Airmiles Armchair Chatter

Time for the promised Rexall one-day-only coupon posting!
ONE DAY ONLY bonus offer Wednesday February 12th

To play this game for maximum miles for your buck follow these tips:
  1. BOTH bar codes MUST be scanned, neither can be loaded to your card
  2. Politely ask the cashier to simply scan all coupons you have, let the system work it out.
  3. Coupons can be either printed or shown on a mobile device
  4. Since the offers are almost identical, be really careful that you get 2 different codes scanned
  5. If a coupon has trouble scanning from your phone try turning up the brightness and zooming in so the bar code is larger You can even try getting them to type in the bar code number, that will also work
  6. You can use the coupons multiple times, so if you can make more than 1 $50 transaction, GO FOR IT **** worth noting that some stores carry M & M frozen food
  7. Depending on the store you might be able to use the survey coupon for $5.00 off when you spend $25.00 I would be careful with this though, is $5 worth the potential $10 the Airmiles represents? Link for that is HERE
  8. For our newbies, just ignore the wording on the coupons about not being able to use with others -- they are from 2 different sources and they have worked together, for YEARS. If you run into a grumpy gate-keeper cashier ask them to please scan both coupons. IF it doesn't work, feel free to return your entire transaction and walk away! ***side note, you'll still get the miles from the voided sale Rexall hasn't figured out this loophole
Two separate coupons from 2 different sources

Coupon # 1 came from Rexall the barcode from this one is 417000053316

Link to the coupon is HERE
Image if you prefer
472855 Just the barcode 472856

Coupon # 2 came from Airmiles website AND the Bonus Boom. The barcode from this one is 417000053149

This coupon can be found either on the App under the Rexall section OR The Bonus Boom link. You can find the same coupon code online HERE

Image if you prefer
472864 Just the barcode 472865
ok gang ... IT'S HAPPENING!!! a one day only double dip at Rexall! I'll put together a post once I get to a computer to help everyone squeeze the last airmile possible out of them before they ride into the sunset!

View attachment 472819

Thanks!! I almost went to Shoppers today for PC Points. But a double-dip at Rexall's tomorrow beats out my two Shoppers offers!
Oh boy, I'll stop on my way home tomorrow. Hopefully a few of you will have tried it out and can report back before I go :) I'll need a list I guess...
But serious now, all the best to you , and hope you can find out the cause and get back to regular eating.
Oh My.....that's rough. So sorry you have to deal with that. I'll join you on the fish....I keep trying but just don't like it. I hope it goes smoothly and you get to the end goal as quickly as possible.
Sending you so many hugs, Jacqueline! It sounds like you're going through some really rough times.
The first thing that your post popped into my mind is that there's typically a fair amount of corn products in baby formula. If you need to avoid corn in glucose, could it also be the cause of your current problems?
Jacqueline...I do hope that you get all of this sorted. That can NOT be easy. So I'm sending you many hugs too!!!
I'm sorry you're going through this. That list of foods is beyond crazy! I'm so glad Disney was able to provide you with meals you could eat and enjoy! I'm amazed that you have the energy to keep up with disboards right now. Every now and then I log in and read but I haven't been participating much. Nothing to do with disobards or anyone here, just my life.
I am wishing the best of everything for you! And especially hoping you can add some more foods in safely!
I'm so sorry that you are going through this. It looks to be a very long, dragged out affair, to figure out your diet. Prayers that you can get it under control sooner than later. And always remember your own health trumps AM and the DISboards. ;)

Thanks so much for the support gang. I wasn't looking for any sympathy (does help though :P ) just wanted to bring my "family" up-to-date with part of the "why" behind our switch from a Mexico trip to a Disney one. We had found a resort that was supposed to be excellent but i got a private message from a friend when she was there begging me to switch if at all possible. She's 100% fluent in Spanish and had been served dairy 4 times in less than 24 hours with the explanation that none of the following are dairy: yogurt, cheese, ice cream and butter. If they couldn't handle that relatively simple restriction there's zero chance mine would have been followed :sad2: We were also able to extend the trip for close to the same cost so win-win!
To answer some specific comments:
corn- never had a problem but it's not one of the five foods I'm allowed right now. The formula I'd be using (if someone would actually get back to me!) has the proteins (which cause the allergic responses) already broken down

Fish- one of the chefs at POFQ convinced me to try some salmon after listening to this stupid list and he tried SEVERAL different ways of cooking it for me until we found one i actually don't mind

Spending time here- OMG it's such a welcome distraction, if i put my plate beside me and shovel the food in I can *almost* get past the gagging reflex 🤢🤪 I know *they* say don't eat when you're doing something else or you won't enjoy your food and/or eat more than you should -- BOTH of those are bonus for me!!

