Amy & Jeff: 10/24/11 20th Anniv. Vow Renewal **8/4 - We surrender!**

Oh I am so sorry! :hug: Our babies mean the world to us and I can't imagine what you are going through. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:
I'm soooo sorry to hear about your dog I love animals and know what a tough time you must be going through. Your in my thoughts :flower3:

Thank you so much! :flower3:

Oh heavens my sweet Amy - As you know, I was away for a couple of days and missed the first of these sad posts. I really don't know what to say!! My heart goes out to you all. We don't have pets at the moment - our jobs and shifts means it would not be fair on an animal, but I have had dogs in the past and know how they become one of the family.
I suppose, in a way, one good thing may be that Shep has gone from your lives now before he became older and, maybe, did something in his old-age that may have tainted your precious memories of him. It sounds as if it may have been going in that direction, doesn't it?
It makes me so grateful that we don't have rabies at all here. They have it in Europe, but us being an island, it makes it easier (with strict restrictions) to keep it away from our shores!!
My hugs, love and prayers go out to you and the boys, sweetie. Keep your chin up at this most difficult time. :hug:

Aw, thank you for the kind thoughts, Joanne. I agree that I'm so glad in a way that he didn't end up in pain and turn into a mean dog, since he's been showing signs of becoming quite the curmudgeonly old man.

That's wonderful that rabies isn't a concern where you are ... it never even occurred to me that living on an island would provide protection against things like that! What a blessing!

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I'm cuddling with my dog right now, and I can't imagine what you're going through. We're already planning on getting his shots done next weekend, but now it is a DEFINITE need.

:grouphug::grouphug:to all

Thank you!! :flower3:

Oh I am so sorry! :hug: Our babies mean the world to us and I can't imagine what you are going through. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:

Thank you, Nichole. I really appreciate it. Today is a hard day. :sad1:
I'm so sorry about your dog, that is awful. Sending lots of hugs your way. We haven't had our cat vaxed in forever, I'm going to schedule a vet appointment next week. I'm sorry for your loss sweetie :(
I'm so sorry about your dog, that is awful. Sending lots of hugs your way. We haven't had our cat vaxed in forever, I'm going to schedule a vet appointment next week. I'm sorry for your loss sweetie :(

Thank you, Jilian, and I'm so glad that your kitty will be headed in! Jeff told me that at least 5 people at his office are doing the same. :)

My mil picked up Sheppie's ashes on her way to our house for dinner tonight so now our sweet dog is back at home with us forever. Jeff took him for a bacon double cheeseburger last night on his way to the vet, so he went to puppy heaven with a happy belly full of cheeseburger. The vet did tell Jeff that in the end, we would've lost him despite the rabies vaccine, as infection had taken hold (she said no matter how you clean and clean a bite wound, all it takes is one or two micro-organisms to spread) and his paw was almost twice its normal size and it was going septic. That alleviated a bit of the guilt we were feeling at thinking possibly we were euthanizing a perfectly healthy dog. It still hurts that we lost him, but we're glad it happened before the infection got any worse.

Our other dog, Muggsy Rose, is on a hunger strike because she doesn't understand where "Big Dog" has gone. She's used to following him around everywhere, and this has thrown her for a loop. She played with her stuffed Pooh Bear for the first time in 3 days when my mil (who she adores) came over tonight, so at least her mood seems to be perking up a bit. I had taken to calling her "Mopesy" cuz she was moping around the house, poor thing!
I'm happy that your dog isn't suffering anymore. Poor little guy, sepsis is awful and he would have suffered a horrible death from it. You spared him from the suffering. I hope mopesy cheers up a bit more.
Amy sweetie - I am glad that having to put your dog to sleep has ended up being a blessing in disguise. You saved him from further pain. I hope your other dog feels better soon
I'm happy that your dog isn't suffering anymore. Poor little guy, sepsis is awful and he would have suffered a horrible death from it. You spared him from the suffering. I hope mopesy cheers up a bit more.

Amy sweetie - I am glad that having to put your dog to sleep has ended up being a blessing in disguise. You saved him from further pain. I hope your other dog feels better soon

I'm so sorry for your loss, but it sounds like everything was for the better in the end.

Thank you all, so very much. :grouphug:
Bleh ... I almost don't want to post this because I've been such a downer lately, but hey, this is my life and this actually IS all about the VR, so here we go ...

