A YOU Worth Fighting For | January 2016 Weight Loss & Better Living Challenge

QOTD for Tuesday, January 26, 2016

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Did you know that January is Hot Tea Month?

I am not a tea drinker at all, with the exception of Lipton's Diet Citrus Green Tea (the cold kind).... Oh, and Chai Tea Lattes are my go-to at Starbucks, so I guess that counts! Being from the south, I'm basically the black sheep of my born-drinking-sweet-tea friends and family, haha. Are you a big tea drinker? What are some of your favorite teas? Do you find that any which tote having special powers really work for that purpose - such as chamomile being relaxing, green tea aiding in weight loss, etc.

Bonus - January is also Soup Month, and boy can I eat some potato soup! Do you have a favorite soup?

I go back and forth with tea. At times I drink lots, then I'll go month without any. I like white tea and rooibos best, but those are generally found in loose variety only. If you buy it you have to use it or it looses potency. When I got sick last week I wanted hot liquids all the time and I had quite a bit of decaf earl gray. Earl gray is my favorite variety of black tea. I have tried various teas for other purposes, like green tea (metabolism), chamomile(sleep), peppermint (digestion) and red raspberry (to induce labor, lol), and none have made a noticeable difference for me.

My favorite soup is tomato, especially with a grilled cheese on the side:)
QOTD for Tuesday, January 26, 2016

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Did you know that January is Hot Tea Month?

I am not a tea drinker at all, with the exception of Lipton's Diet Citrus Green Tea (the cold kind).... Oh, and Chai Tea Lattes are my go-to at Starbucks, so I guess that counts! Being from the south, I'm basically the black sheep of my born-drinking-sweet-tea friends and family, haha. Are you a big tea drinker? What are some of your favorite teas? Do you find that any which tote having special powers really work for that purpose - such as chamomile being relaxing, green tea aiding in weight loss, etc.

Bonus - January is also Soup Month, and boy can I eat some potato soup! Do you have a favorite soup? Have you ever tried one of those crazy detox diets, like the cabbage soup diet?

I'm not a big tea drinker but I do really like it! I like both hot and cold. We buy loose leaf tea from Teavana and they had some really yummy flavors like gingerbread and white chocolate peppermint tea. YUM.

Baked potato soup is my faaaave. Broccoli cheddar is also good, as is clam chowder. I prefer the creamier soups for sure. But I have never tried any detox diet and cabbage soup sounds awful :crazy2:
@pjlla I still want some cake! Or maybe just a block of chocolate. Your description reminds me of a few days ago when my boyfriend made me taste a bite of a twinkie. It literally tasted like nothing. So icky.

I am not a tea drinker at all, with the exception of Lipton's Diet Citrus Green Tea (the cold kind).... Oh, and Chai Tea Lattes are my go-to at Starbucks, so I guess that counts! Being from the south, I'm basically the black sheep of my born-drinking-sweet-tea friends and family, haha. Are you a big tea drinker? What are some of your favorite teas? Do you find that any which tote having special powers really work for that purpose - such as chamomile being relaxing, green tea aiding in weight loss, etc.

Bonus - January is also Soup Month, and boy can I eat some potato soup! Do you have a favorite soup? Have you ever tried one of those crazy detox diets, like the cabbage soup diet?

I like tea. I don't drink it all the time, but I'm a huge fan of chai but only like two brands. I LOVE green tea with some honey in it as well. I've also been known to use tea as water flavoring in the summer. I've even frozen it in ice cubes for water. It's a good little extra something if it's not one you need sweetened.

Soup is amazing. I think I like the idea of soup more than I actually like eating it as weird as that sounds. I always want to make it and order it but when I do I'm a little meh. Tortilla soup and chili are my go to soups. Then as a good new England girl I love me some clam chowder. My mom makes the best chicken noodle soup too she uses stars and uses a ton so it almost loses it's soupness. So yummy.
Has the cold been an obstacle - either foreseen or a total surprise - for you this month? What has helped you overcome it?

Gah. The cold. We were spared from the cold for a while, but over the past month or so it has hit us with a vengeance. Plus over two feet of snow on Saturday. So it's been a rough week. I tried to run outside yesterday ... there came a point where my socks and shoes were so wet that I had to come home and finish my run on the treadmill.
My old way of coping with cold was hot chocolate. Which is not too bad ... as long as you're not having it every single day. If you have it every day, the calories add up. So I'm trying to limit myself to one cup of hot cocoa a week. We'll see how that works.