Question that no-one asked but might be worth answering anyway:
WHY on earth am I doing this?

I've mentioned here before that i been dealing with severe gastritis for about 10 years now (caused by use of a RX medication that has since been deemed to be harmful in the dosage i had been taking for something else for about 20 years!) and while that was annoying, it was manageable with a restricted diet. I ended up having a specialized test in May that involved a dye and after that all heck broke out and my entire system revolted. Didn't matter what i ate i was getting welts in my mouth, tongue & lips were swelling, gastritis was bringing me to my knees in pain as i cried for hours on end, and eventually trouble breathing. We slowly found a small group of foods that only caused those problems *occasionally* and for 7 months that's all i ate. Now we're going to see if we can find out what I'm actually allergic to and the AMAZING allergist we're dealing with even thinks that's the core to my gastritis.
Thanks so much for the support gang. I wasn't looking for any sympathy (does help though :P ) just wanted to bring my "family" up-to-date with part of the "why" behind our switch from a Mexico trip to a Disney one. We had found a resort that was supposed to be excellent but i got a private message from a friend when she was there begging me to switch if at all possible. She's 100% fluent in Spanish and had been served dairy 4 times in less than 24 hours with the explanation that none of the following are dairy: yogurt, cheese, ice cream and butter. If they couldn't handle that relatively simple restriction there's zero chance mine would have been followed :sad2: We were also able to extend the trip for close to the same cost so win-win!
To answer some specific comments:
corn- never had a problem but it's not one of the five foods I'm allowed right now. The formula I'd be using (if someone would actually get back to me!) has the proteins (which cause the allergic responses) already broken down

Fish- one of the chefs at POFQ convinced me to try some salmon after listening to this stupid list and he tried SEVERAL different ways of cooking it for me until we found one i actually don't mind

Spending time here- OMG it's such a welcome distraction, if i put my plate beside me and shovel the food in I can *almost* get past the gagging reflex 🤢🤪 I know *they* say don't eat when you're doing something else or you won't enjoy your food and/or eat more than you should -- BOTH of those are bonus for me!!

Question that no-one asked but might be worth answering anyway:
WHY on earth am I doing this?

I've mentioned here before that i been dealing with severe gastritis for about 10 years now (caused by use of a RX medication that has since been deemed to be harmful in the dosage i had been taking for something else for about 20 years!) and while that was annoying, it was manageable with a restricted diet. I ended up having a specialized test in May that involved a dye and after that all heck broke out and my entire system revolted. Didn't matter what i ate i was getting welts in my mouth, tongue & lips were swelling, gastritis was bringing me to my knees in pain as i cried for hours on end, and eventually trouble breathing. We slowly found a small group of foods that only caused those problems *occasionally* and for 7 months that's all i ate. Now we're going to see if we can find out what I'm actually allergic to and the AMAZING allergist we're dealing with even thinks that's the core to my gastritis.

I so hope that the process ends up being worth it for you!! I hope you find the right balance between a still-restricted-but-not-unmanageable diet and not having such extreme reactions to food!
I so hope that the process ends up being worth it for you!! I hope you find the right balance between a still-restricted-but-not-unmanageable diet and not having such extreme reactions to food!
I hear ya. When I was 21 I was with my Dr. trying to find out if I had Crohns or Colitis. Put on very restrictive diet. So much so that as a 21, no alcohol. and to boot I was the best man at a wedding. Wow not drinking or having dairy at a wedding where everything is in butter.
Thankfully it turned out that it was just lactose intolerant, but had to weed out all others.
Hope you find out and get an enjoyable edible outcome.
Fish- one of the chefs at POFQ convinced me to try some salmon after listening to this stupid list and he tried SEVERAL different ways of cooking it for me until we found one i actually don't mind

Now we're going to see if we can find out what I'm actually allergic to and the AMAZING allergist we're dealing with even thinks that's the core to my gastritis.

I don't like fish much but I love salmon! My husband convinced me to try it after he baked/cooked/smoked it on his big green egg. It was amazing. I never looked back. Salmon is our family's treat. I say treat because unfortunately it sure does cost a lot, even though we purchase it at Costco.

What about canned tuna?

