A YOU Worth Fighting For | January 2016 Weight Loss & Better Living Challenge

You girls are amazing! I am stressing over the thought of the GSC. I just wonder if that much running in two days is doable for me. Maybe because I am so far off from it now.
You girls are amazing! I am stressing over the thought of the GSC. I just wonder if that much running in two days is doable for me. Maybe because I am so far off from it now.

Are you doing the GSC this year? If you are I'm sooooo jealous. I wanted to do that race so badly this year but knew there was no way I'd ever be ready for it. So here I am waiting to sing up to do it next year.
Maybe rather than a full I'll push for avengers/RnR vegas mix. Who am I and what did I do with myself?!

That's what we're doing! Avengers 10K then RNR Vegas 5K the same night, with the half the next day. We're going to get a 2 bedroom time share in Vegas right at the start line / finish line area so if you need a couch to crash, come chill with us :)

This entire year is all RaceCations. One of us! One of us! One of us! Get your tour pass and join us for this insanity.
That's what we're doing! Avengers 10K then RNR Vegas 5K the same night, with the half the next day. We're going to get a 2 bedroom time share in Vegas right at the start line / finish line area so if you need a couch to crash, come chill with us :)

This entire year is all RaceCations. One of us! One of us! One of us! Get your tour pass and join us for this insanity.

Don't make it easier by offering a place to sleep so it's one less logistic to figure out! All my planned vacations this year are already RaceCations with other local ones on the side. The worst part of all this would be the flights... hummm. I'll be over here seriously pondering this and now at like 90% doing it.
@flvy I'm going to make this worse.... subscribe to airline deals and work Kayak for hacker flights. ;)

Ok, you guys are even making ME want to do a race now! And I don't run/do athletic things. Lol

Run Nashville! April 30th they're having a 5K with the full and half marathons.

(RNR, you need to pay me to have all of these additional race revenues. Do I earn a toaster if I get more people to sign up?)
EVERYONE RUN!!!! ::yes:::cheer2:

I have a problem I know. And this is coming from someone who had a horrible run today :duck:
Are you doing the GSC this year? If you are I'm sooooo jealous. I wanted to do that race so badly this year but knew there was no way I'd ever be ready for it. So here I am waiting to sing up to do it next year.

No. I am hoping to do it next year also. I have never done a HM and it freaks me out if I think about it too much but really want to do it.
No. I am hoping to do it next year also. I have never done a HM and it freaks me out if I think about it too much but really want to do it.

Baby steps! :) I hadnt done a HM until last week and now I'm eager for my next one! Work your way up from a 5K to a 10K race... if RNR comes to an area by you, take advantage of it since their races are so much cheaper than Disney's races. I cried today when I saw the prices announced for the Disneyland half marathon weekend. $350 for one person to do the challenge! YIKES!

We've decided to Light Side and Dark Side challenges for both Star Wars runs and the Tink and Princess challenges for both coasts. I am looking forward to spending nearly $3000 on race registrations for two people, not including airfare and hotel stays for the Right Coast runs (sarcasm!). Hubs and I discussed actually staying at a "good neighbor" hotel for the Disneyland races next year because of the early starts and having them be staycations. Camelot Inn was only $159 per night and a short walk to the start line - very doable at 4am. Nice warm up walk to a corral - beats driving in every morning super early and still trying to find a way to do the warm up walk.

For Avengers, we'll probably stick to the 10K.
@flvy I'm going to make this worse.... subscribe to airline deals and work Kayak for hacker flights. ;)

Run Nashville! April 30th they're having a 5K with the full and half marathons.

(RNR, you need to pay me to have all of these additional race revenues. Do I earn a toaster if I get more people to sign up?)

You dedicated runners - you have my admiration!

QOTD -- not a fan of the cold at all! I'd love nothing better than to get under a warm blanket in front of the fire, read a good book , and drink a glass of wine. Last week, the thought of going to the gym in my thin yoga capris made me skip 2 days. Well, the scale hasn't moved in 2 weeks, so I have to move!

This weekend, we were buried in 2 feet of snow. But I made use of my mini trampoline and kettle bell. I have plenty of exercise equipment plus fitness DVDs at home - just no excuse for me not to be more active in the cold!
Good morning all! Off to sub in Kindergarten. Not sure about any computer time today, but I'll say probably not. Plus tonight is WW, so I will probably not be on the computer until tomorrow! Stay safe, stay happy, stay warm!....................P
Just wanted to say hi! Not doing well here. Eating is not as good as it should be. I am up considerably since before Christmas now. And because the cough is still lingering, I am still not back at exercising. Well, things will improve at some point...
Magdalene you are checking in here, I'm struggling with you.....we can do this!

Forgot to answer QOTD - the cold makes me want to hibernate. I'm good about working out at home, but I struggle getting my steps in. And the anti-social aspect is not good for me, but so tempting.....

