AP discounts in May

If memory serves me, AP rates for May through July 3rd were released on March 25. It was a Saturday, and I was ready, phone in hand, to book my Contemporary stay for the week of July 4th. Someone on this board had given the heads up a day or two before, so of course I was ahead of the pack! I booked at 8AM, and by 9AM the reservation system was down...some people were able to book later, but some lost out totally. Sorry, I realize this is probably too much info...can you tell it was a day to be remembered! Just watch this board...nothing gets by us!
I hear you Mic. I also was ready, phone in hand last March 25th. When I got through (around 7:00), I was told the rates weren't out yet. Since I had been calling for days, I figured they weren't coming out that day. About 3 hours later I decided to try again. Oh, they came out alright. And the GF was already SOLD OUT. I actually cried. I had been waiting and planning and waiting. After my cry, I called again. Got a fantastic CM, who got me 3 nights only (saved me over $300.00). I kept calling for days. I finally was able to get our last 3 nights at the Cont. That savings was over $500.00 (between the discount and the difference in prices at the GF and the Cont.). I wanted to try the Cont. so we booked it.

At first my family was mad. The GF is the ultimate and the Cont. is, IMHO, ugly. But, it ended up being the best 3 nights. The kids loved the pool and the game room. We loved walking to MK.

So this year, it's the Cont. for us!!



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