April Unoffical Challenge


DIS Veteran
Oct 20, 1999
DIS Veteran

Registered: 10-20-99
Posts: 120
SB: April Unofficial Challenge
In my dreams, I'd like to average a page a day for April - 30!

posted 04-03-01 06:08 AM

DIS Veteran

From: southern NJ
Registered: 08-02-00
Posts: 93
I'm in on the challenge. I'm going to try to finish my Disney Nov 1998 trip and get started on my 2 yo DS's book. Good luck to one and all.

posted 04-03-01 07:29 AM

DIS Veteran

Registered: 12-13-00
Posts: 95
Is this where we sign up for the unofficial challenge? I'm in!
posted 04-03-01 03:15 PM

DIS Veteran

From: southern NJ
Registered: 08-02-00
Posts: 93
6 pages
I just finished 6 pages tonight. This has been the easiest book so far. All I'm doing is taking the great pictures out of a photo album that is already in order. Can you believe that I've got an entire layout for Downtown Disney's Lego Store?!
How is everyone else doing this month?


posted 04-04-01 10:35 PM

DIS Veteran

From: Wisconsin
Registered: 06-26-00
Posts: 215
Well, seeing as it's only the fifth, I haven't gotten anything done. I'm cropping with some girlfriends on Friday so I'm hoping to get a few pages done. Either way, I'm in on the challenge!
posted 04-05-01 09:38 AM

DIS Veteran

Registered: 10-20-99
Posts: 120
Good for you, MBS!
I thought I was doing good with 6 pages for the month so far . . . but 6 a night! Whew!

posted 04-05-01 02:59 PM

DIS Veteran

From: southern NJ
Registered: 08-02-00
Posts: 93
Thanks lisababe
I think when I finish with the last few pictures (maybe 5 or 6 scrapbook pages), I'll really slow down. Looking though 8 year old photo albums has me really thinking what I want to do next. I don't think the ideas, words, and thoughts will come as easily or as quickly as the disney pages have been.

posted 04-05-01 07:24 PM

DIS Veteran

Registered: 12-13-00
Posts: 95
I haven't made any pages yet, but I got out the pictures I'm going to use. Trying to get organized. That's one big giant step for me!
posted 04-07-01 11:03 AM
Sorry I couldn't figure out how to import the rest of the posts from the old board!

Today's the last day of April - I met my goal - thanks to my fellow challenge members - 31 pages and 1 gift album. I'm sure I wouldn't have been so diligent, if it wouldn't have been necessary to report each week. Thanks for the encouragement!

How are the rest of you doing?
:pinkbounc I completed 92 pages in April - WooooHoooo!!!!

Sadly, I have tons of photos and pages that still have to been done........

May Challenge, anyone?
I've lost count of the pages I've worked on the last few days. Guess I need to check! I even took them to the hospital when my DH was having surgery. (It kept my mind off of it).

I'm in for the month of May! I'm going to a National Scrapbook Day crop and the end of the month to the Great American Scrapbook Convention. This month I have incentive. Let's go!


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