I opted to not WO yesterday with this sinus cold brewing infection that I'm fighting. Planning on it today
You guys are making me feel like a slacker with all this talk. It's amazing to me that you can even consider doing all these races, never mind actually pull it off. I am in awe.

Any idea how many posts I need to PM? I still can't seem to?

I think you need at least 10 posts. Go over to the Community Board and chat on a few threads.... there is ALWAYS something to talk about there!

I wouldn't call myself amazing at all. I've been working towards this for awhile, and as far as races at the end of the year go, well there's still 9+ months to train. I always need things to aim for. A lot of the races I want to do this year are actually redoing ones I failed at last year.

I wouldn't think of them as "failing" but just "training" to finish strong in the future! You certainly beat all of us who just sit here in awe and watch!

@flvy I'm going to make this worse.... subscribe to airline deals and work Kayak for hacker flights. ;)

Run Nashville! April 30th they're having a 5K with the full and half marathons.

(RNR, you need to pay me to have all of these additional race revenues. Do I earn a toaster if I get more people to sign up?)

You definitely SHOULD get some sort of deal or bonus for referrals! I posted a a link to a museum exhibit here in our area on my FB page last night because I wanted to see if DD was interested to go during Spring Break and I had at least 5 other folks pop on who got very excited about seeing it! I think that means that the museum should let me in for FREE! ;)

Baby steps! :) I hadnt done a HM until last week and now I'm eager for my next one! Work your way up from a 5K to a 10K race... if RNR comes to an area by you, take advantage of it since their races are so much cheaper than Disney's races. I cried today when I saw the prices announced for the Disneyland half marathon weekend. $350 for one person to do the challenge! YIKES!

We've decided to Light Side and Dark Side challenges for both Star Wars runs and the Tink and Princess challenges for both coasts. I am looking forward to spending nearly $3000 on race registrations for two people, not including airfare and hotel stays for the Right Coast runs (sarcasm!). Hubs and I discussed actually staying at a "good neighbor" hotel for the Disneyland races next year because of the early starts and having them be staycations. Camelot Inn was only $159 per night and a short walk to the start line - very doable at 4am. Nice warm up walk to a corral - beats driving in every morning super early and still trying to find a way to do the warm up walk.

For Avengers, we'll probably stick to the 10K.

The overnight "staycation" sounds like a great idea! And I need to hear more about some of the off-site DL area hotels for my visit in September. We stayed at the Ho-Jo on our last (and only) visit and it was nice, but I'd be happy to try something different.... and cheaper! It will probably be for just one night... maybe two at the most. And I want to be able to walk to the parks.

Just wanted to say hi! Not doing well here. Eating is not as good as it should be. I am up considerably since before Christmas now. And because the cough is still lingering, I am still not back at exercising. Well, things will improve at some point...

((HUGS)) my friend! Sorry that you are struggling with health and with eating. It is hard to take care of your food when you feel lousy. Are you getting enough sleep? Praying that the cough disappears and you are fully recovered sooner rather than later!


Surprise, surprise, surprise! I'm in the computer lab today, not kindergarten.... which means I do have some computer access AND time! WOOT, WOOT!

All right.... last night's cake report.....after I had the previously mentioned egg sandwich, I decided I didn't want an apple. I took one square of the cake on a plate and walked AWAY from the kitchen. I ate the cake as slowly as I could, trying really hard to TASTE every bit of it. It really wasn't as wonderful and chocolately as I remembered. In fact, I thought that the frosting was rather tasteless (hope DS didn't think so). It was really nothing but sugar and grease in my mouth. That being said, I did finish the piece, but I decided there was NO WAY that it was tasty enough to go back for more. When I got up this morning there were two pieces left that I packed into containers and hid in the fridge. I will give them to DS over the next few days. They did bring home some cupcakes that I had left at the robotics lab (I thought they would get eaten), so I will have DS bring them back tonight to share.

Anyhow, if I can remember how disappointing the cake was it may keep me from indulging another time. I shouldn't be surprised though.... cake and frosting have NEVER really been my thing. I'd MUCH rather have a lemon meringue pie or a bread pudding if I am going to splurge.

Off to get ready for students!...................P
I think you need at least 10 posts. Go over to the Community Board and chat on a few threads.... there is ALWAYS something to talk about there!

I wouldn't think of them as "failing" but just "training" to finish strong in the future! You certainly beat all of us who just sit here in awe and watch!

You definitely SHOULD get some sort of deal or bonus for referrals! I posted a a link to a museum exhibit here in our area on my FB page last night because I wanted to see if DD was interested to go during Spring Break and I had at least 5 other folks pop on who got very excited about seeing it! I think that means that the museum should let me in for FREE! ;)

The overnight "staycation" sounds like a great idea! And I need to hear more about some of the off-site DL area hotels for my visit in September. We stayed at the Ho-Jo on our last (and only) visit and it was nice, but I'd be happy to try something different.... and cheaper! It will probably be for just one night... maybe two at the most. And I want to be able to walk to the parks.

