Advice needed on accomodations for 1 extra night


Earning My Ears
Jan 7, 2001
We had planned on staying at WDW for five days, but found that we could get a better airfare if we left the morning of the 6th day rather than the evening of the 5th. We (2 adults, 3 kids) are staying at HIFS, but for that extra night, I think that we would prefer something closer to the airport. We will be spending our last full day at Universal, so I thought we'd check out of HIFS as planned, spend the day at Universal, then check into the other motel. I didn't budget for this, and since we literally only need a place to sleep, I am hoping to find a bargain--although it must be CLEAN! I checked into priceline & hotwire, but most seem to have restrictions on how many per room. Any suggestions?
With bonus money, you should be able to get two rooms through Priceline for less than one room conventionally. You may want to consider bidding for two 2.5* rooms in the Airport zone.
If you bid throught a special URL and use American Express $20/room/night (up to $100) is added to your bid. I suggest you go to Infomred Priceline Bidding Forum Read carefully the FAQ on hotel and the section on bonus.
You might also call HIFS and see what type of rate they'll give you for an extra night.
TravelSheryl--Why don't you (if it's allowed) add your URL to your posts (signature). Anyone bidding with Priceline is crazy not to review your forum first.


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