Soooo I think it's pretty known that I've done a lot of runs with weather in the 20's. Honestly if it's safe to run outside I'll be outside. I've put off a few morning runs to night because it was actually warmer at night, but other than that I just take it as an extra challenge. Honestly if I can get through a winter of training I can coast through spring and then just take the heat head on like I did the cold.

I guess if anything it's been motivating for me. Which is weird and fully unexpected.

That is weird ... but also kinda cool. I think it's awesome that you're going out there and doing those runs whenever its safe to go out!

I cried today when I saw the prices announced for the Disneyland half marathon weekend.

Yeah. $205 for the half. Thankfully, I have a week to decide on it, but ... this may have killed my California vacation. It's getting crazy.

I am not a tea drinker at all, with the exception of Lipton's Diet Citrus Green Tea (the cold kind).... Oh, and Chai Tea Lattes are my go-to at Starbucks, so I guess that counts! Being from the south, I'm basically the black sheep of my born-drinking-sweet-tea friends and family, haha. Are you a big tea drinker? What are some of your favorite teas? Do you find that any which tote having special powers really work for that purpose - such as chamomile being relaxing, green tea aiding in weight loss, etc.

I love tea (although I don't drink it as much as I used to). My favorite is Pomegranate Blueberry from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf - I used to go there and get tea on my way to work at least twice a week (and then I went there to get coffee at least twice a week ... I was basically always there).
That said ... I like tea as a hot beverage to warm me up when it's cold or settle my stomach if I'm not feeling great, but I don't believe that any teas have special powers. I'm a huge skeptic about those kinds of things.

Bonus - January is also Soup Month, and boy can I eat some potato soup! Do you have a favorite soup? Have you ever tried one of those crazy detox diets, like the cabbage soup diet?

I do like soup. My favorite is split pea soup ... in fact, that's what I had for lunch on Sunday!
Although I would never do a soup diet of any kind. Even if there was a split pea soup diet. I need to have a variety of foods in my diet, which is one of many reasons that I don't like a lot of the crazy detox diets (the other major reason is that I don't like any diet that isn't intended to be a life-long change).
Also ... I forgot to mention this in my last post, but ... I'm thinking about maybe doing RnR Las Vegas if I don't do Disneyland. Probably the 10K, but maybe the half. So it looks like it might end up being a big group of us ...
I wouldn't call myself amazing at all. I've been working towards this for awhile, and as far as races at the end of the year go, well there's still 9+ months to train. I always need things to aim for. A lot of the races I want to do this year are actually redoing ones I failed at last year.

How can you talk about doing all these runs, and all these miles, and all this travelling and not think this is amazing? All of you. For anyone that puts in the kind of commitment and time it takes to train for this, and dedicate the financial resources to pay for it, and use your vacation time to make these races happen, it is amazing to me. I'll be happy if I can just do one 10K in the next year. I know how much work that will take, never mind 1/2 marathon after 1/2 marathon.

SO sorry your cake splurge wasn't worth it in the end! Cake/cupcakes are my #1 weakness. I know I need to reach the point you've reached, but at the same time, I can't imagine/don't really want to give up cake altogether! Haha.

Don't worry.... there are plenty of things that I love. And I've never liked frosting.... even as a kid! Can't give WW or "willpower" any credit there!

QOTD for Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Did you know that January is Hot Tea Month?

I am not a tea drinker at all, with the exception of Lipton's Diet Citrus Green Tea (the cold kind).... Oh, and Chai Tea Lattes are my go-to at Starbucks, so I guess that counts! Being from the south, I'm basically the black sheep of my born-drinking-sweet-tea friends and family, haha. Are you a big tea drinker? What are some of your favorite teas? Do you find that any which tote having special powers really work for that purpose - such as chamomile being relaxing, green tea aiding in weight loss, etc.

Bonus - January is also Soup Month, and boy can I eat some potato soup! Do you have a favorite soup? Have you ever tried one of those crazy detox diets, like the cabbage soup diet?

Two of my favorite things.... tea and SOUP! As far as tea goes, I usually stick with the basics. I drink green tea and black tea and the occasional chamomile or peppermint. I drink them to stay warm, to fill my belly, and (as far as green tea goes) for the alleged health benefits. Plus since giving up diet sodas several years ago, it is nice to have a "go to" drink besides seltzer and water. I bring a water bottle full of cold tea with me to work most day..... usually decaf green or a decaf green/black blend. I brew it myself at home once or twice a week and toss it into the fridge to have handy. I sweeten it with liquid stevia drops (it did take some getting used to and to get used to it LESS sweet) and occasionally a wedge of lemon.

