AGLET – We're Gonna Tour The World Together! Updated 11/9!!!

I love your new haircut! I just cut 8 inches off my hair in January, if I cut 2 more, I could have donated it! I wish I just sucked it up and chopped off those last 2 inches! :)

The Poly is beautiful, right now, it is one of my dream resorts, but I do have that fear that I won't love it! I love the GCH, I love the beaches and the hammocks, but I'm not crazy about the rooms...and I kind of think it's weird that it's a deluxe resort and not everything is under one roof. Still, I really want to stay there someday, I'm just not sure if I'd love it like I'm hoping to, or if I'd be disappointed! :confused3

Yay, can't wait for your Cali Grill update! :cool1:
It's interesting to read what you say about Poly, as I have wanted to stay there for a long time. I love the lobby, the beach, the fireworks, Kona and 'Ohana, the shopping.....

But now I wonder if I would say the same thing - that all of that is cool, but the rooms are less than wonderful for the price. I have been in a room right on the beach facing the castle two times on a couple of occasions that we were there visiting friends. We were mostly out on the patio and lawn, though, so I didn't really pay loads of attention to the specifics of the room. I do know they were paying about a thousand a night! :eek:
Love the haircut! I donated to Locks of Love once almost 8 years ago now. Unfortunately I have not let my hair grown that long again and I color it as I have a lot of gray so have not been able to do it again.

The Poly has never seemed like the resort for me! I don't know why...

Can't wait to hear about Cali Grill!!
Nice haircut!

I appreciate you honest review of the Poly. I've been wavering on my "the Poly is my dream resort" stance and leaning toward the Beach Club recently. We've stayed at BWI, and loved being in the area.

Can't wait to hear what you guys thought of the Cali Grill. It was a first for us on the last trip, and we loved it!
Love the new haircut!!! Perfect for summer!!!

Interesting review of the Poly -- at least you can say you have stayed there now. :thumbsup2

Love that last picture of the tiki torch burning!
I love the haircut! So cute!

I'm definitely in the minority, but I never had any desire to stay at the Poly. It looks awesome but I'm not sure I'd ever really want to stay there. Beach Club is my dream resort :cloud9:

Super excited to hear about Cali Grill...I love your food reviews!
Love the haircut! :thumbsup2

Some resorts aren't for everyone. You gave a great honest opinion of it also, nifty. ;)

Can't wait to hear about your Cali Grill adventure! :goodvibes
Awesome haircut and even more awesome about your donation!

I understand about the poly, I do like the resort and I enjoyed getting to stay there (minus the bedbugs of course!), but it is not my favorite. Its really hard to choose but I think that my true resort love is the Contemporary. I think it has a lot to do with where you first stay, those early memories cement your favorite area.

Looking forward to your Cali grill review! I'd love to get back there someday!
Wow...that's quite a haircut and what an awesome donation to Locks of Love. How long had you been growing your hair out for it to get that long? I always feel like I'm my hair won't get past a certain point. Oh well...

I think you have already sensed that I agree with your overall take on the Poly. :rolleyes1 I absolutely, positively missed International Gateway and you're right....everything is very, very um...brown.

I can't wait to hear about your dinner at California Grill. :goodvibes
So the Poly is "nifty" bah hah hah Wingnut! :rotfl2:

Love the tiki torches.

Can't wait to see what you thought of the Cali Grill!

I think it is SO cool that you donated your hair. Never in my life was I ever able to grow my hair long enough to do that. It's such a great gift and I bet you feel good to have some the weight from you hair gone!
Awww, your hair looks SO good! Coincidentally, I just cut my hair last week too (like 8 or 9 inches, I guess??) but I didn't even think about donating it! Ahh, failure. But good for you, that's such an awesome thing to do! :goodvibes

I totally get what you mean about the Poly! I mean, I want to stay at all the resorts someday, but I don't have some grand desire to stay at the Poly. Plus, not every resort is meant for every person! Yall are definitely Epcot people! Would you stay at any other monorail resorts again, for the convenience? Or are yall just going to be strictly Epcot Resort people from now on? :rotfl:

Yay Cali Grill! I've heard such great things about that place, can't wait to read all about your experience!
So I am finally caught up! i think I was way back on page 45. Not too bad considering I am about 60 pages behind on Mary Ellen's. :faint: So ready for some random comments? Here they come!

Bistro de Paris looks so pretty inside! I love the view you guys got as well. We've dined at Chefs de France a few times and my hubby really wants to try Bistro. Maybe once DD is older and can behave like somewhat taught her some nice table manners. :blush:

Ack! I love the Oregan Trail shout out! I loved that game back in elementary school. Sigh.