That would be marvelous if the allergist can figure it all out!
Thanks so much for the support gang. I wasn't looking for any sympathy (does help though :P ) just wanted to bring my "family" up-to-date with part of the "why" behind our switch from a Mexico trip to a Disney one. We had found a resort that was supposed to be excellent but i got a private message from a friend when she was there begging me to switch if at all possible. She's 100% fluent in Spanish and had been served dairy 4 times in less than 24 hours with the explanation that none of the following are dairy: yogurt, cheese, ice cream and butter. If they couldn't handle that relatively simple restriction there's zero chance mine would have been followed :sad2: We were also able to extend the trip for close to the same cost so win-win!
I so hope that the process ends up being worth it for you!! I hope you find the right balance between a still-restricted-but-not-unmanageable diet and not having such extreme reactions to food!
Wow I hope that this works out for you and they can figure out what is safe for you to eat.

The only fish that I will eat is halibut and it used to just be the stuff from the fish and chip shops but now I will eat it cooked anyway.
Sort of off-topic but also air miles related considering Air Miles covered part of the cruise and paid for my new computer.

Almost 2 years ago now my family went on our 1st cruise, of which my air miles covered a large potion of the cruise cost. We booked it way back when Air Miles was going to put a 5 year use or lose on miles. Dream air miles were also worth 13.5 cents back then.

I always meant to create a digital album of our cruise. I came across this lady's amazing (totally editable) digital templates and knew I needed a new computer big time to have the power necessary to design it. I redeemed for that computer last April; spent a lot on her templates; and spent the past 9 months on and off creating the pages. Here's a link to my finished 1st cruise album if you would like to view it:
Sort of off-topic but also air miles related considering Air Miles covered part of the cruise and paid for my new computer.

Almost 2 years ago now my family went on our 1st cruise, of which my air miles covered a large potion of the cruise cost. We booked it way back when Air Miles was going to put a 5 year use or lose on miles. Dream air miles were also worth 13.5 cents back then.

I always meant to create a digital album of our cruise. I came across this lady's amazing (totally editable) digital templates and knew I needed a new computer big time to have the power necessary to design it. I redeemed for that computer last April; spent a lot on her templates; and spent the past 9 months on and off creating the pages. Here's a link to my finished 1st cruise album if you would like to view it:

Thanks for sharing. You did a great job, and I bet it will be wonderful to look back at this over the years!
I always meant to create a digital album of our cruise. I came across this lady's amazing (totally editable) digital templates and knew I needed a new computer big time to have the power necessary to design it. I redeemed for that computer last April; spent a lot on her templates; and spent the past 9 months on and off creating the pages. Here's a link to my finished 1st cruise album if you would like to view it:
Okay, sometimes I read to fast. When I first ran through this I read totally edible, lol. Had to take a second look.

Great job on the book and thanks for sharing. We have sailed on the Oasis and The Symphony. Allure is on our list of to do's.
Okay, sometimes I read to fast. When I first ran through this I read totally edible, lol. Had to take a second look.

Great job on the book and thanks for sharing. We have sailed on the Oasis and The Symphony. Allure is on our list of to do's.
And i doubt it would taste any worse than the crap I'm currently choking down 🤪
O/T Off Topic
Good News
My surgery got bumped up to next week.(gallbladder removal).

I am looking for zero fat free snacks /treats,,and where I might buy them.
any ideas:
1. applesauce
2. frozen 0 fat yogurt
3. pretzels
4. fat free pudding
5. Jello,,I guess I could add some fruit.,,or rum.
6. homemade banana chips.
Ok I have to admit I am a pie,cake,croissant,cookie ,cinnamon bun,danish kind of girl,
Do you think these truly have 0 percent fat?
Last edited:
Are you looking for after surgery? I think the only restrictions I had were to start with bland foods and then gradually go back to "normal" eating. To be honest, I don't really think I ever ate fat free after surgery. However, Jello is usually a good choice. :)
Are you looking for after surgery? I think the only restrictions I had were to start with bland foods and then gradually go back to "normal" eating. To be honest, I don't really think I ever ate fat free after surgery. However, Jello is usually a good choice. :)
Hi Hon
I have been Fat free for months and it has been really really really hard!
This is great to know because many people have told me I will have to go fat free,,,:crazy2:
after the surgery.
I'll put jello on the list
Hi Hon
I have been Fat free for months and it has been really really really hard!
This is great to know because many people have told me I will have to go fat free,,,:crazy2:
after the surgery.
I'll put jello on the list

I didn't even do it really between my pancreatitis and surgery. I strongly believe that my fat free vegan lifestyle years ago was the cause of my gallbladder problems - it didn't really do much for a few years then I added back in fat and it rebelled. However, if you only have a week to go, you can make it! Once the surgery is over, my surgeon said to get back to eating regular foods. I am aware of some people who had problems after that, but I think it's individual. Now, hmm. I believe you can buy "light Coolwhip" which is very low fat, and makes the jello taste very good :) Also good with berries. Sherbet (rainbow ice cream as kiddo calls it) should be low fat as well. Fiber One bars are not too bad, they have a few grams of fat but relatively low (and also high in fiber), I like the brownie one and the lemon one, but they do have a cinnamon coffee cake as well.

