Anyone a CM? I have some specific ??'s


Earning My Ears
Aug 23, 1999
Howdy, I have a son currently in the college program - cooking at Artist's Point. He just can;t seem to find much solid info about accessing family discounts...and hasn't much time to do so. I get differeing info. from CM's at CRO/Travel Co.

Would REALLY appreciate the experience of someone who's knowlegable. Thanks!

My daughter is also a cast member - she did the college program and is now doing seasonal work. When we have called for hotel reservations we simply give her work site number. We get 50% off rooms, if available. She does need to be there to check us in. We also get 20% off our meals, as long as she is with us. What else can I help with, or ask her??
My daughter goes to UMBC is thinking about doing the program next fall. They will be back on campus in March to do interviews. Was it hard for him to get on. She is majoring in the art, so animation is what she loves. She went to the disney UMBC session in November to get an idea. My niece did this program 4-5 years ago, didnt learn much, or make much money, but had a great time. She went to Paris with disney for 6 months. But she is still not finished college.!! Thanks for any info. leslieh
My daughter did the college program just this past fall (she was supposed to leave on Sept. 11!) She was there for four months, and just came home in January. She only missed one quarter of college, and her college did give her six independent study credits. She LOVED it, and is going back as a seasonal employee on all her breaks. You are right - she didn't make much money. I think if your daughter is interested in animation, she would have to do an advanced internship - the odds are MUCH higher of getting such an internship.

Eryn interviewed in March for her CP, and knew in a few weeks if she had gotten it. She was really lucky - she got a job on attractions (She worked Big Thunder Mountain Railroad). Most of her roommates worked in food services or merchandising. I know that when asked about her preferences, Eryn said that her first choice was attractions, her second choice was custodial work. That really took the interviewer back. He said he had never had a girl choose custodial. She said that she wanted to work at Disney World because if was magical, and that the guests were what made it magical. So, even in custodial, like street sweeping, she would get to work directly with the guests more. That must have sold them...

I'd be happy to answer any other questions. I was very involved in the whole process, and went and visited Eryn there.
hey i think your girl worked with my Michael:pinkbounc :pinkbounc :pinkbounc :) !!!!
Way back when...(1990 - I'm getting sooo old!), I did the WDW College Program. I would highly recommend it to any college student! It was a wonderful experience, and I did learn alot through their weekly business seminars/classes. It was very hard to get in to the Program, but I was very persistent! I had to drive almost 3 hours to the closest college that they were holding interviews at, and when I arrived they even knew my name because I had called them so often! I ended up with a job at the Empress Lilly (now Fulton's Crab House), and even did part-time work at Pleasure Island. I fell in love with Disney, and also worked a some of their holiday periods. I just wish that I could be working there now!

If anyone has any ??'s, I would be glad to help the best that I can! (granted it was 12 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday! :p )

WDW College Program 1990
disneyfan551, we took our first son to his very first character breakfast aboard the Empress Lily in the summer of 1990. It is a small world after all! We still have our ticket stubs and the menu thingie signed by Mickey Mouse. I loved the Empress Lily.
You're right, it IS a small world! I worked many of those character breakfasts (in my tangerine orange, frilly, polyester dress! yuk...) I even made my boyfriend (now dh) go to the breakfast when he came down to visit! We had a great time-lots of good pictures! Too bad that it isn't the same any more...

WDW College Program 1990
Are there family discounts on tickets as well, or is it just for
rooms and dining? Thanks!
Actually, we (CM's) were allowed so many free tickets a month. At the time, I believe it was 2 or 4 free tickets. And I feel certain there is a discount on additional tickets. Maybe a current CM can help answer this...

Do you know if the discounts also apply at Disneyland? DS is applying to be a summer (musician) intern at DL. For 50% off maybe I could stay at Grand Californian!
Eryn did get discounts on tickets, but they weren't great. I think Disney Club was comparable.

I don't know about Disneyland, but would love the answer!! (Especially if DW castmembers get discounts at Disneyland!)


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