Never would have guessed that getting to Epcot pre-rope drop would eb such an ordeal when you are staying at the Poly. Who'd a thunk?

The bday card for your niece is the best! I love that Ariel signed it "Hugs and Fishes" too cute.

Never been on Universe of Energy. Well maybe before Ellen narrated it - was it even the same ride back then? We attempted this past trip, but chickened out at the end when I saw how long it was and figured it would probably freak out DD. She doesn't enjoy the big lightening show at the Museum of Science.

I saw it on FB, but I like the haircut! Props to you for donating them!

And I am all caught up and ready to hear about Cali Grill!
Love the new hair! Good for you for donating it.

That's a great review of the Poly. I like how objective you were about it.
Can't wait to hear about California Grill!
Now that's a haircut!! Looks great :)

You summed up how we felt about the Poly, too! We love hanging out at the Ceremonial House, turns out we don't love staying at the resort. The rooms are way dark and the teeny tiny elevators and narrow hallways in the longhouses don't help.
I felt like a bad DISer not loving it, though!

Can't wait to read about California Grill!


I agree! I'd love to visit the Poly, just not necessarily stay there! I felt weird not loving it too!! :laughing:

I told you this on FB, but I have done the Locks of Love thing three times. You have inspired me to do it again. It is about to get really hot here until October, so I need to lose some hair. Because hair is hot.

LOL at Wingnut saying nifty. I LOL'ed. I dunno why.

I can't wait to read your review of California Grill. We loved our meal there last June and have another ressie for our September trip.

You definitely should!! I'm so happy I did it! :goodvibes

Hahaha you know I had to direct quote that one from him!

Well, you did it. You convinced us to change one of our ADR's to Sanaa. So if it sucks, we're blaming you. :rolleyes1

I can see how the Poly wouldn't be for everyone. It's our go-to resort (check out my signature - and my husband has stayed there 12 times, he believes). But honestly I feel as though as much as I love it, had we spent our honeymoon at GF or Yacht Club I'd love them as well. In fact I want to stay at both of those resorts! I do like the tropical theme, but I love the austerity of the other two resorts I mentioned. I do feel, though, that if I stayed at YC I'd miss the monorail (and of course the proximity to Tonga Toast...which would be a major problem for me). ;)

I hope you guys like it!! It really is a great restaurant, the food is awesome, and the view of the savannah is beautiful!

I think any resort isn't for everyone. Personally, I love the Yacht Club, but I can see how people wouldn't be as big a fan of it as I am. The proximity to Tonga Toast is a big plus for the Poly though. And the Dole Whips on tap. :thumbsup2

I love your new haircut! I just cut 8 inches off my hair in January, if I cut 2 more, I could have donated it! I wish I just sucked it up and chopped off those last 2 inches! :)

The Poly is beautiful, right now, it is one of my dream resorts, but I do have that fear that I won't love it! I love the GCH, I love the beaches and the hammocks, but I'm not crazy about the rooms...and I kind of think it's weird that it's a deluxe resort and not everything is under one roof. Still, I really want to stay there someday, I'm just not sure if I'd love it like I'm hoping to, or if I'd be disappointed! :confused3

Yay, can't wait for your Cali Grill update! :cool1:

Thanks!! I know Pantene also has a program where they make hairpieces for adults, and the minimum length requirement is 8 inches.

It is weird, the layout of the whole resort. But the GF isn't all in one building either! I know what you mean, I was afraid we wouldn't love it either, and we didn't really, but I am glad that we gave it a try!
It's interesting to read what you say about Poly, as I have wanted to stay there for a long time. I love the lobby, the beach, the fireworks, Kona and 'Ohana, the shopping.....

But now I wonder if I would say the same thing - that all of that is cool, but the rooms are less than wonderful for the price. I have been in a room right on the beach facing the castle two times on a couple of occasions that we were there visiting friends. We were mostly out on the patio and lawn, though, so I didn't really pay loads of attention to the specifics of the room. I do know they were paying about a thousand a night! :eek:

I definitely love visiting the Polynesian, but staying there just wasn't the perfect place for us. The rooms aren't bad, but they are very dark. That room on the beach sounds beautiful (but wow expensive!! :eek:)

Love the haircut! I donated to Locks of Love once almost 8 years ago now. Unfortunately I have not let my hair grown that long again and I color it as I have a lot of gray so have not been able to do it again.

The Poly has never seemed like the resort for me! I don't know why...

Can't wait to hear about Cali Grill!!

Thanks!! I think dyed hair is okay, it's bleached hair that I read is a problem because of the processing. If you're interested in donating, definitely check!

