American Idol and "I Told You So. . . ."

My problem is not that I HATE the original Idol (I actually watch ALL episodes!). My problem is glorified karaoke, harsh and cruel judges, Disney "ringers", etc. Not what Walt had in mind at all. . . . . .
Just what people want, people without talent being judged and embarassed. Good job Disney ! :thumbsup:
Not so at all!!

Really? You saw TWO great people! That's great, really. Now how many other people preformed that day? How many people auditioned? The ratio of people coming out feeling great to people feeling like crap is 1:100000 (over exasperating, but you get the point). It was a bad idea in the long run.
Saw two shows.....both had talented performers.

Was at HS a few weeks ago, I was the only one of my friends to audition, Im a seasoned karaoke performer.

I didnt make it through the first audition.

I wasnt nervous until it was time to sing. I thought I did well for being petrified.

Heres what she said to me, she asked if I had voice lessons before. I said yes. She said she really liked the sound quality and vibrato of my voice, but that my voice sounded too 'theater' and 'Broadway' for American Idol, as they were looking for a pop star.

I was disappointed, but didnt feel 'bad'. lol

I was just unsure if that was what they said to people who are terrible, or if she really meant it. It was fun though.

I didnt see anyone posting audition stories, so maybe that satisfies someones curiosity.
I'll add our audition story. My dd had an audition time already set up before we got there. We got to the park before opening so we could grab some TSM FPs...but got to talking to a CM before we got in. He asked if we wanted to audition. Told him dd (15) had a time all set. He told us to come with him. We bypassed the park entry line and went over to some guy (asst producer for AIE I guess) who was just inside the park. Dd sang for him, and was the last of 6 people to be taken for the next step. We all went (I had to go because dd was underage) to the AIE bdlg....we went to the Coca Cola lounge (too funny) where the 'performers' used iPods to listen to various song selections. They had to pick 3 or 4 because there were no duplicate songs allowed. If someone sang your song choice earlier that day, you had to make another choice. We were lucky because we were the first group. Out of the 6 people performing, 5 got put through to the onstage show. They were all worthy of going through.
I can only attest to what transpired with my dd.....she was the last one to audition in her group. She chose 'Part of your World' from the Little Mermaid and 'Our Song' by Taylor Swift. To my surprise, her 'Our Song' was much better than her 'ariel' song, which she knows cold. Ah well.
In any case, the producer gave her some imput and then told her she was going on to the stage show. She was thrilled.
We returned to the AIE bldg about 90 mins before her showtime..noon show. She, and the other two girls, were given the lowdown on what would happen now. They each spent 10 mins in hair/makeup, then 10 mins working with the vocal coach. Like CoPirate, she was told to try for a more 'pop' sound vs a more classical style. Hard to do since we've started focusing on more classic sounds. She loves musical theater so it was tough but she did a pretty decent job.
Then, the host talks to them all...gets some history. He asked my dd what she was most interested in..she said musical theater and reading. The girls were given their body mikes, they were hooked up to the follow spots (nice touch, there was a spot on them, automatically, wherever they went onstage!!), and they got to rehearse their number onstage. As already mentioned, the set is pretty incredible.
The first two girls did their songs...very nice jobs by both. And all three were from Mass. Evidently that was the first time all the contestants had been from the same state. My dd sang her song..'Our Song'. She was the most comfortable one onstage. So.....the girls each had their 'judge' review. The first girl, who had a beautiful voice, was told that she had some typical teen issues...nerves, beating her leg to the beat...but into the song she got more comfortable. Nice job overall...terrific vocals. She did a Kelly Clarkson ballard.
The second girl, older, about midthirties and a teacher, sang a Kelly Clarkson song about walking away or something. I was so nervous about my dd I didnt' pay much attention. But, the 'mean' judge told her that her performance was one to be 'walked away' from...yikes.
My dd was told that she had some of those same teen issues, that she had good vocals but they weren't 'pop' enough,and her 'physicality' was a bit too much. The mean judge said, and I quote...'I see your interests are reading and musical theater....looks like reading should be your forte.' OMG!!!
But....the point of my story is this....all the judges went up to each of the performers afterwards and talked to them. Mean judge did talk to my dd..told her that they pay him to be mean and nasty and to take all his comments with a huge grain of salt. That she has a very good voice, with great potential and to keep singing. The 'Randy' judge talked to me afterwards and said that she had a wonderful foundation and great stage presence..that she should continue doing what she was doing. The mean guy pretty much said the same thing...apologized profusely for any hurt feelings.
I think they just needed to have some nasty comments made, by the judges, so the audience could boo...which they are encouraged to do.
My dd came out of it feeling very good about herself.
All three of those performers were good....not professional by any means, but it wasn't an awful thing to have to sit and listen to them. And it was the same story the day before. There is no sticking in people who can't carry a tune in order to make fun of them....that just isn't done. They make fun of those who can carry a tune.

