AKL next week - any suggestions?


Jan 4, 2004
Hi! We'll be at AKL for the first time next week. Any advice or suggestions for "must see" or "must do"? The family is really excited!!!
Thanks for everyone's help!
AKL is wonderful!!! Definitely spend some time at the campfires. Also, the walkway (for lack of a better word) is beautiful, but we would have missed a lot of details had we not spoken with a CM. Find one to fill you in on some excellent information...and help with hidden Mickeys out there!!!

When you check in, your resort map will have a list of activities and times - there are lots of things to do here! Night Vision Tracking was fun, and the Cultural Safari was fascinating!! Depending on the ages of your children, there are many activities for them as well!! (Not that the Night Vision tracking and Cultural Safari are not for children, too!!)

Don't miss Boma, and if the budget allows, Jiko!! These are two of the best restaurants on property, IMO.::yes::

Have a great time, say hi to Mickey for us!!!:wave2:
We stayed on the main (3rd) floor. But for some reason, my kids though it was really cool to take the elevator up and walk across the footbridge that spans the lobby on the 5th floor. It's a really pretty view from up there and a great spot to snap an arial shot of the lobby.

Also, a little tidbit I learned. DH was lounging at the pool bar and the bartender asked if I'd like anything. I didn't, so he offered water. I declined. I'm sorry, but I just don't care for the water there. He took out a glass and filled it with water from that little hose thingie they use to fill drinks. It was wonderful! He said it was triple filtered to get out all that "Florida taste". It was much better than the water from my Brita water bottle and better than the park bottled water. If you just have to have some good water, try the bar by the pool!
Hi! I'm happy for you:teeth:
DO NOT MISS Boma - and be sure to make PS to save you time waiting.
Remember there are 2 hot tubs. One may be crowded while the other is empty;)
I agree that making time to speak to one of the South African CMs is a must - especially out on Arusha Rock.
Take time to explore the resort - it's a vacation in itself!! The Sunset Overlook (lounge), the indoor firepit and outdoor firepit (for storytime), the medallions in the Lobby floor, MANY animal lookouts, Zawadi Marketplace (Fabu CMs, in my experience).
If you are interested in food take the Culinary Tour (around 4pm every afternoon). My dad LOVED it! He also loved using the Night Vision goggles one evening.
Touch the shield by the front doors for good luck on your way out:sunny:
Enjoy a drink by the poolprincess:
Enjoy every minute!!:earsgirl:
Take time to smell the firepit! I love this place, and I can still smell the lobby in my mind. I want to go!!! I will second the vote to attend the storytelling in the evening. Eat a Zebra Dome for me.
Everyone has great suggestions! I would like to add... don't miss the flamingo feeding in the mornings! Also, check out ALL of the different viewing areas, including the outside stairwells! Please tell my ankole cattle family that I'll be there as soon as I can!

Have a very early breakfast in your room (6am or so) and watch the first animal feedings of the day (from your balacony). The cm's feeding the animal were answering questions that people had from there rooms balaconies. Every morning when we woke up there was a group of cattle that slept right under our room.

Make sure you get a schedule and take as much in as you can. Make sure you spend a full day or two just at the resort.

Have a great trip!::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo
There is also a special program for the kids....I don't have any little kids, so I don't know if this is correct, but I think they offer a variety of daily activities and each time a child participates, he/she earns a bead. By the end of their stay, a child can earn enough beads to have a complete beaded African necklace. I apologize if this is incorrect in any way as I didn't retain the information.
wow! I had no idea of all the cool things that happen at the Lodge! Now I see why everyone raves about it!:) :)

thanks, everyone for all of your tips. :wave2:
Hi, Veruka!


We'll be at the AKL from March 6-11. It is our family's fave WDW resort!!

-Allow plenty of time to enjoy the pool and hot tubs - very relaxing!

-Eat at Boma - it's wonderful! If you don't make it there, at least try the Zebra Domes, which you can buy at Mara.

-Tour around the various hallways to see all the African art displayed, and to look out on all the savannahs.

-Early morning on the balcony with a cup of coffee is so relaxing - looking at all the animals.

Have an awesome trip :D


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