Anyone from Connecticut?


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Sep 2, 1999
I'm just wondering if anyone here is from Connecticut, and if so, do you have any experience taking your child out of school for vacation? How much time do they leniently allow? We are looking into moving to Connecticut (the Meriden, Southington or Cheshire areas)... Just wondering what to expect from the schools in general... We have a 6 year old, so we don't mind taking him out quite yet as he's well ahead of anyone else in his age group!!!
but our kids are just in preschool still. However, we will be taking them out of public school in a couple of years, when we go to WDW. We always go in Jan., and we don't plan on changing that schedule, so we will be taking them out for a week. I think it is easier to do when your kids are younger, because when they get to HS it seems like the schools mind more that they are out and they miss so much. Maybe someone will have firsthand experience with this and can help you more.


Well, to try to answer your question, the schools don't necessarily like it from what I understand. This December will be the first time we are going during a non-vacation time and I will be pulling my daughter who will be in 7th grade and my son who'll be in 3rd, out for a week. I have friends that have done this before and during the conferences in November, they have instructed their children's teachers that they would be away during a certain week, and usually the teachers will put together a packet of homework for them. It all depends on the teacher I suppose. I will also be advising the principal of our vacation so that way it won't be an unexcused absence. As far as I am concerned, I feel that my children are ahead enough to pull them out of school for a week for an educational experience at Disney. If my kids were having difficulty in school, I would most likely not pull them out, I think everyone has a different situation. After all, only you, the parent can make the decision of what's best for your child. Good luck on your move to Connecticut, and a small word of advice is that Cheshire and Southington are much nicer towns than Meriden is, just my opinion though. :D


"Can't Wait Till Dec 1st!!"

88/Hyatt Orlando
91/Sheraton Lakeside
99/Grand Floridian
01/Contemporary Tower
02/Wilderness Lodge 15th Anniversary!!

"Believe in the Magic"

Thank you Wish Upon A Star!!

We decided that we would go with Cheshire or Southington... we made the decision based on the school systems... Although Guilford has a great system.. Is there any side of Guilford that isn't far from Meriden? That's where my DH will be working.... We were planning on pulling our son out for 2 weeks, we are rethinking this, or at least I'm rethinking it!!! When does Connecticut have their vacations? We also are planning on going early December '01... We are house hunting this weekend, so wish us luck!!

Thanks for any inside information!
Hi, we are from Cheshire! We haven't had any problem taking kids out of schools other years. This year our oldest is in HS, she's a really good student but we didn't feel we could take her out of school at this point. She has said that other kids have missed weeks for vacations and had a hard time making things up for school.

It does depend on your child's teacher, some were really good at giving them work. They didn't expect them to make up stuff when we got baack. Others wouldn't let them take stuff, they made them do extra work after we got back.

We run vacations at Easter, Christmas, and sometimes President's week in Feb. They had cut that one out for a while and have just put it back in for 2 yrs now. We'll have to wait and see if they continue it or not.

With a 6 yr old you shouldn't have too many problems taking a week off for a while. Let me know if you have any other questions about the area.
Thanks PoohLover!!! Hey, do you have any homes for sale nearby? We might be neighbors LOL... We are looking at 13 homes Sunday... We're going to look at both Cheshire & Southington... I don't know which town or house we will prefer, I'm just hoping to narrow the list down!! We just got the appraisal for our house today, and things are moving along nicely!!!

Do you think we'd get into too much trouble missing 2 weeks of school at one time? Our son is six, and will be going into first grade in September... He's already doing all the things first graders do, so I'm not too worried about his academics... I just don't want to get him or us in trouble with the school!!!

Thanks for any Disney or Cheshire info, it's great to meet someone from there!!
Hi Chris . .well, Guilford isn't even close to touching Meriden at all. Besides, Guilford has been having a very tough time with mosquitos, so keep clear . .Anyways, good luck on your house hunt this weekend. You should also look into Wallingford. Wallingford and Cheshire both have excellent school systems and Meriden is close to both. Wallingford has a low mill rate which makes our taxes very affordable. Also Wallingford has its own electric, which makes our electric rate low too. Most school systems have the same vacation times. Wallingford had President's Week, Easter Week and Xmas Week as vacations. Wallingford schools go 5 days longer than other school systems, for some unknown reason. I'm sure you'll find either Cheshire or Wallingford great towns to live in. I wouldn't worry too much about the 2 weeks of vacation for your child. It should be no problem. Just make sure the teachers and principal are aware of it. If you have any other questions, feel free. Have a GREAT time house hunting!! Where are you moving from??