By the way...the best part of the day??? The many people that stopped my dd to tell her what a great job she did..that everyone in their are had voted '3'...that they felt that she had done the best overall job. It was so nice of other guests in the park to remember her and then to comment to her on her performance. She intends to give it another shot in August.

Is AIE for everyone? No. But, neither is the Lights, Cameras, Action show. Saw that one time and it was more than enough for us. We try everything once..if we don't like it, we don't do it again.
I think this might appeal more to visitors that live locally or visit often. I just don't see the typical park commander, one day to get through HS spending their vacation time watching a show when they don't get to see the finale :confused3 At least, I wouldn't want to. It wouldn't hold my kids attention (at least the show at home doesn't).

I'm glad to read of the participants good experiences, but again, if you're just on vacation, doing 3-5 days at Disney - do you want to spend that much of a park day auditioning, singing, etc.?
Nice review goofy4tink. Makes me want to go see it in August.

I agree, nice review. We probably won't make the show because we usually go for short trips and don't have the time and there are no aspiring singers in the family. But if we did have the time or the interest, your post would have tipped the scales.

Hope your daughter has an illustrious career! :thumbsup2
Really? You saw TWO great people! That's great, really. Now how many other people preformed that day? How many people auditioned? The ratio of people coming out feeling great to people feeling like crap is 1:100000 (over exasperating, but you get the point). It was a bad idea in the long run.
I'm wondering how you know this. Are you going to each show to watch each performance and then surveying people afterward? I mean, you must have some sort of data on which to base such a certainty. I would think that if that many people were having that bad of an experience auditioning or performing that someone like the Orlando Sentinel or Jim Hill or one of the many other places that look for things that Disney is doing wrong would have picked up on that by now and done some sort of an expose.

I think you just don't like the show and cannot fathom why other people could, and so therefore you need to demean other people for enjoying themselves. Which means that you've now made disgrajak feel like crap for enjoying herself and saying so. Congrats! You've just done the one thing you so dislike AIE for doing. Well done.

It's funny how the conspiracy theororists keep insisting there are Disney "plants." This is a legal contest with a prize, governed by very strict rules. The only time Disney used plants was during soft openings, and they had to disclose that very clearly at the beginning of the show. Believe what you want (yeah, I'M a Disney plant...I'm part of the conspiracy!), but I have a friend who works Idol and I know without a doubt that all those people are guests. If they weren't, there would be a clear disclaimer.
It's funny how the conspiracy theororists keep insisting there are Disney "plants." This is a legal contest with a prize, governed by very strict rules. The only time Disney used plants was during soft openings, and they had to disclose that very clearly at the beginning of the show. Believe what you want (yeah, I'M a Disney plant...I'm part of the conspiracy!), but I have a friend who works Idol and I know without a doubt that all those people are guests. If they weren't, there would be a clear disclaimer.

Yup just like the show has one.....
Like nobody from day one could not see who was "chosen" to win this years competition "sir scream alot"
Yup just like the show has one.....
Like nobody from day one could not see who was "chosen" to win this years competition "sir scream alot"
I ain't gonna argue with you there...Disney might be running a fair game, but I'd bet the farm that the real show is fixed.
Here's the way I look at it...without AIE, there's still plenty of fun to be had at DHS. So each person watching AIE is one less person at GMR, ST, ToT, RnRC, or anything else I enjoy doing. It never ceases to amaze me how some people think that EVERY attraction in a park should be appealing to them. If you want a park to have 100% likability to you, then build your own park. Otherwise, take advantage of the time people are "wasting" in AIE...if they closed it, those people could be in line ahead of you wherever you are.
I just am still shocked that ABC and Disney are the same company, but they promote Fox's biggest show with this thing?

Will they do a Simpson's ride at Diz next? Or a Shrek attraction and promote a difefrent movie maker? I don't think so .... so why a Fox show?

I will never attend the Idol show at Diz. Just not my thing to spend my valuable vacation time at Diz watching a talent show.
I think this might appeal more to visitors that live locally or visit often. I just don't see the typical park commander, one day to get through HS spending their vacation time watching a show when they don't get to see the finale :confused3 At least, I wouldn't want to. It wouldn't hold my kids attention (at least the show at home doesn't).

I'm glad to read of the participants good experiences, but again, if you're just on vacation, doing 3-5 days at Disney - do you want to spend that much of a park day auditioning, singing, etc.?

And that's what's so wonderful about WDW....there is something for everyone. If AIE isn't your cup of tea, no one is forcing you to go. If, after you research it, you decide that you don't feel the need to go there, terrific. And if you have a family that isn't into the real AI, then no, you most likely wouldn't enjoy it. I think you're right about park commando types way are they going to spend precious hours, out of a 4 day stay, trying to get onstage at this show. It just isn't for everyone. But thanks for putting your comments the way you did. You got your point across without making those who want to try out AIE feeling like idiots!!!