In fact, after seeing the QOTD, I dashed into the teacher lunch room and tossed together a cup of Earl Grey to get me through the morning (I keep tea bags and sweetener in a small Tupperware-type container in my school-day tote for just such occasions!). It smells wonderful!

SOUP..... I could go on and on about how much I LOVE soup!! My favorite soup (all homemade by me) would be a toss-up between my lightened up broccoli cheddar, lentil, or split pea (preferably made with a ham bone, but no other meat added). I make them all fairly regularly (every other month at least) and usually make a double or even triple batch of them and freeze the extra in jars for lunches. In fact, today DH is having a serving of taco soup that I made in December and I am having a serving of lentil soup that I made in November.

I also have a recipe for a wonderful potato soup that I rarely make any more because DH doesn't eat the carbs. Some of my other favorites are a mulligatawny and a curried carrot and a roasted cauliflower and garlic. I have an entire Pinterest board called Super Soups! I think I primarily like them because they are generally one-pot meals and because I can add tons of veggies and have a HUGE portion for very few SmartPoints!

Yes, I tried the cabbage soup diet (among some other crazy diets) many years ago. It starts out good because the soup tastes good (at least it did to me) at first.... but by day 3 you want to throw the soup (along with the pot) out the window! It tastes TERRIBLE, you feel terrible (because you are SO hungry from lack of protein and SO gassy and bloated from all that cabbage)... and any little bit of weight you manage to lose comes right back as soon as you eat a bit of "real" food!

@pjlla I still want some cake! Or maybe just a block of chocolate. Your description reminds me of a few days ago when my boyfriend made me taste a bite of a twinkie. It literally tasted like nothing. So icky.

My grandfather used to occasionally treat us with Twinkies when we were kids and I never had the heart to tell him I hated them! I think I always opened mine, choked down a bite, and then passed the rest to my brother! I hate the filling.... the feeling of that gritty sugar in my teeth. EWWW!

I like tea. I don't drink it all the time, but I'm a huge fan of chai but only like two brands. I LOVE green tea with some honey in it as well. I've also been known to use tea as water flavoring in the summer. I've even frozen it in ice cubes for water. It's a good little extra something if it's not one you need sweetened.

Soup is amazing. I think I like the idea of soup more than I actually like eating it as weird as that sounds. I always want to make it and order it but when I do I'm a little meh. Tortilla soup and chili are my go to soups. Then as a good new England girl I love me some clam chowder. My mom makes the best chicken noodle soup too she uses stars and uses a ton so it almost loses it's soupness. So yummy.

I do like chicken soup as well, but with DS's poultry allergy I don't make it very often... but mmmmmm.... perfect soup for this winter weather! It is usually the soup I make when I want to send something to someone who is sick or undergoing a treatment of some sort....................P
I'm not a big tea drinker but I do really like it! I like both hot and cold. We buy loose leaf tea from Teavana and they had some really yummy flavors like gingerbread and white chocolate peppermint tea. YUM.

I thought that DD would like the white chocolate peppermint from Teavana so I got her some for Christmas.... and then we happened to be in the store together one day before Christmas and she tasted it and hated it!:guilty: I was so bummed, but I gave it to her anyway. I think she tried it at home and liked it a bit more. I also bought DS some rather expensive (all the tea there is expensive though!) Jasmine tea that he had asked about trying and that is sitting there unliked as well. I do like that you can try the teas at Teavana though! I always try a sample as I go through the mall!

How can you talk about doing all these runs, and all these miles, and all this travelling and not think this is amazing? All of you. For anyone that puts in the kind of commitment and time it takes to train for this, and dedicate the financial resources to pay for it, and use your vacation time to make these races happen, it is amazing to me. I'll be happy if I can just do one 10K in the next year. I know how much work that will take, never mind 1/2 marathon after 1/2 marathon.

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I agree.... I am SUPER PROUD of everyone here, but the runners have me :worship:

Sorry if you are struggling my friend..... that quote seems sad. Hope you are okay today...................P
Forgot to mention that today I am officially the PARENT of two ADULTS! How did this happen? Am I really that old? How can I be that old when in my head I am still 30 !!?? Yup, my youngest, my DS, turns 18 today. He was born on the side of the road here in our small town 18 years ago today..... I didn't make it to the hospital. But fortunately DH did have the foresight to call the town PD along the way (thank goodness we were some of the first folks with real cell phones in our area) who arranged for me to meet an ambulance along the way.... otherwise he would have been born in the back of our Saab! I wasn't even in the ambulance for 3 miles before they had to pull over and he made his appearance! Always makes for a nice story on his birthday. Wish I had time to meet him at the "spot" for a picture today! Maybe I'll ask DH to do it for me on their way to robotics....................P
QOTD for Tuesday, January 26, 2016

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Did you know that January is Hot Tea Month?

