any good US?IOA books like Disney's Birnbuam


a Dis board vulture
Feb 10, 2001
Are there any guide books like the Offical Disney Book for US/IOA?
I may have mispelled Birnbaum. I was not sure of the name.
Kelly Monaghan's "Universal Orlando - The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure". It is great! He also answers and gives some opinions for some of the threads on this board. It is very informational and great reading. I sure am glad I ordered it.
Another recommendation for Kelly's books. They're terrific!

I had the pleasure of meeting him at the MG-con this past weekend. Very nice and interesting person.
How long does this book take to recieve? My bank shows that the money was charged on my check card on 1/28, and I have not recieved any e-mail confirmation, and still no sign of the book.
Spoke too soon.....

Just wanted to let you all know that my Universal Orlando guide did arrive in the mail today. :)


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