Yeah, we had really been curious to give a try...and now we have! :laughing: Just wasn't for us.

Nice haircut!

I appreciate you honest review of the Poly. I've been wavering on my "the Poly is my dream resort" stance and leaning toward the Beach Club recently. We've stayed at BWI, and loved being in the area.

Can't wait to hear what you guys thought of the Cali Grill. It was a first for us on the last trip, and we loved it!

Thanks!! I think the Poly has that "dream resort" look when you're looking at all of them, but I guess it can't really be everyone's dream resort! We love that area as well, it's our favorite place to stay!

Love the new haircut!!! Perfect for summer!!!

Interesting review of the Poly -- at least you can say you have stayed there now. :thumbsup2

Love that last picture of the tiki torch burning!

Thanks!!! Hahaha yes, exactly!!

Yes, we have! It was interesting to give it a try!
I love the haircut! So cute!

I'm definitely in the minority, but I never had any desire to stay at the Poly. It looks awesome but I'm not sure I'd ever really want to stay there. Beach Club is my dream resort :cloud9:

Super excited to hear about Cali Grill...I love your food reviews!


I'm with you there! I'd love to stay at the Beach Club someday!

Love the haircut! :thumbsup2

Some resorts aren't for everyone. You gave a great honest opinion of it also, nifty. ;)

Can't wait to hear about your Cali Grill adventure! :goodvibes


Exactly! That's why there's so many of them, something for everyone to love! :goodvibes (Pretty nifty of Disney, right? ;))

Awesome haircut and even more awesome about your donation!

I understand about the poly, I do like the resort and I enjoyed getting to stay there (minus the bedbugs of course!), but it is not my favorite. Its really hard to choose but I think that my true resort love is the Contemporary. I think it has a lot to do with where you first stay, those early memories cement your favorite area.

Looking forward to your Cali grill review! I'd love to get back there someday!


Hahaha yes, the bedbugs weren't a good part of the ambiance for you! I agree, my family stayed at the Swan when I was younger, that area is definitely my favorite!

Wow...that's quite a haircut and what an awesome donation to Locks of Love. How long had you been growing your hair out for it to get that long? I always feel like I'm my hair won't get past a certain point. Oh well...

I think you have already sensed that I agree with your overall take on the Poly. :rolleyes1 I absolutely, positively missed International Gateway and you're right....everything is very, very um...brown.

I can't wait to hear about your dinner at California Grill. :goodvibes

Thanks!!! About a year, before that it was cut to a little past shoulder-length (my hair grows really fast!).

Hahaha yes, I think we're on the same Poly page! Seriously, why is everyone one color there?? It didn't help with us trying to find different places! :laughing:
So the Poly is "nifty" bah hah hah Wingnut! :rotfl2:

Love the tiki torches.

Can't wait to see what you thought of the Cali Grill!

I think it is SO cool that you donated your hair. Never in my life was I ever able to grow my hair long enough to do that. It's such a great gift and I bet you feel good to have some the weight from you hair gone!

Hahaha seemingly!! :laughing:

Thanks!! It definitely is lighter!! I'm really going to try to maintain it closer to this length, and not let it grow out again (which is what I tend to do!)

Awww, your hair looks SO good! Coincidentally, I just cut my hair last week too (like 8 or 9 inches, I guess??) but I didn't even think about donating it! Ahh, failure. But good for you, that's such an awesome thing to do! :goodvibes

I totally get what you mean about the Poly! I mean, I want to stay at all the resorts someday, but I don't have some grand desire to stay at the Poly. Plus, not every resort is meant for every person! Yall are definitely Epcot people! Would you stay at any other monorail resorts again, for the convenience? Or are yall just going to be strictly Epcot Resort people from now on? :rotfl:

Yay Cali Grill! I've heard such great things about that place, can't wait to read all about your experience!

Thanks!! Aww maybe next time!!

We definitely are Epcot people! No, the monorail really wasn't worth it to us, and neither of us are really a fan of the theme of the Contemporary or the Grand Floridian. There was one other resort that caught our interest, but that's a story for a future update! :goodvibes

So I am finally caught up! i think I was way back on page 45. Not too bad considering I am about 60 pages behind on Mary Ellen's. :faint: So ready for some random comments? Here they come!

Bistro de Paris looks so pretty inside! I love the view you guys got as well. We've dined at Chefs de France a few times and my hubby really wants to try Bistro. Maybe once DD is older and can behave like somewhat taught her some nice table manners. :blush:

Ack! I love the Oregan Trail shout out! I loved that game back in elementary school. Sigh.

