Any "pooh sized" people been to DL and DCA


Sep 24, 2000
DH and I are both "pooh sized" and will be heading west to visit DL and DCA for the first time in May (9 weeks from today!). We have been to WDW several times and have not had any problems fitting on the rides but I am wondering (ok, obsessing) if we will fit the same as in Florida. Has anyone had any problem with rides in either California Park? I especially love roller coasters and would die if I got all the way up to the ride and didn't fit! Are the seats on Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, etc... similar to those in WDW? Thanks for your help! :)

ºOº Peace, Love & Mickey ºOº

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May 2001 Disneyland
I haven't been to Disneyland in years, but was recently at WDW. I can tell you that the Splash Mountain ride is different at Disneyland. The log has to compartments and you sit in front of each other. If size is a concern you can ask to go one person in the front and one in the back. You didn't say what size you are, but I expect you won't have a problem with Big Thunder Mountain either. The Disneyland cars are, as I remember, the same as those at WDW.

Have fun!
I just wanted to warn you that many of the queue/snake lines are A LOT narrower at DL than at WDW. I was a size 22 and never had problems at WDW. I've been losing weight and am now a size 18 and found many of the lines, especially the older ones in Fantasy Land, to be very narrow. The lines at DCA were much larger and more like WDW.

I used to be Debbie in Mobile but the Army keeps moving us!
We were just at CA. parks -- The only restriction I recall was on the big orange swing at DCA (don't remember the name) there is a 200 lb. weight limit.(don't worry - it's a carnival type ride and not much fun anyway) Have a great trip!
My husband is definitely a "Big and Tall" guy. He was unable to ride 5 attractions in the Park... Mulholland Madness, Orange Stinger, Maliboomer, Golden Zephyr and the Jumpin' Jellyfish.

Screamin' fit about the same as RNR at Walt Disney World. I can't think of any adult attractions at WDW that he couldn't ride.

The seats in the Hyperion Theater are snug but he fit. The seatbelts on Grizzly River Run and Soarin' stretched out far enough to accomodate him and he even played on the rope bridges at the Redwood Creek Challenge Trail.

To provide you with an idea of his size there is a picture of him in his editorial piece
id101055.asp (page 2 and page 3)

Over at Disneyland he is able to go on everything except possibly the Astro Orbiter. He doesn't like heights so he hasn't given it a try. Snow White, Pinocchio, Toad and Casey Jr. aren't the most comfortable but he can fit.

Just wanted to thank everyone for their honesty and reassurance. I even called my travel agent today to add another day to our trip! 58 days and counting!
Thanks again! :D

ºOº Peace, Love & Mickey ºOº

1980 Offsite
1990 Offsite
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Jan 2000 CBR/Wonder
Nov 2000 CBR
Feb 2001 7 day Magic Cruise
May 2001 Disneyland
I was there in Sept with my mom, who is heavier set (about a sz 26), and she fit on everything fine. She was worried about the seat belts on ....oh geez, do you think I can remember the name of the ride.......the one near space mountain that is up on the rails and goes all over the place.....anyway, it was fine. But one place to stay away from as a larger person is Knotts. She was embarrassed sooooo many times (she had to get off the rides several times because bars would not lock). And the attendants were not very discreet about it... a big loud voice "UH MAM, YOU ARE TOO LARGE TO RIDE THIS, PLEASE STEP OFF THE RIDE, WE CANNOT LOCK THE BAR"....sooooooo embarrassing for her!

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