I am not a tea drinker at all, with the exception of Lipton's Diet Citrus Green Tea (the cold kind).... Oh, and Chai Tea Lattes are my go-to at Starbucks, so I guess that counts! Being from the south, I'm basically the black sheep of my born-drinking-sweet-tea friends and family, haha. Are you a big tea drinker? What are some of your favorite teas? Do you find that any which tote having special powers really work for that purpose - such as chamomile being relaxing, green tea aiding in weight loss, etc.

Bonus - January is also Soup Month, and boy can I eat some potato soup! Do you have a favorite soup? Have you ever tried one of those crazy detox diets, like the cabbage soup diet?

I do enjoy tea fall through spring. I don't tend to drink much in the hotter months here. I like most black teas but always have orange pekoe and earl grey on hand. Creamed earl grey is even better. My favourite herbal tea right not is peach tranquility. I am not a soup fan unless it is home made with no meat in it. Canned soup has to be one of the most vile things in my mind. Have always thought that way about it even as a kids. LOL. I think it is seeing the condensed soup plop out of the can that made me feel that way. Soup should not be a blob! Haha.

@courtneybeth I don't know what an RNR is? New to alot of the running world :) Also WOW you have alot planned and that is amazing. Love hearing about it all.

@DVCFan1994 I live in Ontario. I am planning on signing up for a local 5k in June but the registration for the one I am thinking of is not up yet. It is one of those fun colour ones that you get all painted by the end.

Can you enter your pace times after registration for a race or do you have to put it in when sign up? I won't have a 10k done by Julys registration.
I thought that DD would like the white chocolate peppermint from Teavana so I got her some for Christmas.... and then we happened to be in the store together one day before Christmas and she tasted it and hated it!:guilty: I was so bummed, but I gave it to her anyway. I think she tried it at home and liked it a bit more. I also bought DS some rather expensive (all the tea there is expensive though!) Jasmine tea that he had asked about trying and that is sitting there unliked as well. I do like that you can try the teas at Teavana though! I always try a sample as I go through the mall!

Oh no! I hate when that happens. I actually gave my DH that tea for christmas. It was a gamble but a safe bet because he likes white chocolate peppermint mochas. It was so yummy! I loved it. And yes, their teas are very expensive! What we did was hit up the after Christmas sales on the holiday flavors and got some pretty great deals!
Also ... I forgot to mention this in my last post, but ... I'm thinking about maybe doing RnR Las Vegas if I don't do Disneyland. Probably the 10K, but maybe the half. So it looks like it might end up being a big group of us ...

Doooo the Vegas one! It's at night on the strip. :love: Yes those are my selling points. I'm easy.

How can you talk about doing all these runs, and all these miles, and all this travelling and not think this is amazing? All of you. For anyone that puts in the kind of commitment and time it takes to train for this, and dedicate the financial resources to pay for it, and use your vacation time to make these races happen, it is amazing to me. I'll be happy if I can just do one 10K in the next year. I know how much work that will take, never mind 1/2 marathon after 1/2 marathon.

So I'm pretty hard on myself in general. I've also had to suppress a lot of my excitement about running because while I love it it's a source of interpersonal stress for me as well. Due to that I kind of try and watch what I say which turns into downplaying a lot of what I've done and want to do. I completely agree that all the time put in, the work, the money and the vacation time is something amazing. It show passion, focus and determination which are three things I never thought I'd have towards anything.

That said you can 100% do a 10k THIS YEAR. You just have to put the work in and make the needed changes.
Oh no! I hate when that happens. I actually gave my DH that tea for christmas. It was a gamble but a safe bet because he likes white chocolate peppermint mochas. It was so yummy! I loved it. And yes, their teas are very expensive! What we did was hit up the after Christmas sales on the holiday flavors and got some pretty great deals!

I want to believe that, if ever there were ever to be a hot tea that I liked, THIS would be the magical flavor. White chocolate peppermint anything is my :love::love::love: ... but even still, I'm betting I wouldn't be able to get past the texture of it. That's what gets me. The awkward hot thin watery flavored texture is a huge turn off for me, no matter what flavor I try. I LOVE my chai lattes because they're made with milk (I think technically half milk, half water) but I've never been able to replicate it at home, even after begging my Starbucks barista friends to tell me the secret, haha.