Never would have guessed that getting to Epcot pre-rope drop would eb such an ordeal when you are staying at the Poly. Who'd a thunk?

The bday card for your niece is the best! I love that Ariel signed it "Hugs and Fishes" too cute.

Never been on Universe of Energy. Well maybe before Ellen narrated it - was it even the same ride back then? We attempted this past trip, but chickened out at the end when I saw how long it was and figured it would probably freak out DD. She doesn't enjoy the big lightening show at the Museum of Science.

I saw it on FB, but I like the haircut! Props to you for donating them!

And I am all caught up and ready to hear about Cali Grill!

Hahaha yay random comments!! :thumbsup2

Bistro really was pretty! I know they're refurbing it this summer, I wonder what's going to be changed!

It really was complicated to get to Epcot from the Poly! I guess that issue doesn't come up a lot! :confused3 Ellen definitely is dark and loud at some points, I'm sure your DD would enjoy it in the future though!


Love the new hair! Good for you for donating it.

That's a great review of the Poly. I like how objective you were about it.
Can't wait to hear about California Grill!


Hahaha I tried to be honest! I know lots of people love the Poly, but it just wasn't for us!
(The retelling of this story required a bit of Contemporary floor location Googling, so forgive me if I am completely confused about the location of our whereabouts at any given time.)

(I'm confused as to my whereabouts at most given times, so that wouldn't be entirely bizarre.)

We arrived at the Contemporary, and got off of the monorail on the 5th floor. We had purposely left a bit early so we could scope out the shops in search of the souvenir for my mom, so we went down a floor to the store by Chef Mickeys (The Fantasia Shop?). No success there, but I was finally able to get a better look at the Mary Blair mosaic.

(No, that didn't mean that you guys got to see a good picture of it!)

Is this the 5-legged goat? I was trying to find him, and this guy was pretty high up and so it seemed like a good possibility.

We were still a bit early for our ADR, but nonetheless we decided to make our way to the check-in for California Grill. I had read online that we needed to check in on the 2nd floor, and so we went on the elevator, pushed the button...

And somehow ended up on the third floor. I have no idea how that one happened.

We peeked around what seemed to be a check-in desk (no pictures, I was far too baffled as to our whereabouts to photograph), and decided that the resort had too much of an "airport" feel to it for us. Moving on, we chose to get to the second floor via staircase, rather than hopping on the Mysterious Elevator of Wonders again.

And lo and behold, we found the check-in desk for the California Grill! :yay:

They said that they would be able to seat us in a few minutes, and asked us if we'd like to go upstairs or stay downstairs to wait. Upstairs, please!

We hopped aboard the Magic Super-Secret Escorted Elevator (not of Wonders, this guy seemed to know what he was doing), and ascended to the 14th floor.

We entered the restaurant, where they told us it would just be a few minutes before we were seated, and lingered awkwardly in the busy lounge area until we were seated at our table, and I FINALLY took another picture.

CASTLE VIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looking the other way.

I was SO excited that we were seated at a window table overlooking the Magic Kingdom. We were seated at around 5:30, and Wishes was scheduled for 8 that night. I knew it was a long shot to still be in the restaurant by that time, but at that moment, I was very hopeful that it would happen.

Place setting.

Our friendly and sweet server greeted us, dropped off the menus, and also handed us a copy of the dessert menu to start drooling over already. (She already knew us all too well!) While we perused the menu, I took a few more pictures of our gorgeous view.

The castle was starting to do its slow color change.

You can see one of the chefs at work in the reflection of this one.

We were then brought over some bread.

Actually, neither of us remember having any of the bread (although I'm positive that I would have). Wingnut: Did I have any? I seriously don't remember.

If I had to guess, it was an apparently unmemorable sourdough bread. With the now-prevalent salted Disney butter.

Wingnut had known what he wanted for his appetizer for quite some time: the Spicy Kazan roll.

W: O.M.G I want that right now. It was SO good. The sushi was fantastic. It had a slight spice to it. The sauce had bay scallops in it.

I had been very torn between one of the soups and a flatbread, debating my decision literally until I placed the order.

(Clearly, not a soup.)

In the end, I went with the herb rotisserie chicken flatbread - with arugula, chicken, figs, and balsamic vinegar. It was REALLY good, and I loved the figs on it.

Wingnut tried a bite, and he thought it was good as well. He's not a big fan of flatbreads, so that's pretty high praise right there!

For my entree, I went with the filet, which was Waygu beef accompanied with Purple Stokes potatoes, broccolini, pumpkin seed oil, and teriyaki barbecue sauce.

