Any good rates for deluxes in August?


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 1999
We have a ressie at the BWV's for August (5 nights in a 2 Bdrm & 2 nights in a studio). I was thinking of dropping the 2 nights in the studio and staying at the Contemporary for those nights? Has anyone gotten a good rate (last full week of August)?


"Give a little whistle" - Jiminy Cricket
WDW- '76(Poly) ,'77(Poly) ,'79(Poly),'81(Poly),'83(Poly),'85(Poly),
'98(FW),'99(FW), 9/00(BWV), 2/01 (OKW) and 8/01 (BWV)
I got an upsell for the Yacht Club 8/30 - 9/2 for $184 per night plus tax.
I was also offered WL at a special rate forgot what it was.
AKL has had some deals also. I do not know of any of the monorail resorts offering anything at this time yet.
If you call CRO and ask to book a moderate(cs,cbr,or po) they might come back with an upsell rate at one of the deluxes.

Its worth a shot. I know of alot of people who got the YC upsell. But being that your going to be at the BW already - the YC might not be #1 on your list.
Actually, I did want a monorail...I figure if I'm going to move, it won't be just across the lake - lol! I thought with our two little ones it would be nice to be right next to the MK for our last two days...I called CRO this am and asked for the Contemp...maybe I'll call back and see what they have at the moderates and see if they offer the upsell!! Thanks.


"Give a little whistle" - Jiminy Cricket
WDW- '76(Poly) ,'77(Poly) ,'79(Poly),'81(Poly),'83(Poly),'85(Poly),
'98(FW),'99(FW), 9/00(BWV), 2/01 (OKW) and 8/01 (BWV)
No luck yet. I called the other day and was told $224/night for the same time last year my mol paid $139! I'm not too concerned...I do have the BWV's already booked, I just thought it would be a treat for our kids to be at the Contemp. I'll let you all know when/if I do find a good rate!


"Give a little whistle" - Jiminy Cricket
WDW- '76(Poly) ,'77(Poly) ,'79(Poly),'81(Poly),'83(Poly),'85(Poly),
'98(FW),'99(FW), 9/00(BWV), 2/01 (OKW) and 8/01 (BWV)
I asked about all stars for 8/26 for 7 nights and got offered WL upsell for $159 (I think).

I didn't ask about any other hotels because I really wanted SEPT 26! The CM had made a mistake!

keep trying :)


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