I think fat free products are harder to find now than even 10 years ago, there used to be so many fat free things to buy.
Thanks so much for the support gang. I wasn't looking for any sympathy (does help though :P ) just wanted to bring my "family" up-to-date with part of the "why" behind our switch from a Mexico trip to a Disney one. We had found a resort that was supposed to be excellent but i got a private message from a friend when she was there begging me to switch if at all possible. She's 100% fluent in Spanish and had been served dairy 4 times in less than 24 hours with the explanation that none of the following are dairy: yogurt, cheese, ice cream and butter. If they couldn't handle that relatively simple restriction there's zero chance mine would have been followed :sad2: We were also able to extend the trip for close to the same cost so win-win!
To answer some specific comments:
corn- never had a problem but it's not one of the five foods I'm allowed right now. The formula I'd be using (if someone would actually get back to me!) has the proteins (which cause the allergic responses) already broken down

Fish- one of the chefs at POFQ convinced me to try some salmon after listening to this stupid list and he tried SEVERAL different ways of cooking it for me until we found one i actually don't mind

Spending time here- OMG it's such a welcome distraction, if i put my plate beside me and shovel the food in I can *almost* get past the gagging reflex 🤢🤪 I know *they* say don't eat when you're doing something else or you won't enjoy your food and/or eat more than you should -- BOTH of those are bonus for me!!

Question that no-one asked but might be worth answering anyway:
WHY on earth am I doing this?

I've mentioned here before that i been dealing with severe gastritis for about 10 years now (caused by use of a RX medication that has since been deemed to be harmful in the dosage i had been taking for something else for about 20 years!) and while that was annoying, it was manageable with a restricted diet. I ended up having a specialized test in May that involved a dye and after that all heck broke out and my entire system revolted. Didn't matter what i ate i was getting welts in my mouth, tongue & lips were swelling, gastritis was bringing me to my knees in pain as i cried for hours on end, and eventually trouble breathing. We slowly found a small group of foods that only caused those problems *occasionally* and for 7 months that's all i ate. Now we're going to see if we can find out what I'm actually allergic to and the AMAZING allergist we're dealing with even thinks that's the core to my gastritis.
The formula is probably Alimentum or Nutramigen. Both my kids had severe intolerance to my milk (even when I went on very restrictive diet) and they were prescribed Alimentum. Worked really well for them but OMG it was so expensive and had a really bad smell. In QC, when prescribed, we could have our insurance to pay 80% but we had to ask our Dr to fill a special form. Good luck!
I didn't even do it really between my pancreatitis and surgery. I strongly believe that my fat free vegan lifestyle years ago was the cause of my gallbladder problems - it didn't really do much for a few years then I added back in fat and it rebelled. However, if you only have a week to go, you can make it! Once the surgery is over, my surgeon said to get back to eating regular foods. I am aware of some people who had problems after that, but I think it's individual. Now, hmm. I believe you can buy "light Coolwhip" which is very low fat, and makes the jello taste very good :) Also good with berries. Sherbet (rainbow ice cream as kiddo calls it) should be low fat as well. Fiber One bars are not too bad, they have a few grams of fat but relatively low (and also high in fiber), I like the brownie one and the lemon one, but they do have a cinnamon coffee cake as well.

I think fat free products are harder to find now than even 10 years ago, there used to be so many fat free things to buy.

Thanks Hon
I highly doubt that the survey coupon will disappear, it has nothing to do with Airmiles. We've shopped @ Rexall since before they joined airmiles and that survey was always at the bottom of the receipt. Lots of businesses use this type of feedback collection to see how they're doing with customer service and if they don't offer some type of incentive people rarely complete them! I used to diligently complete the one for Petro Can when it gave us an extra 200 points but once it switched to just an entry into a contest i stopped doing it!

I don't know if it will go away once the Bewell programme launches but it's possible.

Sure, there still might be something on the bottom of the receipt. I probably wasn't clear enough saying in my post that the opportunity to get Airmiles from a survey coupon is ending. The ability to get Airmiles from Rexall is ending. Likely though, invitations for feedback will come through your app. McKesson is going full speed on BeWell worldwide. Rexall is the first rollout.


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