Amy & Jeff: 10/24/11 20th Anniv. Vow Renewal **8/4 - We surrender!**

So sorry to hear things have not been going well. I'm sure things will be beautiful however they end up. I personally think smaller is better. And you have Mickey coming!
Oh Amy, I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this. As they say on my side of the Atlantic, when it rains, it pours. I think from what you said about certain members of your family, you are better of without them. This reminds me all too much about my original wedding, when certain members of my family kind of hijacked the wedding and with their snide remarks about everything and nothing made what should have been the happiest day of my life a misery. They did not care about me then and do not care about me now. Needless to say, there is not a single one of those individuals that I am still in touch with. I most certainly don't miss anything for not having them in my life and I sure they don't miss me either.

I can so understand that you feel like cancelling everything, but don't make any decisions now while you are so upset that you will later regret. I got so close to doing just this when one after the other everybody who I wanted at the vow renewal cancelled the cruise. I actually did up cancelling. It took me a long time to realize what this was actually about. Fortunately I was given a second chance at this.

This whole vow renewal should be about Jeff and you. It will be your special day. If some people who do genuine about you want to be part of this, then all the better. You have planned this for so long, that it would be a shame to cancel now. I keep my fingers crossed for you that you can move everything to the Monday and that you will have a magical vow renewal that is everything you are hoping for and then some.


Thank you, Corinna. I know you faced similar obstacles in planning, and I know how happy you are with your current plans. You are my inspiration for something private and intimate! :goodvibes

You have had more than your fair share of rain fall in your life lately and I can only offer my best wishes that things will get better. I hope you still have a great day because it sounds like your husband and son love you very much.

Thank you so much. My boys are definitely my life and I am very lucky to have them. :goodvibes

Oh, Amy.... :grouphug::grouphug: I think a small, intimate vow renewal sounds absolutely perfect. And your son sounds like he is a sweetheart!!!! <3

Your own family sounds like they love you very much, and you are very lucky. <3

I am, however, so sorry about your parents splitting up, and I am sorry about the rest of your family. Another :grouphug:

Thank you so much for your kindness. I appreciate it so much. :flower3:

Amy, I'm so sorry to read about all your recent bad news sweetie. But I have to say that my eyes started to well up when I read what Trevor said to you! What a brilliant boy and he's right, you know. The VR will still be special if you three are the only ones present.


Oh, thank you, Mindy. I'm definitely fortunate to have such a great kiddo.

Amy, I am truly sorry that you area going through a difficult time right now! But like the others have said, you have a wonderful son. The VR with just the three of you would be so special. I hope things start to turn around for you! :goodvibes

Thank you ... I hope things turn around soon too! :flower3:

I'm so sorry. I know how hard you have worked to put your VR together and how special you wanted it to be for not only the three of your but your friends and family. I love what your son said and he is will be special with just the three of you. I have watched close friends come and go and at the end of the day all we really have is our close family. Cherish the three of you and have your VR with just the three of you.

Dolly, you are so right. And as long as we have each other, we really do have a lot! :love:

Amy, I am sending every best wish your way in hopes that this run of bad luck ends for you!!! I can't believe everything that has gone on. So sorry about your parents! :hug:

A VR with just the three of you sounds perfect. And congratulations on your son's graduation, it sounds like he is a real credit to you :goodvibes

Thank you Natalie ... he's my ju-jitsu fighting, dyed-hair, pierced, tatted-up, mushy-hearted baby, LOL!!

So sorry to hear things have not been going well. I'm sure things will be beautiful however they end up. I personally think smaller is better. And you have Mickey coming!

Thanks Andrea ... upon lots (and lots!) of reflection, I think smaller will be better, too. And unfortunately, we had to cut Mickey and Minnie in an effort to keep our expenses down, but we'll still be making sure we visit him in his new home at the MK. ;)

In the meantime, I am actually over at my mom's house because our neighborhood has been out of power for four days and it's been close to 100 every day and it's sooooo horrible in our house! :sad2: Fortunately, she lives only a mile away so I can run back and forth to give our cats water and make sure they're okay. I have Muggs with me here, but my mom also has a dog and 3 cats, so bringing the cats here is not an option. Fortunately, they seem to be hanging out in the basement where it's cooler.

Still haven't heard back from Karen on whether Monday is an option for our VR. I'm hoping to hear something today. *crossing fingers*

Thanks to everyone again for the kind words, good advice, and hugs!! It's appreciated so, so much. :flower3:
I keep my fingers crossed for you that you have news soon and that it is good news.