((HUGS)) my friend! Sorry that you are struggling with health and with eating. It is hard to take care of your food when you feel lousy. Are you getting enough sleep? Praying that the cough disappears and you are fully recovered sooner rather than later!


Surprise, surprise, surprise! I'm in the computer lab today, not kindergarten.... which means I do have some computer access AND time! WOOT, WOOT!

All right.... last night's cake report.....after I had the previously mentioned egg sandwich, I decided I didn't want an apple. I took one square of the cake on a plate and walked AWAY from the kitchen. I ate the cake as slowly as I could, trying really hard to TASTE every bit of it. It really wasn't as wonderful and chocolately as I remembered. In fact, I thought that the frosting was rather tasteless (hope DS didn't think so). It was really nothing but sugar and grease in my mouth. That being said, I did finish the piece, but I decided there was NO WAY that it was tasty enough to go back for more. When I got up this morning there were two pieces left that I packed into containers and hid in the fridge. I will give them to DS over the next few days. They did bring home some cupcakes that I had left at the robotics lab (I thought they would get eaten), so I will have DS bring them back tonight to share.

Anyhow, if I can remember how disappointing the cake was it may keep me from indulging another time. I shouldn't be surprised though.... cake and frosting have NEVER really been my thing. I'd MUCH rather have a lemon meringue pie or a bread pudding if I am going to splurge.

Off to get ready for students!...................P

SO sorry your cake splurge wasn't worth it in the end! Cake/cupcakes are my #1 weakness. I know I need to reach the point you've reached, but at the same time, I can't imagine/don't really want to give up cake altogether! Haha.
You girls are amazing! I am stressing over the thought of the GSC. I just wonder if that much running in two days is doable for me. Maybe because I am so far off from it now.

I remember feeling exactly the same way a few years ago. You have tons of time! I never ran until my younger sister asked me to do the GSC in 2014 with her. She asked in the spring and we registered in July. It was then that I started training. I did my first 10k in November of 2013 to get a cushion from corral placement. She informed me in the fall she could no longer do it. She was pregnant and she had some risk factors that made even walking it a no go. And yes, I've seen pregnant runners at every Disney race I've done:) I ended up doing it alone and she deferred to 2015. I agreed to repeat in 2015 so we could do it together. This year we are doing it again, but it will be our last for a while.

The trick is to train, build slowly and find a plan that works for you. What works for one person is not great for another. For instance, a lot of people like the Galloway plans on the runDisney site. I prefer Hal Higdons plans, you can find them at http://www.halhigdon.com. Others like plans from "another mother runner" or Coach Jenny. Many people practice the back to back runs, I choose to run 3 shortish runs back to back midweek (3-6 miles) and only one long run on weekends. I think the adrenaline of the weekend gets me through the back to back part. I was never a runner before training for GSC 2014. I forget where you live, but depending on your weather and comfort level, you could either get going on the running now or start building an aerobic base at the gym by doing other cardio activities. I'd try to do a 5k in the spring, and a 10k in the early fall, late fall do a 10k again if you think it will help your proof of time for the races. The proof of time cut off has been in November the last few years.

If I can do it I honestly think anyone can do it. Since I first committed to GSC in 2013 I've done three halfs, seven 10ks and three 5ks. It just takes you deciding you are committed to it and training for it adequately. My personal plan was couch to 5k, a week or two at the final schedule of that. Then I did a 5k to 10k bridge plan, then I did Hal Higdon's Novice 2 half marathon training plan. I wish I was faster, most of my friends run what to me is super fast, like 8 minute miles, so I run alone. But worrying too much about speed is a recipe for injury. I have hurt myself everytime I have focused too much on speed. This training cycle for GSC I have decided I am not going to work on speed. I am going to work on it after the race is done when the intensity of my running lowers a bit.

Currently I am checking constantly for corrals to come out for GSC! I worked hard to improve my POT in the fall and I am right on the line of staying in my same corral or moving up one. Come on E corral! I'm seconds below last years cutoff time, so if you go by that I would be good, but it changes year to year so I am super anxious!
QOTD for Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Did you know that January is Hot Tea Month?

I am not a tea drinker at all, with the exception of Lipton's Diet Citrus Green Tea (the cold kind).... Oh, and Chai Tea Lattes are my go-to at Starbucks, so I guess that counts! Being from the south, I'm basically the black sheep of my born-drinking-sweet-tea friends and family, haha. Are you a big tea drinker? What are some of your favorite teas? Do you find that any which tote having special powers really work for that purpose - such as chamomile being relaxing, green tea aiding in weight loss, etc.

Bonus - January is also Soup Month, and boy can I eat some potato soup! Do you have a favorite soup? Have you ever tried one of those crazy detox diets, like the cabbage soup diet?
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