Alligators In Bay Lake???


Earning My Ears
Mar 18, 2004
I'm getting conflicting info - first I hear that there are no gators in Bay Lake - that the resorts are protected by an underwater thing - then, I just heard last week from one of the drivers on the watercraft from WL to Ft. Wilderness that the gators are indeed out early in the a.m. AND that there's a nature warning re: gators in the Ft. Wilderness gazette.

Yikes! Never encountered a real life alligator outside a zoo. Should I be this nervous about letting my kids play at the WL beach? :earseek: What about jogging in the early am? Am I worrying too much?
I've never ever seen one - they don't make out here to the desert!! I have heard of lots of sightings around the World, but haven't heard of one at Bay Lake. Mainly Rivers of America and BWI (I think). I'm paranoid too - I'm always on the lookout. DH swears he saw one at MK a couple of weeks ago. I got kinda freaked out.
I've read quite a few reports of people here seeing them in Bay Lake and even on the Poly beach. Do a search back and you will find the thread about all the alligator sightings. I see them every trip in the waters by the Haunted Mansion. I've never seen them on the Poly beach but will be on a look out now!
The only one I've ever seen was at the BCV Villas, he's there everytime, in the canal. Just look over the bridge.

It's Florida, and yes where there is water, there could be alligators.

As to the danger, you are more likely to be killed by lightening than the alligators. Just be aware they are around and be cautious and use good common sense.
If there is a body of water in Florida, there are usually gators in it.

I was just talking to a CM last week about gators because DH has to swim in Bay Lake in May for a triathlon. She said that there are gators in Bay Lake but not to worry.

If you see one on land, I've always read to run in a zig zag.

I have read several reports here of DISer's seeing people feed the gator at BCV. That should not be done.
What about all the watersports at the Contemporary? My family is planning on waterskiing etc.
Thankfully, they do not see us as a food source.

Just to be safe, though, I always let my wife approach the water first. ;)
About 2 summers ago we were walking to the boat to take us back to Wilderness Lodge when we noticed a small crowd to the left of the dock. We walked over and there it was! It was about 4 feet long, I think. I even have a picture of it somewhere on my computer! Coincidentally, it was during the same time frame that they were having the triathlon starting from the Contemporary! Pretty much sealed the deal that I won't be swimming in Bay Lake anytime soon!


Compared to other Fla waterways Bay Lake is pretty safe when it comes to gators. I will tell you that Disney does its best to relocate the native creatures to other places as soon as they can. Saying that as a Cm gators are not a problem and I worked at FW. You wont have anything to worry about with your child on the beach nor on the jogging trail.

Do you know if Disney does anything special before a swim in Bay Lake? I'm sure that the athletes in the triathlon will not have to worry about it too much-2,000 would probably drive the gators away.

I'm still curious, though.:confused:
:confused: I'm still a little confused, why are we not a food source???
If there are any alligators in the water, they tend to come out more at night (when the air is cooler than the water) to cool off. They also tend to come out of the water more when it rains. You should never feed them.
Originally posted by KristiKelly
:confused: I'm still a little confused, why are we not a food source???

The natural food source for alligators are fish, small birds, small animals, which is why sometimes small dogs disappear. An adult human is too large to be considered a natural food source for most alligators.

This is not to say an alligator would never attack a human, but we are not considered a natural food source for them. It would have to be a very, very large alligator which is the reason the very large ones are removed to areas where they do not come in contact with humans.

If humans would not feed them, they would stay away from us. But as with many things, we are our own worst enemy.


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