An Unpleasant Experience at Yak and Yeti CS

Don’t care what Disney calls it specifically. It’s a counter service dining situation. Just like any other setup where someone picks up their food at a counter then goes to find their own place to eat. No staff continue to serve them. My statement still stands, service ends at the counter.

As someone who used to work at Cosmic Ray's, the largest quick service restaurant at WDW, this is not accurate. The staff service extends well beyond the counter. Who do you think cleans the tables, cleans the floors, collects the trays, and stocks the fixings bar? And for those who think that the seating area is somehow not restaurant specific, the seating area always closed when the restaurant closed. I can see where an outdoor seating area might be a little different.
My statement still stands, service ends at the counter.

I can assure you with 100% confidence, that Disney management (perhaps more so than most other firms) views "service" at any establishment as the guests total experience, from sighting the establishment, to viewing the menu, completing the transaction, consuming the food, etc. Otherwise, they wouldn't be in the favorable position they are -business 101.
Well they aren't doing that at least as of September (2017).

At the Leaky Cauldron you actually sit down before your food gets to you. You have a number (I think it was a number) that a CM brings with them and seats you in a specific spot;then the food is brought out to you according to the number on your table which is the same as the number on your order. Now yes this process did allow them to control in some way but they didn't shoo you away once you were done with your food so you could sit there inside the place for a while. You could also order something like a drink or whatnot and be sat inside too.

At Three Broomsticks they were not policing whatsoever any seating when we were there. I *think* they had a few tables reserved closer to the bar area though not quite in the bar area so that people could sit there if they had food rather than drinks. You ordered, went to the register, went to the counter and got your food and sat down. But no one was there making you wait until your whole party was there in order for you to sit down-they didn't care at all if everyone stayed together or if people went in search of a table. I do believe though that in 2011 went we went at Three Broomsticks they did sit you down themselves once you got your food. I'm trying to remember but I believe that's how it was back then.

Well it wasn't in place when we went in September (2017). No one was policing the tables, no one was making people wait to get their food before sitting down. The only policing done was a person making sure if you did mobile ordering you went into the right line as opposed to the regular line. I believe they had a sign out there for the outdoor portion about it being only for patrons of Satul'i but that was it.

Right, at Leaky Cauldron you sit down before your food gets to you, but you aren't seated until you order and pay for your food. If you haven't stood in line, ordered and paid, you're not getting a table! Wish WDW would do this!

Yes, although WDW put this in a test phase in 2015, it was definitely not rolled out resort wide. As I mentioned, I've only seen it at Satul'i (with explicit signage and CM's standing guard). IMHO, WDW far too often falls back on their motto of "we cannot control guest behavior" and has us, for better or for worse, fending for ourselves.
As someone who used to work at Cosmic Ray's, the largest quick service restaurant at WDW, this is not accurate. The staff service extends well beyond the counter. Who do you think cleans the tables, cleans the floors, collects the trays, and stocks the fixings bar? And for those who think that the seating area is somehow not restaurant specific, the seating area always closed when the restaurant closed. I can see where an outdoor seating area might be a little different.

I think I just heard a mic drop.
Right, at Leaky Cauldron you sit down before your food gets to you, but you aren't seated until you order and pay for your food. If you haven't stood in line, ordered and paid, you're not getting a table! Wish WDW would do this!

So like at Be Our Guest, then.
As someone who used to work at Cosmic Ray's, the largest quick service restaurant at WDW, this is not accurate. The staff service extends well beyond the counter. Who do you think cleans the tables, cleans the floors, collects the trays, and stocks the fixings bar? And for those who think that the seating area is somehow not restaurant specific, the seating area always closed when the restaurant closed. I can see where an outdoor seating area might be a little different.

