...The only bright side to them is that they are always clean. I know I mentioned it before, but I hoard all my 50 cent Euro pieces now and keep them in bags and cars so we always have them on hand in case we have to use the restroom. We also always pick Landon up and carry him even though he's 5 that way we don't have to pay for him, too. :rotfl2:
Looks like a great excursion so far! Nice to have an interesting one after the disappointing one. The pictures of the sunlight coming in are amazing!
She also later kept trying to say “rocky beach” when pointing it out to us through the windows, but it sounded like rocky “something else that kind of sounds like beach but the DIS censors won’t let me type.”

That reminds me of a statistics professor I had in college who had a very thick accent and was using the analogy of a # of birds and a # of holes they could go into the bird house and probability for each hole having a bird or something like that ... but "hole" would sound like "ho" and as we just couldn't focus / not laugh he would get agitated and started screaming at one point "how many hos?!?!?!? how many hos?!?!?!?"

Glad to see you had a different guide for the tour and that he spoke clearer English!

The tour seems really cool and the caves look amazing. I must say I am really intrigued by the idea of a performance in the caves - that must be something to see!
Those caves look awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed your excursion so much after the day before.

It was definitely nice to enjoy such a highlight after the low point the day before! I guess they can't all be winners, but I'm glad this one was. We both really enjoyed it.

I bet those caves were amazing to see. I can't believe they've been around that long!

Ahh, paid bathrooms. Such a pain...The only bright side to them is that they are always clean. I know I mentioned it before, but I hoard all my 50 cent Euro pieces now and keep them in bags and cars so we always have them on hand in case we have to use the restroom. We also always pick Landon up and carry him even though he's 5 that way we don't have to pay for him, too. :rotfl2:

They were incredible! I was really happy we had chosen this excursion, though I was not really very excited about doing it while planning our trip.

SUCH. A. PAIN. I was pretty proud I had made it so long into the trip without paying for a restroom, but after that I kept all our change on me for bathroom money. That would be awful with small kids!! It was kind of funny that after we had gone home and picked up the kids from my parents house, we were halfway home when Delilah said she needed to potty, and it was such a relief to be able to stop at a gas station and use the restroom (without having to buy something first!).

Looks like a great excursion so far! Nice to have an interesting one after the disappointing one. The pictures of the sunlight coming in are amazing!

It was nice to have another top quality excursion after the one the day before.

It was incredible to get back to that main grotto and see that beam of light coming in! Such a stunning view!

That reminds me of a statistics professor I had in college who had a very thick accent and was using the analogy of a # of birds and a # of holes they could go into the bird house and probability for each hole having a bird or something like that ... but "hole" would sound like "ho" and as we just couldn't focus / not laugh he would get agitated and started screaming at one point "how many hos?!?!?!? how many hos?!?!?!?"

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Even the most mature of adults can turn into a giggling middle schooler in situations like this!!!

Glad to see you had a different guide for the tour and that he spoke clearer English!

The tour seems really cool and the caves look amazing. I must say I am really intrigued by the idea of a performance in the caves - that must be something to see!

It was definitely another situation where the guide can make or break the tour. Had we been stuck with the Viking lady for the whole thing, I think we would have been really frustrated trying to understand what she was describing to us. So we got really lucky! It made the whole experience a lot more enjoyable, for sure.

Seeing a performance in there sounds REALLY cool! Too bad we were only there for the day...
We had a tour guide in Italy last September that pronounced "beach" exactly as you describe.

The best quote of our trip remains him telling us about his vacation plans:
"I like to go to Greece and visit all my favorite beaches."
:rotfl2::scratchin :scared1:

Oh, and the cave looks amazing.
The caves look SO cool! Awesome pics!

Hahah the pringles vending machine is so funny!

The caves were really amazing! It got me researching places we can do something similar with the kids, and we are going to Tennessee over Thanksgiving week and there are actually 2 caves there. While I'd LOVE to take them to the Castellana caves one day, the Tennessee option is a lot more reasonable right now.:rotfl:

We had a tour guide in Italy last September that pronounced "beach" exactly as you describe.

The best quote of our trip remains him telling us about his vacation plans:
"I like to go to Greece and visit all my favorite beaches."
:rotfl2::scratchin :scared1:

Oh, and the cave looks amazing.

:rotfl2:All these stories are SO GREAT!!!

They totally were! One of the coolest things we got to see on the trip, and definitely a lot different than touring an old building or museum.
Day 7 Continued: Wednesday March 28th

After a great morning visiting the Castellana Caves, we loaded back up onto the bus to head to the seaside town of Polignano a Mare.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Another one for DS!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
A little hard to capture, but these were rows of olive trees

Once we made it to Polignano a Mare, our guide left us on our own to explore and told us when to meet back at the meeting point. We decided to go down to the bay.

I found this sign funny. The English translation says “In case of rain do not trespass, stop and take a bath.”

We stayed down at the beach for a little while, just because it was incredibly beautiful! There was a couple there with their two dogs, and they were throwing rocks into the water which riled the dogs up and got them running and splashing in the water. So cute! After watching them for awhile and just enjoying the beauty, we decided to head back up so we could check out some of the shops while we had time.

As soon as we came this way, we ran into Craig & Kylie with the guide, who was showing them a gelato shop and bar across the street where we could use the restroom, so we went over with them to do that as well. And DH got us a chocolate gelato cone to share.

Then we went back over to the town, but didn’t really have a ton of time left to shop, so we decided to just explore. There were lots of little alleyways that led to overlooks with amazing and beautiful views!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

There was even a photoshoot (maybe engagement photos or something?) happening at one of the overlooks.

It was nearly time to meet back with the group, so we headed that way. But we saw a bunch of the DISers at a tiny pizza and sandwich shop, so we decided to see what they had there because we were starving.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Some of them had already ordered paninis, but the owner (who didn’t speak much English) was offering us all samples of his pizza. It was delicious! So instead of ordering a sandwich, we asked if we could just buy the rest of the pizza and he sold it to us!

Turns out we were holding up the group because it was already past the meeting time. Oops. But everyone got their food and it was really good! Then we walked back to the bus to head back to the ship.

On the way we spotted some of the trulli, little dry stone huts with cone roofs. They were made to be temporary field houses and storehouses, or sometimes as small homes.

As soon as we got back to the ship, we were able to get on one of the complimentary shuttles taking people back and forth from the ship to the center of town. We walked to the main square and saw a spot where the original road has been preserved.

DH was fascinated with this beer vending machine we saw.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Continued in next post...


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