The family VR is off. My father has decided, just two weeks before their 47th anniversary, that he is leaving my mother and thus they will not be coming on the trip in October. And at our son's grad party this weekend, we were again reminded of just how NOT close we are to our siblings. This will sound so petty, but Jeff's sister came in from out of town for the party, but instead of joining in, she sulked upstairs, never even told her nephew congratulations -- let alone give him a card -- and was generally a beyotch to everyone. And my brother -- Trav's godfather -- and his wife gave him a $25 iTunes gift card they had laying around the house as his grad gift. I was so insulted, I mean, really? The best you can do is a gift card that you TOLD me you got for free?? And then you call me the next day to tell me about your expensive night at the cigar bar drinking and losing money playing poker with strangers?? But you can't give your ONLY nephew/godson a decent graduation gift when I freaking pay to take your kids to Disney parks every year??

So, faced with the idea of a VR without my parents and without my best friend and her family and only my mil and her sister (and my niece and nephew) who we feel really care, we aren't gonna do it. We're just not.

I was crying and ready to cancel everything, but Jeff and Travis want to do it with just the 3 of us. Trav was so sweet ... he said, "Mom, let's just do it for us. It doesn't matter where. You and Dad can read your vows to each other and I'll hold a candle or something, and then we can do the sand ceremony. It'll be special, just the three of us." Makes me cry.

So, we're talking to Karen about changing the day to Monday, so we can do it at the Swan before the rest of the family arrives. I don't know if it will work out, but the only other option is cancelling, because I'm really over it.
Oh my sweet Amy, I am sitting here with tears running down my face. You really don't deserve such a mean family!! I am so sorry about the trouble between your parents. As for Trav's godfather's behaviour, well, I am just too angry to comment!!!
I do agree with the boys on this one though. I think it would be so beautiful to have the VR with just the three of you (or with those of the family who really do care) and to have some lovely professional photos of your gorgeous family taken, to mark the occasion. If nothing else, it would be a bit of a 'yah boo sucks' to the family when they see your your photos and see what a solid little family the three of you are and what an intimate and meaningful day you had!! Okay, so now maybe I am being petty (which, incidentally you were not being!), but I am just so angry!!!
At the end of the day, this is about you Jeff and Trav and nobody else. It is not about dresses, flowers, cakes etc (although these things make for pretty pictures and a small VR has as much right to have them as a larger one - make no mistake!!). It is about your love and commitment to each other.
I say go for it!!! Celebrate yourselves and your relationship and enjoy doing it. You all truly, truly deserve it!!!
Besides, you cannot do me out of the immense pleasure of reading your PJ and (eventually your TR)!!! That would be too cruel of you!!! :goodvibes
I really wish that I could fly over to be with you on your day, as we feel like family don't we? Unfortunately, I just don't have the money!!
I realize it is your decision, but I would hate to see you give up on this worked for and cherished dream.
Whatever you decide, I hope you will stick around the boards as I would really miss our chats.
Much love to you sweetie. :hug:
I'm sorry to hear that Amy, that really stinks! I'm sorry about your mother and father and Jeff's sister and your brother. I can completely understand why you wouldn't want to share such a special occasion with them. Your son is so sweet. I think it is wonderful that he is encouraging you to still move forward. What a loving little guy you have! I think you could still have a wonderfully intimate ceremony with just the 3 of you. I don't think you'll have a problem switching the day, especially to a monday. I don't think many people are beating down the doors to get a monday slot. If you are flexible on the time I think you'll definitely get the date.

You've had such a rough time with the planning of this vow renewal, I hope that means that something extra special is in store for you. With only 3 people you can go anywhere you want for a lunch/dinner afterwards and don't have to worry about any drama or pleasing other people. Less people = less drama :)
Oh my sweet Amy, I am sitting here with tears running down my face. You really don't deserve such a mean family!! I am so sorry about the trouble between your parents. As for Trav's godfather's behaviour, well, I am just too angry to comment!!!
I do agree with the boys on this one though. I think it would be so beautiful to have the VR with just the three of you (or with those of the family who really do care) and to have some lovely professional photos of your gorgeous family taken, to mark the occasion. If nothing else, it would be a bit of a 'yah boo sucks' to the family when they see your your photos and see what a solid little family the three of you are and what an intimate and meaningful day you had!! Okay, so now maybe I am being petty (which, incidentally you were not being!), but I am just so angry!!!
At the end of the day, this is about you Jeff and Trav and nobody else. It is not about dresses, flowers, cakes etc (although these things make for pretty pictures and a small VR has as much right to have them as a larger one - make no mistake!!). It is about your love and commitment to each other.
I say go for it!!! Celebrate yourselves and your relationship and enjoy doing it. You all truly, truly deserve it!!!
Besides, you cannot do me out of the immense pleasure of reading your PJ and (eventually your TR)!!! That would be too cruel of you!!! :goodvibes
I really wish that I could fly over to be with you on your day, as we feel like family don't we? Unfortunately, I just don't have the money!!
I realize it is your decision, but I would hate to see you give up on this worked for and cherished dream.
Whatever you decide, I hope you will stick around the boards as I would really miss our chats.
Much love to you sweetie. :hug:

Oh, Joanne, I didn't want to make you sad, too! You have such a sweet heart, and I appreciate your kind words so much. :hug: And I have to tell you, I would LOVE to have you join us ... how I wish it was possible! You'd be a very welcome guest. :goodvibes

And you're so cute ... 'yah boo sucks' to the fam ... I love that! And that's exactly how I feel right about now. I was talking to one of my friends earlier and told her the way things are going I wouldn't be surprised to walk out my front door and find my truck with 4 flat tires and a broken windshield! I feel like Eeyore, walking around with a grey cloud over my head the last week or so!

I'm sorry to hear that Amy, that really stinks! I'm sorry about your mother and father and Jeff's sister and your brother. I can completely understand why you wouldn't want to share such a special occasion with them. Your son is so sweet. I think it is wonderful that he is encouraging you to still move forward. What a loving little guy you have! I think you could still have a wonderfully intimate ceremony with just the 3 of you. I don't think you'll have a problem switching the day, especially to a monday. I don't think many people are beating down the doors to get a monday slot. If you are flexible on the time I think you'll definitely get the date.

You've had such a rough time with the planning of this vow renewal, I hope that means that something extra special is in store for you. With only 3 people you can go anywhere you want for a lunch/dinner afterwards and don't have to worry about any drama or pleasing other people. Less people = less drama :)

Very good points Jilian! We're waiting on pins to hear back from the Swan, but I was glad to learn that our wonderful photographer, Jason Angelini, is available for Monday. I hope Crescent Terrace, our harpist and our florist are as well. And of course Rev. Day! I don't want to do too much checking 'til we hear if we can have our new day, though.

And yes, less people will definitely be less drama! Hopefully it will equal no drama at all, LOL!

My heart breaks for you! I hope things get better!

Aw, thank you! They have to get better from here, right? :goodvibes
Oh Amy, I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this. As they say on my side of the Atlantic, when it rains, it pours. I think from what you said about certain members of your family, you are better of without them. This reminds me all too much about my original wedding, when certain members of my family kind of hijacked the wedding and with their snide remarks about everything and nothing made what should have been the happiest day of my life a misery. They did not care about me then and do not care about me now. Needless to say, there is not a single one of those individuals that I am still in touch with. I most certainly don't miss anything for not having them in my life and I sure they don't miss me either.

I can so understand that you feel like cancelling everything, but don't make any decisions now while you are so upset that you will later regret. I got so close to doing just this when one after the other everybody who I wanted at the vow renewal cancelled the cruise. I actually did up cancelling. It took me a long time to realize what this was actually about. Fortunately I was given a second chance at this.

This whole vow renewal should be about Jeff and you. It will be your special day. If some people who do genuine about you want to be part of this, then all the better. You have planned this for so long, that it would be a shame to cancel now. I keep my fingers crossed for you that you can move everything to the Monday and that you will have a magical vow renewal that is everything you are hoping for and then some.

You have had more than your fair share of rain fall in your life lately and I can only offer my best wishes that things will get better. I hope you still have a great day because it sounds like your husband and son love you very much.
Oh, Amy.... :grouphug::grouphug: I think a small, intimate vow renewal sounds absolutely perfect. And your son sounds like he is a sweetheart!!!! <3

Your own family sounds like they love you very much, and you are very lucky. <3

I am, however, so sorry about your parents splitting up, and I am sorry about the rest of your family. Another :grouphug:
Amy, I'm so sorry to read about all your recent bad news sweetie. But I have to say that my eyes started to well up when I read what Trevor said to you! What a brilliant boy and he's right, you know. The VR will still be special if you three are the only ones present.

Amy, I am truly sorry that you area going through a difficult time right now! But like the others have said, you have a wonderful son. The VR with just the three of you would be so special. I hope things start to turn around for you! :goodvibes
I'm so sorry. I know how hard you have worked to put your VR together and how special you wanted it to be for not only the three of your but your friends and family. I love what your son said and he is will be special with just the three of you. I have watched close friends come and go and at the end of the day all we really have is our close family. Cherish the three of you and have your VR with just the three of you.
Amy, I am sending every best wish your way in hopes that this run of bad luck ends for you!!! I can't believe everything that has gone on. So sorry about your parents! :hug:

A VR with just the three of you sounds perfect. And congratulations on your son's graduation, it sounds like he is a real credit to you :goodvibes


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