Oh give me a break. You know exactly under what context I was referring. You forgot the garbage collection, maintenance changing lightbulbs, the people cleaning windows and on and on and on. Post like yours skip the point entirely just to start a unproductive argument.
Right, at Leaky Cauldron you sit down before your food gets to you, but you aren't seated until you order and pay for your food. If you haven't stood in line, ordered and paid, you're not getting a table! Wish WDW would do this!
Even though this was in response to another poster I see you commented in regards to it. You can just order a drink and you can sit for however long you want. In the grand scheme of things that does nothing to the overall issue presented in the OP--which is trouble finding a table due to people sitting down prior to their entire party getting their food. If you were done with your food or your drink you weren't shooed to leave the restaurant in order to make room for new people. If there were no tables left--you're going to be in the same situation as you would be at WDW with no tables left only in the case of Leaky Cauldron you cannot use the "well it's for only paying customers of this establishment" rationale as they all would be paying customers of that establishment to begin with.

Yes, although WDW put this in a test phase in 2015, it was definitely not rolled out resort wide. As I mentioned, I've only seen it at Satul'i (with explicit signage and CM's standing guard). IMHO, WDW far too often falls back on their motto of "we cannot control guest behavior" and has us, for better or for worse, fending for ourselves.
Right but I'm telling you that in September Satul'i was not following what you linked at all. You said it was in practice when you went in August. I presumed that meant August 2017 (apologies if you went in another year).

I went in September 2017 and there was no such watchdog whatsoever. There was only a person who made sure if you had done mobile ordering (like we had) that you went to the correct line instead of going to the regular line and I assume that's because mobile ordering was so new. In the outdoor portion there was just a sign stating it was for Satul'i patrons only (paraphrasing here) but I don't know that there was actually a CM patrolling. Believe me plenty of people were looking around and finding tables while someone else ordered or picked up mobile orders made inside at least. It was too hot for us to sit outside so I don't know the going ons there.
No staff continue to serve them. My statement still stands, service ends at the counter.

Oh give me a break. You know exactly under what context I was referring. You forgot the garbage collection, maintenance changing lightbulbs, the people cleaning windows and on and on and on. Post like yours skip the point entirely just to start a unproductive argument.

I guess I don't know under what context you were referring. What did you mean when you said no staff continues to serve them and that service ends at the counter? All of the services I mentioned directly related to the act of buying and eating a meal within the restaurant. I thought that was the service to which you were referring.
As someone who used to work at Cosmic Ray's, the largest quick service restaurant at WDW, this is not accurate. The staff service extends well beyond the counter. Who do you think cleans the tables, cleans the floors, collects the trays, and stocks the fixings bar? And for those who think that the seating area is somehow not restaurant specific, the seating area always closed when the restaurant closed. I can see where an outdoor seating area might be a little different.
Nah, that's (all) different ;)
Right but I'm telling you that in September Satul'i was not following what you linked at all. You said it was in practice when you went in August. I presumed that meant August 2017 (apologies if you went in another year).
You know Satu'li wasn't open in another, earlier, year.
The presence of monitors discourages people from sitting there nursing a soda for an hour. There are also ways to encourage people to get a move on
Even though this was in response to another poster I see you commented in regards to it. You can just order a drink and you can sit for however long you want. In the grand scheme of things that does nothing to the overall issue presented in the OP--which is trouble finding a table due to people sitting down prior to their entire party getting their food. If you were done with your food or your drink you weren't shooed to leave the restaurant in order to make room for new people. If there were no tables left--you're going to be in the same situation as you would be at WDW with no tables left only in the case of Leaky Cauldron you cannot use the "well it's for only paying customers of this establishment" rationale as they all would be paying customers of that establishment to begin with.

Right but I'm telling you that in September Satul'i was not following what you linked at all. You said it was in practice when you went in August. I presumed that meant August 2017 (apologies if you went in another year).

I went in September 2017 and there was no such watchdog whatsoever. There was only a person who made sure if you had done mobile ordering (like we had) that you went to the correct line instead of going to the regular line and I assume that's because mobile ordering was so new. In the outdoor portion there was just a sign stating it was for Satul'i patrons only (paraphrasing here) but I don't know that there was actually a CM patrolling. Believe me plenty of people were looking around and finding tables while someone else ordered or picked up mobile orders made inside at least. It was too hot for us to sit outside so I don't know the going ons there.