This was the best filet I had on the trip (and yes, I did have a lot of filets!), but it was also the only one that was the amazing Waygu beef. It was extremely tender, and I loved the flavors of the different accompaniments on the plate. Everything was wonderful and delicious.

Wingnut chose the cast iron-seared bison - truffle mac & cheese, brussel sprouts, cipollini, smoked bacon, glace de viande.

W: This was the second best bison I've ever had (stay tuned for the best bison!). It was really flavorful, and the potatoes and spinach under the meat were really good. (When asked about the mac & cheese:) "It's truffled macaroni and cheese. Nothing can trump that combination."

By this point, it was 6:30, and the conversation at our table had turned to a constant "we're not going to make it to Wishes" (him) vs "we might make it" (me).

W: It's only 6:30. We are not going to be sitting here for another hour and a half.
Me: Oh, FINE. Eat your bison.

Soon, it was dark outside, the castle glowed brightly, and I took a blurry picture.

I reconsidered the dessert menu for the 80th time, and since California Grill is very focused on "seasonal" ingredients, and this was all the way back in January, pretty much all of the desserts were centered around coffee, which I am not a fan of. This pretty much left me with the option of the Bananas and Caramel.

Unfortunately, this was a disappointment. The cream was sickeningly sweet, and the pastry was very hard and sticky. Not in the mood to make an emergency trip to the dentist, I gave up on this one pretty quickly. The little caramelized bananas on the side were pretty good though!

Wingnut, not having the same dislike of coffee as I, had a vaster array of desserts from which to choose. He went with the Gianduja Mousse with Cocoa Nib Tuile - hazelnuts, cappuccino Anglaise, and Bailey's ice cream.

W: That was just awesome. The little mousse dome had a praline center, and it was on top of a praline cookie. The dome was unbelievable, and had a slight crispy waferness of cookie.

("Slight crispy waferness of cookie" - all Wingnut)

He did feel bad that he had an awesome dessert while I had the disappointing plate in front of me. I repeatedly reassured him that the last thing I truly needed after all of our meals was yet another dessert, and this was perfectly fine with me.

Our desserts were delivered at 7:30, again spurring another round of "yes we will"/"no we won't". I had to admit, this was closer than I thought we'd get, and I noticed the tables nearby lingering over their desserts and coffee.

Our lovely server brought the check over at 7:40. I knew we weren't going to make it (if only we hadn't shown up for our ADR super-early!!). The tables nearby started packing up, and were replaced with exuberant diners excited to see Wishes from their tables. I knew we'd seen Wishes several nights in a row now, and as hopeful as I'd been that we'd see it from the California Grill, our only option at that point was to watch it from the balcony.

Wingnut said it was up to me if I wanted to stay and watch it there, and I'll admit that I was tempted, but I decided to let it go, and we headed out of the restaurant at 7:50, for 2 reasons.

One, and I think I've mentioned this before, Wingnut really isn't THAT big a fan of fireworks shows. Yes, he'll sit through them, but he isn't really a "WE HAVE TO SEE ILLUMINATIONS TONIGHT" kind of guy. He watches them more because he knows I love them. So I knew he wasn't that interested in seeing Wishes that night.

Also, (or two), I knew that if we were to stay and watch the show, the monorail would probably start to be pretty crowded, as they'd be heading from the MK. Why not beat the crowds back to the monorail loop while we had the chance?

We headed back to the monorail platform, and I got to catch a few glimpses of the show when we looped around Bay Lake.

Overall, we LOVED our dinner at the California Grill. Despite my disappointing dessert, we both thought the food was amazing, and would definitely, definitely return. The view of the MK was beautiful, and I can only assume that Wishes as seen from there is great. It is very high on our list of "absolutely must-do again!'s"

We monorailed back over to the Polynesian, grabbed some more waters from the store, and headed back to Tokelau, probably watching a few more episodes of Community before we went to bed.
Great review of Cali Grill!

I love Wingnut's descriptions of the food ;) We ate at CG on our last trip and loved it. I think it's great that they're so focused on seasonality that you'll never have the same meal twice. I also had the filet, but it was served totally differently. :thumbsup2

My DH isn't a chocolate eater (strange I know) so he had the same problem choosing dessert. I liked both of ours, but he only liked mine. :lmao:

Sorry that you didn't get to see Wishes from up there. Did you go out to the observation deck to look around. It was a stunning view.

I love Community! The movie parody episodes are brilliant, but my favorite episode ever was the pillow fight one from this season. Then again, I'd be happy if the whole show was Troy and Abed.
We loved California Grill and have a ressie there in September. Can't wait !! I love how you use monorail in verb form "monorailed". Hilarious.


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