I have to second @killer6.2 's sentiments regarding all you runners! It may not feel like anything amazing to you, but I am sitting here in absolute AWE as I read you all listing off your races! You are definitely my goals for the next year and a half!
Back from my hiatus--- this weekend at Disney was amazing and now I'm singing the Disney blues.... :-( But happy to be back to normal eating and for all cake holidays to be over. Cake is my weakness too @JacknSally! And my scale has not been happy with the eats and sweets from DH's birthday at all!

Also, I'm echoing the sentiments of all the others on here-- you runners are awesome!!!

Did you know that January is Hot Tea Month?

I am not a tea drinker at all, with the exception of Lipton's Diet Citrus Green Tea (the cold kind).... Oh, and Chai Tea Lattes are my go-to at Starbucks, so I guess that counts! Being from the south, I'm basically the black sheep of my born-drinking-sweet-tea friends and family, haha. Are you a big tea drinker? What are some of your favorite teas? Do you find that any which tote having special powers really work for that purpose - such as chamomile being relaxing, green tea aiding in weight loss, etc.

Bonus - January is also Soup Month, and boy can I eat some potato soup! Do you have a favorite soup? Have you ever tried one of those crazy detox diets, like the cabbage soup diet?

I loooooooove hot tea, but my consumption of it has dropped dramatically since moving to south Florida.... I am ALWAYS hot these days (even today during our 79 degree cold snap o_O) and can't bear to think of hot beverages. Even all my coffee drinks have to be iced now! haha! But occasionally, I will have tea if the weather plays nice. Sometimes, I crave Sleepytime tea. I think I just like it because of the cute bear and the copious amounts of honey I put in it, because it doesn't seem to make me sleepy. But I enjoy it all the same!

Soup goes under the "too hot to eat in the climate" category too, but sometimes I will get soup at a restaurant. I love the cream based soups! The best soup of my life was at this small pub in Ireland-- a seafood chowder that was out of this world. I can't even..... after that, now, I am sold on all creamy chowders!
I do enjoy tea fall through spring. I don't tend to drink much in the hotter months here. I like most black teas but always have orange pekoe and earl grey on hand. Creamed earl grey is even better. My favourite herbal tea right not is peach tranquility. I am not a soup fan unless it is home made with no meat in it. Canned soup has to be one of the most vile things in my mind. Have always thought that way about it even as a kids. LOL. I think it is seeing the condensed soup plop out of the can that made me feel that way. Soup should not be a blob! Haha.

@courtneybeth I don't know what an RNR is? New to alot of the running world :) Also WOW you have alot planned and that is amazing. Love hearing about it all.

@DVCFan1994 I live in Ontario. I am planning on signing up for a local 5k in June but the registration for the one I am thinking of is not up yet. It is one of those fun colour ones that you get all painted by the end.

Can you enter your pace times after registration for a race or do you have to put it in when sign up? I won't have a 10k done by Julys registration.

Yes, you will create an active.com in the process of registering for the race. Once you run your POT 10k you can log back into that account and put the information in. That is how it has been for the most recent runDisney races, but it was different previously. My point is, you'll want to check the website when you are ready to be sure of the process in case they change it again;) The 2017 PHM thread will be a great resource. Probably already is:) I know its up but haven't checked it out because I know I'm not going next year:( Its time for DH to finally get the ski vacation he's been waiting patiently for.
Really quick post because I forgot to update on weigh in. I was up. 1.6. :( Not sure what happened but making this week a push further. Last week I had a lower amount of dancing. We danced the last two nights though. :) I need to stop skipping days on my food logging too.

95 days away, or 13 weeks. Hmm, couch25K is a 9 week program with some extra buffer weeks. Hmm..... :)

This weekend, we were buried in 2 feet of snow.

What is it like to have so much snow around you? I've only seen snow once and we don't get seasons here in Southern California. I'm asking because I'm really curious - what do people do with seasons and all of that snow? Is it peaceful and nice and it appears in pictures or is it a PITA because you have to keep shoveling your drive way? Don't let the snow get you down. Keep using that trampoline and kettle balls to stay on target!

You definitely SHOULD get some sort of deal or bonus for referrals! I posted a a link to a museum exhibit here in our area on my FB page last night because I wanted to see if DD was interested to go during Spring Break and I had at least 5 other folks pop on who got very excited about seeing it! I think that means that the museum should let me in for FREE! ;)

They should! I wish there were referral programs!

