Any Bambi Sightings?


Dis Veteran<br><font color=red>My husband has rice
Jan 17, 2002
Hi -- DD (age 2) loves the Bambi movie. Are there any characters (or anything else) from Bambi at WDW that anyone remembers seeing? I realize Bambi himself would be a hard character to outfit, but maybe Thumper and Flower exist (?).

Bumping this up, as my son loves Bambi, also. I had a similar post on the Theme parks board, and the response was not encouraging.
I've never seen a character from Bambi - but I'm sure you could find some Bambi merchandise (stuffed animals, t-shirts, etc.).
i dont know what it is with that crazy deer my 6yr old daughter out of the blue was searching for him through out the parks we finally found merchandise , but the cutest stuffed bambi we found was in the disney store much bigger and cheaper and it is alot cuter than the ones they were selling inside wdw. we also found a beanie of him at the hotel we were at (wl) oh by the way we found the merchandise in the store right to the left as you walk through the castle heading towards the carousel. i thinks its called tinkerbelles treasures or something like that.


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