All New Picture of the Day Thread - July 26th 2014

Looking forward to your MNSSHP photos! I recommend the fog and lighting around the HM when the party begins!
Thank you! Sounds like a great suggestion...I'm going to need all the ideas I can get 👻.
If you leave before the party ends, make sure you get a shot of the front of the park with the fog and lighting also. There is a sign in lights on one of those big rocks at the entrance to Tomorrowland that says MNSSHP on it that is also a good shot. We didn’t go for character greetings, but we made a point of seeing the Cadaver Dans. They look (and sound) great! The lighting and color differences around the park are all worth noticing, even the markers for trick or treat locations. I’m sure others here have some great pointers!
If you leave before the party ends, make sure you get a shot of the front of the park with the fog and lighting also. There is a sign in lights on one of those big rocks at the entrance to Tomorrowland that says MNSSHP on it that is also a good shot. We didn’t go for character greetings, but we made a point of seeing the Cadaver Dans. They look (and sound) great! The lighting and color differences around the park are all worth noticing, even the markers for trick or treat locations. I’m sure others here have some great pointers!
I just entered your suggestions in my notes for MNSSHP! Thank you!


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