Yes, you could order a drink at Leaky Cauldron and then sit as long as you want, but their procedure does eliminate the entire someone-sits-at-a-table-and-saves-it-while-someone-else-gets-the-food scenario. I'm willing to bet by eliminating that time on the front end, Leaky Cauldron is able to turn tables over faster and it completely eliminates the possibility of people sitting in the area and using it as a "cooling off" area as another PP suggested in prior threads.

Interesting that Satul'i stopped patrolling the inside of the restaurant. Yes, we were there in August 2017 and there was a CM with a stanchion and rope who was only allowing people with Satul'i food into the seating area.
Yes, you could order a drink at Leaky Cauldron and then sit as long as you want, but their procedure does eliminate the entire someone-sits-at-a-table-and-saves-it-while-someone-else-gets-the-food scenario. I'm willing to bet by eliminating that time on the front end, Leaky Cauldron is able to turn tables over faster and it completely eliminates the possibility of people sitting in the area and using it as a "cooling off" area as another PP suggested in prior threads.
What I find interesting is Universal doesn't have a concrete policy at all. If you go to the Simpson's area there's no policing, etc. And Three Broomsticks there wasn't policing when like I said I thought I remembered back in 2011 there was a TM who walked you to an open table. Honestly I think Universal does Leaky Cauldron (and probably Three Broomsticks especially when it first opened) as part of the experience more than anything really--thinking like in the movies and whatnot.

But to your point I mean the thing is it's still no different than Disney or for that matter or places at Universal. People are free to stay as long as they please. The caveat of purchasing an item(s) doesn't dicate that someone won't consume that item whilst also using the air conditioning or chair to relax nor that they will leave once they are done consuming the item(s). I saw quite a large group in Leaky Cauldron that was near finishing their food and drink while we were still in line (which had gotten a little bit large). They were still sitting there once we had finished our own food and left the place. There was not one TM there who glared down at someone or continuously watched a group to make them feel the pressure to leave, etc. It's not that I don't disagree with your viewpoint towards cooling off but I don't doubt that people go into Leaky Cauldron (and Three Broomsticks) to cool off and sit down for a while even if all they get is the cheapest thing on the menu.

I'm honestly not certain on this but we got their water courtesy cups for our drinks with our meal. I don't know but would they make you leave the sitting area and the restaurant if all you got was their water courtesy cups? Or would they lead you to a sitting spot as if you had purchased food and/or drink?

To your point about "someone-sits-at-a-table-and-saves-it-while-someone-else-gets-the-food scenario" I guess for me I see another perspective. In certain situations you would be waiting regardless. If for instance Leaky Cauldron is completely're going to wait to sit down..your food may even be ready before you are able to sit that any different than tables being occupied and your whole group is with you with their food and now you have no place to sit? I get the whole balancing food tray for other places to eat, etc but in the grand scheme the complaint would still be the same if Leaky Cauldron was full--tables occupied and you unable to sit until a table opens up and in the case of Leaky Cauldron since the practice is to sit before your meal comes you couldn't complain about that being the issue.

Interesting that Satul'i stopped patrolling the inside of the restaurant. Yes, we were there in August 2017 and there was a CM with a stanchion and rope who was only allowing people with Satul'i food into the seating area.
Yeah. See my thing is if the process isn't the same for everyone every single time and there is no concrete policy that is being used every single time it's sorta a grey area.

If you were there and they were policing I'm sure it would give a slightly different impression to someone who went there and there was no policing. And I'm speaking in regards to a perspective if someone isn't on the DIS boards who isn't reading threads about people upset because people were going to find a table while others were in the food line.
We offered people to join us at our stand up table more than a few times at F&W in Epcot. There were a lot of people walking around looking for a place to park their food so they could eat. I think grabbing a table and holding it for 30 minutes while others in your party order food is totally disrespectful to the people with food in hand looking for a place to sit. But we do live in the entitled generation so nothing surprises me any more.
What I find interesting is Universal doesn't have a concrete policy at all. If you go to the Simpson's area there's no policing, etc. And Three Broomsticks there wasn't policing when like I said I thought I remembered back in 2011 there was a TM who walked you to an open table. Honestly I think Universal does Leaky Cauldron (and probably Three Broomsticks especially when it first opened) as part of the experience more than anything really--thinking like in the movies and whatnot.

