Anyone know what the AP rates at HRH are?


DIS Veteran
May 29, 2000
Anyone know what the Annual Pass rates at the HR are (I assume they have them like the PBH)?
Just booked Club Level for 2 nites in late March (despite your not so glowing review! I hope you let 'em have it so they improve!). Wanted a Deluxe for $149 Entertainment rate, but only had Club available at AP rate of $213.50. I don't even know what the normal rate was, it just sounded good to me. I confirmed the free drink thing first though.
I booked thru 1-800-23LOEWS in Phoenix. The HRH people talked too fast for me. Gave all the particulars: Ent. card; AAA; AP; Loews First; coaster addict; and whatever else I had in front of me and she simply said AP rate!
Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Honestly, my advice would be to not pay the extra money for a Club Room. I stayed in one a few weeks ago, and the Club Lounge was such a zoo, I'd rather save the money and just drink out of the minibar and eat elsewhere. If there are no Deluxe rooms available, you can bet that the hotel will be pretty full at the time too ... meaning the Club Lounge will be full at feeding time.

Thanks for the info though!
Hey, JessicaR and h20jag have a club room. Since they have the nicest room of all of the March meet attendees, we have to jump up and down on their beds! :)


Barry Hom
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