Amy sweetie - Hope you are back in your own home soon!! Send some of that heat over the Atlantic to us would you, as we seem not to be getting a very good summer (yet again). I think the south has been somewhat better, but here in the north it has been rubbish!!!
I suspect that Karen is checking things out so as she can come back to you with a definitive answer. I think it will be fine myself, as I guess that Mondays are not the most popular of days. I am sending masses of love and a little pixiedust:
Well, a new day FINALLY brings good news! :) Karen emailed me this morning to say that the Swan can move us to Monday! Our harpist and florist are available then, as is our photographer and (thankfully!) Beaute Speciale! We are waiting to hear back on our cake, the car, and Rev. Jack Day. I'm crossing my fingers that everything will work out, but in the meantime I am so relieved that we accomplished this much rescheduling! :thumbsup2

Also on the good news front, we FINALLY got power back! :woohoo: Our neighborhood was the very last in the township to get it, but Travis stopped by our house around noon to shower before work and called me ecstatic that the power had finally been restored! It's been a long 5 days. No more sleeping on an air mattress on my mom's front room floor, LOL!

So, all things considered, I'm one happy girl right now. Thanks again for all the love and support these last two weeks -- they were a couple of doozies!
That is great news. I keep my fingers crossed that the rest can be rescheduled as well.

I have only one thing to say to all that YAY
I am so relieved!!! I will get to read your TR now!!! :lmao:
But, seriously, my sweet Amy, I am thrilled it is all working out for you now!!! You and your amazing boys really deserve this special day!! Plain sailing from now on I am sure!!!!
That is great news. I keep my fingers crossed that the rest can be rescheduled as well.


I have only one thing to say to all that YAY
I am so relieved!!! I will get to read your TR now!!! :lmao:
But, seriously, my sweet Amy, I am thrilled it is all working out for you now!!! You and your amazing boys really deserve this special day!! Plain sailing from now on I am sure!!!!

That is so exciting that things are finally turning around for you. Congrats!

Thanks for the good wishes! I *think* we finally have everything in place now. The cake, car, florist, etc. are all set with the new date.

The only bummer thing was we lost Rev. Jack Day because he's already booked for that day. Karen suggested Pastor Luther Kistler instead, and he's gotten really good reviews here, and even Rev. Jack said we'd love him. :goodvibes Jeff spoke with him, and he agreed to perform our ceremony. Yay! I emailed him our ceremony today so he could review it, and I guess he wants to meet with us the day before so we're all comfortable with each other. :)

And I made ADRs at the Plaza for Jeff, Trav and me for lunch in the MK after our VR. I bought an adorable purple sundress from Kohl's that I can wear and still feel festive. :)

I also ordered a wider silk sash from a lovely Etsy seller in England to use instead of the little ribbon that comes on my dress. I hope it looks good -- I think it will! And I sort of deconstructed my rhinestone headband and then added an embellished flower to it, and I think I really like it and will wear it that way. It's kind of fun and funky, like my dress. :thumbsup2
Thanks for the good wishes! I *think* we finally have everything in place now. The cake, car, florist, etc. are all set with the new date.

The only bummer thing was we lost Rev. Jack Day because he's already booked for that day. Karen suggested Pastor Luther Kistler instead, and he's gotten really good reviews here, and even Rev. Jack said we'd love him. :goodvibes Jeff spoke with him, and he agreed to perform our ceremony. Yay! I emailed him our ceremony today so he could review it, and I guess he wants to meet with us the day before so we're all comfortable with each other. :)

And I made ADRs at the Plaza for Jeff, Trav and me for lunch in the MK after our VR. I bought an adorable purple sundress from Kohl's that I can wear and still feel festive. :)

I also ordered a wider silk sash from a lovely Etsy seller in England to use instead of the little ribbon that comes on my dress. I hope it looks good -- I think it will! And I sort of deconstructed my rhinestone headband and then added an embellished flower to it, and I think I really like it and will wear it that way. It's kind of fun and funky, like my dress. :thumbsup2

Amy sweetie - It all sounds great!! Sorry that you lost Rev Jack, but the new officiant sounds great!! Love the Plaza and I am sure you will have a lovely lunch there!!
Be sure to post pics of the sash (from England yay!!). It sounds really beautiful!
Whew! I just started & finished reading this tonight. (well 1:30 am, but I couldn't stop reading) What a roller coaster ride you have had. With the VR and life in general. Please accept my condolences in the loss of your beloved furry family member. I was also saddened to hear of the split of your parents. I know that can be hard. Happy thoughts for you & yours getting thru that. Also, I can relate to family members not appropriately acknowledging your sons hs graduation. Now, congratulations, happy well wishes on your VR. Sounds like you have alot to celebrate in regards to your marriage and your family unit. KUDOS to you. Sounds like together you and your dh have raised a sensitive thoughtful kids. And at that age that can be rare. I hope the remainder of your planning and the VR itself are magical...truly magical in every respect. And I hope you don't take offense to this, God bless you all.
I am so glad that you managed to get most things rescheduled. It is a shame that your original officiant is already booked for the new date, but I have Googled your new officiant and he sounds great, too.

