Any tips for staying sane while waiting for your WDW trip?


DIS Veteran
Mar 1, 2001
Ok...I've got 58 days left and i'm going crazy. I've got the ressies at the resort made, park hoppers purchased...PS's made and itinerary done. But I just can't wait! :D I've been trying to stay sane by checking on these boards, just to get my daily fill of Disney but does anyone else have any ideas?

<center>"I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing -
that it was all started by a mouse." </center>
That is what I have to do untill I get to go on my honeymoon next year. It's a great way to plan and you never know, you might see something new that will peak your interest.
Ive had 9 months to go insane!!! Once the first 3 months went by I told everyone "well I survived my first trimester". And next week we'll be down to 5 months. A long time to go but summer is coming and I have 7 (yes 7) long weekends planned to either Cape Cod, NH, ME or here in central Mass. My husband has refused to discuss Disney in any way, shape or form until at least June when its time to start making PS. He knows better than to get me wound up more than I am. My MIL comes back from FL for the summer in May so she and I will be sitting on Cape Cod beaches planning our itinerary, PSs, etc.
My advice is...don't tell your children about the trip until the last minute. We aren't going until September, and it seems like a million times a day my 11 year old son says, "I can't wait!" It was cute for the first 5,000 times, but now it's getting old, lol! :D


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