Airtran ?


DIS Veteran
Jan 29, 2000
Just booked with Airtran using their special internet fare offered for August. We have never flown with them before although we heard good things about them. Does anyone know how they handle seat assignments? Do they pre-assign or are seats assigned at time of check-in at the airport. Their website did not provide any info on this.
Thank you for your help!
My experience has been that they assign at check in. As for service, I've never had a problem with them. They had been flying out of Allentown before they set up a larger hub in Philly. I flew when my DD was an infant and the attendants were always very helpful. If you read a little about them on their web site, then you probably noted they are changing their fleet over to new airplanes that provide air exchange from outside air rather than constantly returning inside cabin air.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for your information!

It was $160 roundtrip. Although chances are rates will lower as August approaches, I was very happy with the fare. I wanted non-stop and the flight times were great.
I would take $160 in a second. We are looking to fly airtran out of Bloomington IL in August but so far 249 and up!! I guess I will keep hunting!


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