"Can't Wait Till Dec 1st!!"

88/Hyatt Orlando
91/Sheraton Lakeside
99/Grand Floridian
01/Contemporary Tower
02/Wilderness Lodge 15th Wedding Anniversary!!

"Believe in the Magic"

Hi Chris, if you do move to Cheshire we'll have to meet. Sorry no homes for sale on our street. But there are lots for sale in town. I don't think you'd have too much problems missing 2 weeks in 1st grade.We've always taken a week in the fall before, wish we could go for 2 weeks!

Like I said before, we opted not to take the kids out of school due to my one in HS, but I don't know if I'd do it again. the crowd difference was really bad, and we have a large family, so it makes it hard.

anyway Cheshire is really nice, both my hubby and I grew up next town over in Hamden. The school system is really good, though there is a space crunch in the middle school right now.

Good luck hunting, and e-mail me if you have any specific questions.
Thanks for the replies!! We are from Pepperell, MA, near Nashua NH... so Cheshire/Meriden are about 2 hours from us.... We're staying in a hotel tonight, and starting fresh tomorrow... we are both really excited about it so far!! It looks much more affordable, and from the looks of it the schools are a lot better, which I am so happy about!! I'll report back on Monday what we find!!! Also glad to hear you think our 2 week vacation should be no problem... How do I go about telling the principal? Thanks again!
Hi Chris . . .just tell the Principal in advance that you are planning to take a "family" vacation to Walt Disney World and that you've been planning this for a long time and he/she should have no problem with it. We feel that Epcot is very educational and they have learned alot about the Land and Sea just by visiting Epcot. I plan on informing the Principal when school starts back up in the late summer. I'm just going to write him a letter stating that this is what we are planning. Then, when November conferences come up, I will inform the teachers in advance that way if they feel they need to give the kids work during that week, they'll be well prepared. I remember growing up that we took off two weeks in February every year and I never received any homework to do. All I had to do was write and give an oral report on my vacation. If it can only be that easy now . .LOL I think that being your child is in Elementary School the teacher won't be so hard . . .I'm sure my daughter who'll be in 7th grade will have at least some work given to her. Don't worry about it. They are only kids once. Enjoy your house hunting . .let me know how you make out . . :D


"Can't Wait Till Dec 1st!!"

88/Hyatt Orlando
91/Sheraton Lakeside
99/Grand Floridian
01/Contemporary Tower
02/Wilderness Lodge 15th Wedding Anniversary!!

"Believe in the Magic"

Hi. We're in Middletown. DD is only 22 mos. old, but we've heard mixed things about how our school system would react. We're thinking about buying into DVC and one of the things we've talked about is if we'd be able to go when school's in session. I lean towards yes, at least when she's in elementary school. Keep us updated on the house hunt... Cheshire and Wallingford are both great towns. I grew up in Portland, CT, and hope to move back across the river before DD hits middle school!

We just got back from WL 2 days ago, and boy is CT damp and wet!!!

MK 10+ as child (always offsite)
CBR '91
DxL '93
DxL '94
CSR '96
WL 3/01
Okay you three from Connecticut, I need some help from my DIS friends!!!

We had our househunting trip. I'm pretty disappointed with the results... I don't think we were looking in the right areas!! So you guys have to tell me where the right areas are!!! It seemed every house in Southington was on a busy street, with a strip mall or gas station or some other similar thing at the end of the street!! Do they have any neighborhoods? Maybe we need a different realtor to find these things!! I don't know!

In Cheshire, we didn't really find anything at all.. there was one ranch, but we couldn't get into it... all the other homes were also on very busy streets!!! Can anyone direct me as to what to tell the realtor for areas in Southington or Cheshire?

I've also heard of conflicting reports on the Middletown school system, so we're sticking with Southington or Cheshire.... Oh, we looked at some new construction, but they were in the worst, busiest areas... UGH...

I'm scared to write the principal saying we are going to take a two week trip!! I'll have to get over that I guess!! What if they say no?

Oh Paula, we are also DVC members... The great thing about DVC is that it gives you flexibility to go anytime. But, I like going in the winter months, because I just can't take the heat!!

Thanks Guys!!


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