anyone thought of becoming a Disney Travel Agent

The idea of being a Disney TA is tempting. HOWEVER, I know I would have to spend a couple grand just to get going (ie new computer, getting a land line, business cards, website) and I don't have that amount of money. However, it's also something I wouldn't be able to do until at least the fall of 2014 (when my son hits 1st grade and is in school all day; love the child to pieces, but he sometimes makes our 1 child home sound like a 3 child home LOL).

Likewise, I LOVE to bake and make treats. I send a basket full with my mom once a week to pass out where she works. I've been told many times that I need to start my own bakery/sweet shop. But, I don't know that it's something I'd enjoy doing on a daily basis on a MASS production level. Not to mention, the start up costs of running my own business.

Who knows...maybe in a few years when my son is settled in school every school year, I'll consider one of the two. But we'll see. :)
Hi all! I am new here and I would LOVE for anyone that has info on becoming a Disney TA to message me!! Please! I realize it is a very demanding job, and I have read all the pros and cons... I am still interested... I would appreciate any help! Thank you!:)
Good Luck to everyone who is trying to get started as a TA! I am trying to make that jump myself so I'll be along for the ride!:hyper:
I have been working as an agent for a little over a year. It's a lot of work to get business and it can be frustrating at times. The best advice I can give is to keep at it and don't stop marketing yourself. When I spend a good amount of time sending emails and posting on Facebook I can see the work paying off. I wouldn't expect being able to quit your regular job, commission checks are nice, but not nearly enough unless your one heck of an agent.

My recent issue has been other people in my area becoming Disney agents. I was the only one around and now I have a little competition to keep me motivated.

Good luck and keep you head up and enjoy what you do. If it gets to a point to where you don't enjoy it then walk away.
IADtoMCO304 said:
I have been working as an agent for a little over a year. It's a lot of work to get business and it can be frustrating at times. The best advice I can give is to keep at it and don't stop marketing yourself. When I spend a good amount of time sending emails and posting on Facebook I can see the work paying off. I wouldn't expect being able to quit your regular job, commission checks are nice, but not nearly enough unless your one heck of an agent.

My recent issue has been other people in my area becoming Disney agents. I was the only one around and now I have a little competition to keep me motivated.

Good luck and keep you head up and enjoy what you do. If it gets to a point to where you don't enjoy it then walk away.

I have recently had the issue with others coming into the area. Now I'm just going to work harder.
This is something I've considered before, but it all seems to be very geared towards US TAs.

Does anyone know if it's possible to become a specialised UK Disney TA like this, or even work for one of the US based agencies and concentrate more on UK-based bookings to avoid time difference issues?
I'm officially a Disney travel specialist as of today. I found a good host agency that didnt try to charge me fees or anything. I'm going to try it for 3 months and if nothing comes of it, oh well. It was fun going through the Disney training!
How much time do you all devote to this? I am considering doing it as a part time job when I go to college. I would love to do it now, but I highly doubt they would let a high school student be a travel agent.
I hate to sound jaded. I thought the same thing before I got into it. There are lots of people who will ask you for advice and then go book it themselves. Even friends.
True. I even had a friend ask when BoG was opening if I could make her an ADR when the lines opened in the morning, but she didn't want to transfer her vacation to a TA. Umm...

Having thought about this myself, here is my question: if you work full time, when do you plan on doing this? Nights and Weekends or while at your other job? What would you do on a day Disney releases a in sick? Unless you have flexible hours at your full time job, I can see some serious issues here.

My Disney TA lives at her computer. I have talked to her a few times about it, and quite frankly, the hours are definitely a turn off!
I would have a hard time doing it with a full time job. I have not been doing this long but can see how you end up spending a lot of time on the computer, which is not a problem for me :)

Yes, you spend time on your computer and on the phone with clients but it is such fun making Disney Dreams a reality...!!

1) We had a neighbor that became a Disney TA.
2) She never realized how much work there was to get started.
3) And, how skimpy the money was for A LONG TIME.
4) She was passing out biz card in the neighborhood, at church, everywhere.
5) She finally gave it up.
6) Now, she is back to making Disney ressies on the phone at home - she
. . . averages about $11-$13/hr
. . . answers call-ins from people wanting Disney ressies
. . . can name her own hours (but needs to keep them once named)
. . . doesn't have to worry about canvassing for new business

The money is minimal when you start but it makes sense, you have to build yourself from nothing.. That WAH gig sounds good though!

How much time do you all devote to this?
I am still spending more time researching, trying to build myself up than on clients (since I don't yet have many) and I put a couple hours in a day. Once I have more clients I will be spending more time on it, as dictated by the needs of the clients :)

The way I see it with a minimal investment, I can turn my hobby into a career. I am lucky to have been hired by a great company.
For those of you who have explored this...

Who runs the college of Disney knowledge? Is it Disney or an independent? Is it an opportunity for any agent or agency or is it one agency's training program? Is there tuition and if so, who pays?
disneygoof said:
For those of you who have explored this...

Who runs the college of Disney knowledge? Is it Disney or an independent? Is it an opportunity for any agent or agency or is it one agency's training program? Is there tuition and if so, who pays?

Disney runs it. You have to have a host agency to go through it, but it doesn't cost them or you anything.
I'm sorry to bump this old thread, but I'm wondering if there are any updates from the aspiring TAs here now that a few months have passed? You can PM me if you'd rather!
I found an agency and did all the pre cost..and just got my info added on their page! Have done the College of Disney Knowledge and some other training things also. I don't expect to make much money at first, but am excited to be working toward something I enjoy.
Question? I'm a new independent travel agent --- Love Disney--- Is it true... across the board that you have to sell a certain dollar amount to get your iata card to take advantage of the Disney travel agent prices? or is it subject to the specific travel agency? if anyone with a travel agency that did not have to sell a certain amount to get their iata card ----please tell me:confused3:confused3
I don't know. At my agency we can work toward our own CLIA card and I will do so. I think each agency can use the card for so many TA type of discounts per card so you can imagine how crazy it would be if an agency with say 100 agents let them all just go nuts on the discounts. Anyway, that's my understanding and could be totally wrong.


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