I'm so happy everything is coming together nicely for you! :)

Thank you Jilian! It's a whole different world from the last couple of weeks! ;)

Amy sweetie - It all sounds great!! Sorry that you lost Rev Jack, but the new officiant sounds great!! Love the Plaza and I am sure you will have a lovely lunch there!!
Be sure to post pics of the sash (from England yay!!). It sounds really beautiful!

Thanks Joanne! I received an email back from Pastor Luther today, and he sounds lovely. I'm anxious to meet him and his wife, Dottie (how cute is that name!). We've always enjoyed the Plaza, but it's been actually a few years since we've eaten there, so we're looking forward to trying it again. :)

And here's a picture of the sash from the Etsy page ... I'm so anxious for it to get here, but I know it takes a bit more time to cross the Atlantic. ;)

Whew! I just started & finished reading this tonight. (well 1:30 am, but I couldn't stop reading) What a roller coaster ride you have had. With the VR and life in general. Please accept my condolences in the loss of your beloved furry family member. I was also saddened to hear of the split of your parents. I know that can be hard. Happy thoughts for you & yours getting thru that. Also, I can relate to family members not appropriately acknowledging your sons hs graduation. Now, congratulations, happy well wishes on your VR. Sounds like you have alot to celebrate in regards to your marriage and your family unit. KUDOS to you. Sounds like together you and your dh have raised a sensitive thoughtful kids. And at that age that can be rare. I hope the remainder of your planning and the VR itself are magical...truly magical in every respect. And I hope you don't take offense to this, God bless you all.

Oh my goodness, I could never take offense! Your post is so sweet and I appreciate your kind words! It does feel odd to be planning a celebration of my own marriage while my parents' is coming apart, but it's actually been brewing for the last few years, so it's not as hard on any of us this time as it was the first time my dad left her (he was gone for a year, then went back for 2). My mom actually has pneumonia right now, so she's actually more focused on just trying to get better than anything else!

I am so glad that you managed to get most things rescheduled. It is a shame that your original officiant is already booked for the new date, but I have Googled your new officiant and he sounds great, too.


Hi Corinna! Yes, Pastor Luther seems like he will be a good fit for the type of ceremony we want to have, so we're very happy to have connected with him.

yay for good news!!! i'm happy for you!!

Thank you Deena! :goodvibes

Glad to read some good news for you!! :cool1:

Thank you so much -- I think we're definitely on an upswing! :flower3:
Well, in a move that will surprise -- I'm sure -- no one, we have decided to cancel our VR and trip. The family situation with the pending divorce of my parents and some other issues going on have made planning this VR feel like our wedding all over again, and I am not doing that again. Plus, with all the things that have gone wrong, it seems clear to us that a vow renewal for our 20th anniversary is just not meant to be. So we are waving the white flag!

Tomorrow we will be cancelling everything for this year. We are hopeful that we might reschedule at some point, but for now, this is the wisest choice for us. Ironically, David's just called to tell my dress is in, so it will be picked up and tucked away, hopefully to be worn at some future time.

I thank everyone for all the support and friendship you've provided, and I plan to continue to follow all of your plans and still post; it's just time to pull the plug on my PJ. :goodvibes
I'm sorry to hear about all you are going through, Amy. :hug: I was really rooting for you! I hope things go well for you and your family. I also hope you will be able to wear that dress sooner than you think! ;) Best wishes. :flower3:
I'm really sorry to hear that Amy! :hug: I hope everything can get sorted out and that you and your husband can celebrate by having the VR that you deserve. Remember, everything happens for a reason...even though those reasons may not be obvious right at this moment. You will get your special day someday (hopefully soon) and it will be awesome! Hopefully you will stick around to give us crazy brides some advice every now and then. Best of luck!
Oh my sweet Amy - This is very sad news!!! I am so sorry that you have had to come to this decision but realize that you have to go with what feels right for you. I know that things have not been easy for you lately and there have been many disappointments along the planning road and I respect and understand your painful decision!!
I hope that you will be able to have your dream VR another time. I am sure I will still be here when you do!!!
Please re-assure me that you will not disappear completely!!! I would so miss your company and would love to have your valued opinion of my TTD photos when I come to post them soon. God bless you, Jeff and Trav.


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