Any tips for traveling with another family?


Out of the loop? I don't even know where the loop
Jan 22, 2001
We're going to WDW this year for Christmas and our friends have decided to join us. The only problem is the large age gap in our children. Our ds is 2 (will be 3 when we go) and their kids will be 16 and 10. The 10 yr. old is not very adventurous, but sti ll, how can we do this trip without anyone feeling shortchanged or causing hard feelings between the parents? We are best friends with this family and we've done a lot together but nothing of this magnitude. Any tips for us?



[This message was edited by zanesmama on 02-27-01 at 03:33 PM.]
When we were at Disney (HIFS) in September, my Florida relatives came and stayed in an adjoining room for 3 nights. We ate breakfast together, then met up again after the parks. It would have been too difficult to try to navigate the parks with two families. It was fun having them there in the morning and in the evening, but I think every day all day together would have been way too much.

I recommend not trying to do the parks together all day -- maybe just meet up for dinner each night, or plan to see a show or two together. Other than that, each family should be on their own. That way no one feels obligated to do something they maybe normally would not do.
I think that's really good advice. My only hesitancy about making a trip like this with such close friends is the whole "familiarity breeding contempt" thing. We have much in common, but I don't want us to make each other insane! I'm sure we'll do meals together and probably some attractions, but I think you're right to advise against not trying to do it all as a group.
We went with friends of our this past Halloween (7days) and even though our kids were similar ages we did small periods of time together. It seemed to work out well. My families pace and interest in the parks are not necessarily anothers.

With that said we have friends joining us next week for 2days and 1 night and we plan on spending all but sleep time with them. We figure it is such a short time we wouldn't be at each others nerves after 30 hrs. So, hopefully it will work out.

Good Luck!!!

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CBR Dec '95, Sept '97
BWV Aug '98, Mar '99
ASM Nov '99
BWV Oct '00, Mar 01
Zurg, Barbie, Buzz, Buzz, Jessie & Tinkerbell
We are going with my sister's family in October. We are staying at different resorts (my family of 5 at DL, her family of 3 at CB). We have already discussed the fact that we will not be spending every waking minute together. we will be doing several meals (character and otherwise) together, as well as meeting up for parades, Fantasmic!, Illuminatios,etc.

We are planning on relying heavily on 2-way radios. If you are considering radios and have 8 weeks or more before your trip, go to Click on the link for xterra. there is aprintable certificate for free Cobra 2-way radios (a $90 value) when you test drive the 2001 xterra. My DH just did the test drive yesterday. They say to allow 8 weeks for delivery.

Thanks Supermom,
I can use those 2 way radios on our next trip.
I will test drive that car tomorrow.
Ooohhh! The 2-way radios are a great idea. Guess I'll be test driving an Xterra soon... :)
I agree with the advice given so far. If you try to coordinate two familes, you will end up either pulling your hair out, or having a bad time, or both. Eating breakfast together is a good suggestion, or perhaps, if its on your agenda, going to a water park the same day might be fun!

have a great time !
We are very often at Disney with my brother's family. We do not stay at the same resort. We are "night owls" and my brother's family are "early birds". Still it has always worked out and our kids LOVE being together. What we found that works is what other people have said. Do not plan every second together, you will get on each other's nerves. Plan some meals together, but not all of them. We use two-way radios all the time and they are wonderful. Don't worry about hurting each other's feelings. If you want/need family time alone together I'm sure the other family wants it too. You will have a blast. Some of our best times have been with other families and the memories will be priceless. Have a wonderful vacation!!!
We went with two families last June. Had a great time and so did they. We all understood that Disney was such a great place because you did not need to be together to have a good time. There was so much to do and with so many different interests filled it was great. We met early in the day and after the parks or had a planned dinner together. We were in adjacent rooms also. Great idea, and would do it again. I think you have to emphasize that you don't all have to be together, all the time, to have a good time and that everybody understands that. Have a great time,,i am sure you will :cool:
Some fun things we've done with friends in the past: Illuminations Cruise
Breakfast at AK (Donald's breakfastosaurus)
Kilamanjaro Safari
Chef Mickey's
Swimming at the hotel pool with the little ones while the older kids did something else
Walking around EPCOT at night

Our philosophy was discussed with our friends before we even left home: "Let's not be sick of each other by the time we come back". :)
We have vacationed with friends the last two years. We love it. We don't really think of it as going together more like meeting up there. We usually do our own thing during the day then we have ressies for a nice dinner together each night and do a little night touring or show together after that.


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