Anyone recently used AP at WDW to get discount anywhere, i.e. restaurants, etc?


Earning My Ears
Aug 20, 1999
Last year I was able to use my AP for discounts at restaurants, I believe the GF Cafe and Tusker House (if I'm not confusing it with DC). Anyone have any luck with discounts using AP?

Yes, we've used the AP for a free dessert at the Grand Floridian and it was great! We are always checking for ways to maximize our AP.
Where at The Grand Floridian can you get the free dessert? Any dessert or just certain ones?

FW 6/79
Off-site 5/82
Off-site 5/95
PO 3/98
FW 11/99
FW 6/01
FW 12/01
FW 6/02
I looked at the AP site and do not see anything about free dessert at the Grand Floridian. Where can I find that info?

FW 6/79
Off-site 5/82
Off-site 5/95
PO 3/98
FW 11/99
FW 6/01
FW 12/01
FW 6/02
I do know that when I get to WDW to ask for my AP "holder" (it's a little sleeve to put your AP's in). I believe CRO told me that any discounts will be listed on that holder. WE are going in early May so I may not get my mickey monitor by then.

I thought that the free dessert or childs meal perk was gone. When was the last time someone got this?? It was for many of the resort restaurants and some in each of the parks. We really took advantage of it. Hopefully it is still available and I am wrong!
At both 'Ohana's and Tony's (in MK)I was told the free dessert/kids meals ended Dec. 31, 2000. This was in March. In April(as in last week)I was told the same thing at Spoodles. We have 4 kids, and really used the AP discounts last October. As a matter of fact, that is the sole reason I tried 'Ohana's and Spoodles in the first place, and now we eat lunch at Spoodles on every trip, but I sure miss those discounts!

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