I will say that when my dd got put into the noon show, I was sort of hoping she wouldn't win her show. That would have meant hanging around until the 7:00 show!!! Even she said she was happy with her experience but glad we could head out a few hours later.

There is no conspiracy...there are no least not at either of the two shows I saw. I know that's not a huge number of shows, but it was my experience. Participating in the show does take away a few hours of touring. But....we head to WDW fairly often, so it wasn't a big deal for us. I think we would take the time to see a show, even if we knew nobody in it, just one time per trip. It was a coincidence, but when we went to the show the day before dd auditioned (to check it out and see if she really wanted to do it), we had a girl from my dd's high school performing!!! They had just been in the school's musical the month before...but the other girl is a junior and dd is a freshman. There were no plants in that show....and all performers did a good job. And the judges were just as nasty to those performers. I almost wonder if they can tell who has had some stage experience and could probably 'take' the harsher criticisms.

But, it isn't for everyone. And for someone to come here and make derogatory comments about those who either perform, or simply attend the show, is wrong. If you don't like the attraction, then keep on walking by.
Thanks for the review on your dd's experience. It is nice to know that the "Simon" of the group was encouraging to the contestants afterward. From seeing the show, I felt that there are probably more people in the world who have good singing voices than I thought before. I know some are not happy with AIE and don't like the fact that there is a mean judge, but that is all part of the show. I think if you sign on to audition, you need to be prepared for "simon" as that is why he is there. If I had a teen dd or ds who wanted to try out, I would make sure they knew what may happen and make sure they were willing and tough enough to take the criticism that may be handed out. We may not like the "Simon" guy but like it or not, he is a big part of AI and I know if I was offended, I would not have chosen to see it either. But as I stated earlier, I really enjoyed the show!
And that's what's so wonderful about WDW....there is something for everyone.

It just isn't for everyone. But thanks for putting your comments the way you did. You got your point across without making those who want to try out AIE feeling like idiots!!!

Of course! :lovestruc Just because it isn't for my family, doesn't mean that it isn't a fantastic experience for someone else's family. Honesty, if anyone in our family could carry a tune, or we had a teenager that loved to sing and perform, I'd think this was a fabulous opportunity - and we wouldn't hesitate to spend some time on our vacation doing it!

We went 3 times last week we loved it. the singing was not that great, but we enjoyed participating.
We were there on Wed. and my party (kids to old people:)) loved it!!! The theater was not full, but it was close. I found it more entertaining than the attraction with the cars (Lights! Motors! Action!) which bored me to tears.

Now if only they could get rid of that monstrosity called Lights Motors Action. That show is so boring and takes up so much prime real estate.

We were there in was full and really fun. We all loved it and wished we could have come back for the 7pm show but we had other plans.

I agree with both above statements about LMA. And if you're not under the awning enough, the heat/sun just about kills ya, or, like happened this last trip, we were right outside of it and it started pouring......those people must have gotten soaked. But my biggest complaint is how boring it is. Of course, if you love the smell of burning rubber, you're set. :headache::sick:
Well, at the beginning when i heard about this attraction, i thought "STUPID!", im not wastin my time with this....WELL I WAS WRONG!! I saw one of the finale shows last week, and the whole experience was so cool! I had a blast, and the contestants were very talented... i also went to a regular show during the day, it was also good, but i really enjoyed the finale show the best... so try it out, its really cool!
I ain't gonna argue with you there...Disney might be running a fair game, but I'd bet the farm that the real show is fixed.

I was thinking the same thing, especially after last weeks booting of Danny, how one can go from the favorite to gone the next week is puzzling?? Ever notice on how the voting is NEVER made public, sir scream a lot is driving me crazy this season, I mean can he really sing, I don’t know as he continually screams!!! Oh well we love the show!!
I have no idea about the American Idol show, because I don't watch it (I don't see the point, and I don't watch televison anyway), but the AIE is different. It's a stage show (which I love), and I love guest interaction as well, which this has.

And my boyfriend will be trying out in August. No, he doesn't watch the show either. He's a professionally trained singer since the age of 7, and thinks it would be fun to do this. He's even considering a Disney song, of all things. A lot of the people who say they're passing it by because they think it will be stupid or because it's a waste of their time might do well just to try it out. You never know until you try, right? A year ago, I would have said the same thing as the naysayers, but now that I've read all these reviews of it, I would love to try out myself (if it weren't for the fact that I can't sing a note - I'm tone deaf).

I sincerly doubt that there are Disney cast members in the shows, by the way. If they had the cast members to do so, would they really push the auditioning as much as they do? Wouldn't they do better to conserve their fastpasses and American Idol passes and use fakes?

Unless someone goes and performs a longitudinal and statistically significant study on this attraction's audience levels compared with other rides, I don't think we can say that this ride is a dud. It's been open, what, three or four months? How many people know beforehand about the audition process? Not everyone is DIS'er, and researches all the different possibilities of what to do.

Alright, I'm done. I just think that people should go experience something before they make a judgment about it.


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