ACT V: Faster than a speeding bullet.


<font color=red>aka Evil Emperor Zurg<br><font col
Nov 19, 2000
Hi there. Zurg here Evil Emperor.

To refresh, our cast includes Zurgswife, Kelley, a pair of Buzzes and Delaney – Snow White – Cinderella – Jessie – Maleficent (DSWCJM) 3.

Kelley loves Belle. It was her quest for a paint it yourself Belle cell that led us to her animation adventure, her desire to be Belle for Halloween that got Grandma to make a Belle dress.

Kelley’s a tween - you know between little kid and teen. This trip maybe her last chance to be Belle and see Belle through the magic eyes of childhood.

My little girl is growing up. Over the course of this trip Zurg realizes that he may not be the only one noticing this.

Zurg is looking for Belle as hard as he looked for Snow White but is being a tad more discreet. (A tad however, does not go very far when you are walking around in a purple Zurg hat.) Belle, unlike Snow White,  wouldn’t be too difficult to find, she is on the map, except, as Zurg soon discovers, the kids intentionally grabbed maps in every language except English!

As we walked into Fairytale Garden, Kelley changed into the Belle dress quicker than Clark Kent can get his red BVDs over his PJ's . Like her hero Kelley is very pretty in blue and white but looking a little self-conscious.

Belle’s Fairytale Garden is just around the corner from Cinderella’s castle where we ran into the family of a boy’s from Kelley’s class in ACT I. We meet other friends just as story time with Belle starts. Their kids are the same ages as ours, in fact their son is in Kelley’s class at school too.

I don’t know about you all, but we always run into people we know at Disney World. Just the other day, in Epcot, we ran into yet another of Kelley’s classmates and his family. What a coincidence - except Zurg is a dad, a word that here means paranoid schizophrenic, and invents
conspiracy theories
as quick as <font color="#000000">Oliver Stone. </font>

Why is it that Zurg can’t spit in Orlando without hitting one of the boys from Kelley’s class back in Philadelphia?

Belle’s assistants come out and go right over to talk to Kelley. Belle comes on stage and starts the show by picking Kelley’s classmate to play the roll of Maurice. Zurg realizes that there is no more film in the camera and dashes to the stroller/pack mule for a few fresh rolls just as Kelley is asked to play Mrs. Potts. Belle comments that Kelley a very lovely dress. Kelley grins. Some blond kid I keep seeing is cast as Gaston, stuck into a costume bulging with muscles and is hamming it up to the max. It is a magic moment and Kodak
is very happy.

Following the show we get to greet Belle. Kelley demurs but Belle insists on posing for a picture. Belle remembers meeting Kelley in Epcot last fall! Kelley gives Belle a sticker of the two of them made from a photo taken then. Belle recalls that the boys were Buzz at Halloween. Beauty has brains. She can remember details about kids she met a half year ago, Zurg thinks Belle could make a bundle counting cards in Vegas.

After the show Kelley does another quick change that makes Mr. faster than a speeding bullet look slow. She is back to being herself but the trip to Belle’s Fairytale Garden was enchanting.

Our friends are Disney amateurs so we show them the ropes. I introduce them to fastpasses getting tickets for Space Ranger Spin while we wait to be seated for Lunch. Delaney dresses as Cinderella and lets her gal pal Aubry be Snow White for the day. After we eat the Buzzes show their video game playing pals the way to use a laser blaster. 

Kelley enjoys showing off her knowledge of Disney World and rides all the rides with her classmate.

Zurg is struck by the wisdom of Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies who said, “Jethro - Fetch me my shoot’n iron!”</p>

ACT I. Cinderella didn't start off living in a Castle either.
ACT II. Into every life a little rain must fall.
ACT III Who's the Blond?
ACT IV: Snow White & the leather clad Pagens


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