Anyone Headed to WDW in August?


Dec 6, 2000
Hello! Anyone headed to WDW August 4-10? I will be there then. If anyone is interested, there is a DIS'er meet at the GRand Florian on August 4. We will be watching the Water Pageant.

Let me know.

We'll be there August 11-17 at the BC.

'75 off-site
'84 D.D.
'89 off-site
'96 CBR
'97 off-site
'99 Poly
next trip 8/01 at Beach Club
Neat. The 11th we will be in Melbourne Florida visting relatives for the weekend before headed home to Rhode Island.

We will be there 8/9 -8/18 . Staying at PO Riverside. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">
All-Star Sports
August 5-13
Me, Hubby, two boys 13 & 14

Have a Great Disney Day!

10/97 All-Star Sports 9 nights
01/98 Quality Inn Plaza I-Drive 3 nights
12/98 All-Star Sports 3 nights RADP-III
11/99 All-Star Music 6 nights
12/99 All-Star Music 3 nights RADP-IV
02/00 All-Star Sports 4 nights
06/00 Travelodge & Sleep Inn 192 4 nights
12/00 All-Star Music 6 nights RADP-V
08/01 All-Star Sports 8 nights
09/01 All-Star Sports 5 nights
12/01 Ft. Wilderness Tent Site 5 nights RADP-VI
07/02 All-Star Movies or Pop Century 14 nights
August 22nd through the 28th at the Dolphin! Can't wait, just got my airline tickets! Wahoo! Definitely doing the happy dance! lol

LoriZHappy Disney :D
We will be there too!
8/11 POLY
8/12-16 Contemporary ( my b-day! )
8/16-19 Disney Wonder
8/19-25 ASMU
I really can't wait!!


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