The overnight "staycation" sounds like a great idea! And I need to hear more about some of the off-site DL area hotels for my visit in September. We stayed at the Ho-Jo on our last (and only) visit and it was nice, but I'd be happy to try something different.... and cheaper! It will probably be for just one night... maybe two at the most. And I want to be able to walk to the parks.

We drove down the Disney Hotel row by the 'back' entrance to DL the other night and it was neat to see all of the hotels lined up. We saw what they looked like from the exterior and if they looked 'decent' enough and how close they were to the crosswalk. These are on Harbor, so you'd cross the street and walk past the bus entrance and through the security gates on the opposite side of Downtown Disney. Camelot Inn, Marriott Fairfield Inn, Tropicana Inn, and a few others are right next to that cross walk. The Farifield Inn is probably the nicest and the weekend of the Star Wars Run is only $199 per night! So much cheaper than the Disneyland Hotel - they want nearly $500 for one night!

Yeah. $205 for the half. Thankfully, I have a week to decide on it, but ... this may have killed my California vacation. It's getting crazy.

I saw that too. We're really thinking long and hard right now if we just want to do the half marathons and earn the coast to coast medals and skip the challenges and the 10K medals. It's a tough choice for sure. Cost is a deterrent for some which will allow others to have an opportunity to register.

Forgot to mention this in my last post, but ... I'm thinking about maybe doing RnR Las Vegas if I don't do Disneyland. Probably the 10K, but maybe the half. So it looks like it might end up being a big group of us ...

Yessssssss. Do it! i think there's a 5K the night before the Half Marathon if you want to earn a remix medal too. Totally worth the price - a little cheaper and fun. :)

@courtneybeth I don't know what an RNR is? New to alot of the running world :) Also WOW you have alot planned and that is amazing. Love hearing about it all.

RNR is the Rock n Roll Marathon series. They do 5K, 10K, Half Marathons, and Marathons all across the USA, Canada, Mexico and other countries! Here's their site: http://www.runrocknroll.com/#findrace

My brother, husband, and I bought the RNR TourPass for $500 each which gives us entry into unlimited races through the program this year. We are participating in as many as possible, which brought our total cost down to $13 per race. Check out the medals (per race, challenges, heavies, and hall of fame). It's a great way to earn some bling and work on PRs before doing a Disney race. They don't sweep you off the course and encourage you to finish!
QOTD for Tuesday, January 26, 2016

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Did you know that January is Hot Tea Month?

I am not a tea drinker at all, with the exception of Lipton's Diet Citrus Green Tea (the cold kind).... Oh, and Chai Tea Lattes are my go-to at Starbucks, so I guess that counts! Being from the south, I'm basically the black sheep of my born-drinking-sweet-tea friends and family, haha. Are you a big tea drinker? What are some of your favorite teas? Do you find that any which tote having special powers really work for that purpose - such as chamomile being relaxing, green tea aiding in weight loss, etc.

Bonus - January is also Soup Month, and boy can I eat some potato soup! Do you have a favorite soup? Have you ever tried one of those crazy detox diets, like the cabbage soup diet?

I am such a fan of a good English Breakfast tea. Add a little milk and sugar to it and I'm in heaven.

But I am not a soup person.... unless I am sick. Then it's all about the Hot and Sour soup because it cleans out 'everything' associated with your head cold.
QOTD - Hi All! Really enjoy drinking green tea, both hot and cold. Currently I am taking Green Tea Extract pills to aid in my weight loss as well as energy. Hot green tea is really something I drink when I am watching what I eat and to keep warm! I really enjoy the cold green tea from Panera but have to believe they put some sort of sweetener in it. Can anyone confirm? As far as other teas go, I haven't been too adventurous. I do enjoy a cup of chamomile with honey and lemon when I have a sore throat. I imagine I could really get into some fruity/sweeter teas.

As far as soup goes, I am not so much a fan. I enjoy the heavier creamier soups, which obviously doesn't go well with my new lifestyle :)
95 days away, or 13 weeks. Hmm, couch25K is a 9 week program with some extra buffer weeks. Hmm..... :)

That's true... Maybe if I spend the next 5-6 weeks walking then C25K might not kill me so much if I were to give it another try.... The last couple of times I tried it, I thought I was going to lose a lung. Haha. Do they allow last minute sign-ups, or are they like the runDisney races that sell out within minutes of opening? Finances are the biggest factor right now so I would need to wait 'til much closer to the race to know for sure.

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