Anyone from Ontario send down a box to their Hotel


Earning My Ears
Feb 10, 2001
Just curious if anyone has sent down a box of goodies ahead of time to their hotel. I would like to do this and l was wondering if anyone has done this, or even if is worthwhile to do this?
I will put other things in it as well, and l was curious to know how long it takes to get there? One thing that l have purchased that will be in that box, will be packages of Tim Horton's coffee. Just hope the box doesn't go missing. I would have withdrawal symptoms!! Thanks, Karen :cool:
But we sent a netgrocer order to the hotel and it worked out great! Was fun to get all the US stuff we can't get here and not have to fight lines in a grocery store. I think in total, it cost about 15.00 more for the stuff, then if we had bought it and brought it, or bought it there......and that was well worth it on vacation. Link is
We did!

We didn't actually send a box from home, but to avoid duty and shipping charges for a few mail order items we arranged to have the items shipped to the Grand Floridian. We asked each of the two stores (LLBean and Patagonia) to put a note on the slip confirming the check in date. I also called to the hotel and they confirmed they would be happy to receive items shipped from home.

BUT --- we learned a lesson - careful where you get your info off the web. I got the address for the Grand Floridian off a site which obviously had not done it's homework -- our packages disappeared to the Contemporary Convention Centre. Lucky for me I kept the shipping numbers. A few calls and some very helpful CM's on the front desk helped rescue our packages. It was worthwhile for us. The CM told us people ship diapers, clothes, and tons of stuff to their hotels.

Dave in the Frozen North.

P.S. Always wondered about shipping coffee across the border. Isn't ground coffee the packing material of choice for drug smugglers!!? Those immigration officers may be rolling up your rim for you on your Tim's fix as it comes across the border! (LOL)


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