Another BCV question


DIS Veteran
Nov 23, 1999
Hello all, I am not currently a DVC member, basically because we like the BWV and they are all sold out. I am planning a weekend trip in late October and I am interested in staying at the new Beach Club Villas. I am sure that this has been discussed before but I can't find it.

any idea of when they will be taking non DVC reservations? We want to stay there and see how we like it before making a decision on purchasing. Also do they still offer to count your current stay as part of your purchase?

With Villas of Wilderness Lodge, they started taking cash ressies about 6 months before it opened in November 2000. Possible same pattern will apply to BCV which is tentatively scheduled for opening Sep 2002 although no firm date has yetr been set. You just have to keep watching for a Disney announcement to find out.

No , they do not allow you to apply the amount from your cash ressie to the payment for DVC when you buy; that program ended many years ago.
JOSIERAC, have you ever looked at the BWV RESALES????? We bought two of them even when DVC was still selling BWV. Just a thought.
Originally posted by EROS
JOSIERAC, have you ever looked at the BWV RESALES????? We bought two of them even when DVC was still selling BWV. Just a thought.

No, I have'nt, where do I get info on this?
We're closing TOMORROW on a 250 point BWV contract via resale. Through recommendations on this board, we looked at A Timeshare Store (talked to Jerry Sydow) and (talked to Jaki). The better available contract for us turned out to be with Jaki, who has been FABULOUS to deal with!

Both these stores have Web sites, so check out the available listings, then give them a call. If they don't have anything for you right now, you can get on "alert" lists and be notified of new listings before they even go online.

We ended up finding the perfect number of points on a contract that even had some banked! Good luck!!
Two often mentioned web sites for resales are and The first is The Timeshare Store, a sponsor of this site. Their websites list available resales.
We bought our resale through Jaki Apetz at A Timeshare Broker 888-345-2622 website is

She has a great inventory of BWV resales right now.

she is great to deal with and very professional

There is also The Timeshare Store

Good luck

DVC 1994

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