But to your point I mean the thing is it's still no different than Disney or for that matter or places at Universal. People are free to stay as long as they please. The caveat of purchasing an item(s) doesn't dicate that someone won't consume that item whilst also using the air conditioning or chair to relax nor that they will leave once they are done consuming the item(s). I saw quite a large group in Leaky Cauldron that was near finishing their food and drink while we were still in line (which had gotten a little bit large). They were still sitting there once we had finished our own food and left the place. There was not one TM there who glared down at someone or continuously watched a group to make them feel the pressure to leave, etc. It's not that I don't disagree with your viewpoint towards cooling off but I don't doubt that people go into Leaky Cauldron (and Three Broomsticks) to cool off and sit down for a while even if all they get is the cheapest thing on the menu.

I'm honestly not certain on this but we got their water courtesy cups for our drinks with our meal. I don't know but would they make you leave the sitting area and the restaurant if all you got was their water courtesy cups? Or would they lead you to a sitting spot as if you had purchased food and/or drink?

To your point about "someone-sits-at-a-table-and-saves-it-while-someone-else-gets-the-food scenario" I guess for me I see another perspective. In certain situations you would be waiting regardless. If for instance Leaky Cauldron is completely're going to wait to sit down..your food may even be ready before you are able to sit that any different than tables being occupied and your whole group is with you with their food and now you have no place to sit? I get the whole balancing food tray for other places to eat, etc but in the grand scheme the complaint would still be the same if Leaky Cauldron was full--tables occupied and you unable to sit until a table opens up and in the case of Leaky Cauldron since the practice is to sit before your meal comes you couldn't complain about that being the issue.

Yeah. See my thing is if the process isn't the same for everyone every single time and there is no concrete policy that is being used every single time it's sorta a grey area.

If you were there and they were policing I'm sure it would give a slightly different impression to someone who went there and there was no policing. And I'm speaking in regards to a perspective if someone isn't on the DIS boards who isn't reading threads about people upset because people were going to find a table while others were in the food line.

Yes, perhaps Leaky Cauldron is optics in a way. I liked the fact that everyone waited in the line, you had to order and purchase SOMETHING and you couldn't sit until a staff member seated you (which gives you the impression that Uni CARES that you, at some point, get a table so you can sit and eat your food). At WDW, it feels like every man, woman, child for themselves (like it feels at parades and fireworks) and it becomes very stressful (for my family, anyway). It is very rare that we eat QS anymore and I only do it now because DS is 10 and can help me balance trays, get fixings, etc.
Honestly I had forgotten. I was giving the poster the benefit of me misunderstanding which year they went but yes you are correct it only opened in something like May.

Even so, it is possible that there was active and evident monitoring in August but not in September. Generally crowds drop off (even if just a bit) through August as most schools go back into session by just after Labor Day (I say "most" because there are some systems that have "year-round school" where a portion of their school system is off at any given time while other portions are in session).
We offered people to join us at our stand up table more than a few times at F&W in Epcot. There were a lot of people walking around looking for a place to park their food so they could eat. I think grabbing a table and holding it for 30 minutes while others in your party order food is totally disrespectful to the people with food in hand looking for a place to sit. But we do live in the entitled generation so nothing surprises me any more.

We have shared more than once at Epcot. Both times in the little area by the Rose and Crown. From what I understand this fear of sharing tables is an American thing mostly. It never hurts to ask, the worst that can happen is you are told no.

Oh, and I have been to the parks when they won't allow you in a quick service seating area without food. I get that for some they are a much needed place to sit for a bit. But if the tables start to fill up and you haven't ordered anything, that is your signal to move.
Interesting that Satul'i stopped patrolling the inside of the restaurant. Yes, we were there in August 2017 and there was a CM with a stanchion and rope who was only allowing people with Satul'i food into the seating area.

We were there on Dec 20 and there was a CM standing by the opening to the inside seating area, with a rope across the opening. We simply asked, "Can we get through?" and they replied "Yes, of course." and removed the rope for us. I'm not sure I would call this patrolling. We had party members and food already inside but he couldn't know that and didn't ask.


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