ACK! Plans changed--What is a good rate for WL or CSR??


Disneyland here we come!
Aug 31, 2000
Our trip is during value season (9/1-9/8) & now my mom is going to be a part of our trip. I just made ressies at ASMo for myself, DH & 4 year old DS. Now that she is coming along we are going to go with either a mod or (gulp) a deluxe. Wondering what is a good room rate for either of these? I have AAA discount (no DC or AP) & I did get a $69 rate thru the CRO for ASMo yesterday. Before I call I want to know what I can *hope* to get--thanks in advance!

I am going to copy this over to the Resort Boardso that you can get answers from TWO groups of people.
Good Luck! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
And Just ONE of the Beths...and a Dagny :D ... Hosting the Rewards Board</font>
We're staying at WL in Feb. with DC rate of $186/nite. I was very happy with this rate, but I keep reading that the rooms at WL aren't that big (which will be fine for DH and me). The other consideration you may want to make is TWO rooms at AS. You would then have some privacy, two tv's, two baths, etc. I kinda wish we had done that last summer when we went down with all four of our teens. YC was beautiful, but I'd like to have tried two rooms at AS that cost less than our one room at YC!!

Counting the Hours Til We're Back in the World

Mother-of-Four (Five, If You Count My Husband)


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